On a cold day, without taking a carriage or sedan chair, Xie Yu went out of the door and went straight to the house of Lord Moyi.

It was dusk, and the streets were bustling with people. He walked very fast with a cold air. Wherever he passed, those who knew and did not recognize Shoufu couldn't help giving way to him.

A stranger who had just arrived in Dijing asked strangely and pitifully, "this childe is born handsome and unparalleled. Why is it written on his face that you owe me a life?"

"Keep your voice down!"

Some imperial people who lived here for a long time whispered, "that was the chief assistant of Dayan just now!"

"I was robbed of my daughter-in-law just now. Isn't that ugly?"

As soon as the people in the street heard this, they immediately talked about it, and turned over the matter they heard a few days ago to talk with the people. Seeing the unhappy look of the chief assistant with their own eyes is much more credible than the rumors spread over hundreds of crossings.

They all decided: Lord Shoufu is going to make an enemy with Mo Yi Hou this time. He didn't run away!

"Ah!" an aunt suddenly exclaimed in the crowd, "did chief Fu just go in the direction of Lord Zhimo's house?"

A thousand waves started up, and the people were quite flustered and said, "this... Shouldn't fight?"

"Do you want to report to the government?"

These two are big people who can turn things around with their mouths open and hands raised. If they really fight, I'm afraid the whole imperial capital will be shocked.

In three or two sentences, they have launched a young man to report to the government.

Just enough food and clothing to catch up with this. Seeing this, he quickly stopped the man, thanked the people with good voice and good spirit, and was busy denying all kinds of rumors together. They sang like a double reed, "our chief auxiliary adult and Moyi Hou are fine!"

"It's all right... How can you rob your daughter-in-law? It's all nonsense!"

When enough food and clothing spread the crowd, and then look around, where is the shadow of Lord Shoufu? I'm afraid we'll all go to the Moyi Hou's house now.

They couldn't even breathe a sigh of relief. One read the Buddha's name and the other shouted "Daozu", but prayed for blessing. Nothing had happened yet. They hurried forward.

Besides the thanks in front.

Lord Shoufu has been standing on the cusp of gossip these days. Everyone has to stop and look at him and talk more. It's more exaggerated than when he and his eldest brother pretended to quarrel and fight for ah wine.

It's a cold winter in the twelfth lunar month. The north wind on the street is rustling. Pedestrians are stunned and can tell the hot atmosphere.

Xie Xuan was angry, but the law was not responsible for the public. Even if he was the first assistant above 10000 people, he couldn't send his anger to these flat headed people who love to chew the root of their tongue, so he went to see ye Zhiqiu so urgently for the first time in his life.

Want to ask her:

You're obviously a daughter and you want to marry a young lady. What's wrong?

In order to avoid those inexplicable eyes and comments, the dignified chief assistant had to walk down the alley. In places with few people, there were a few thin dogs and wild cats, and they all ran away when they saw him.

It was not easy to get out of the alley. As soon as he looked up, he saw the huge plaque of Moyi Hou's house. After walking a lot, he was sweating. The north wind blew in front of him. At that time, he was wrapped with cold, his anger suddenly sank, and the whole person was sober.

This is Xie Yu's first visit to Moyi Hou's house.

He suddenly remembered that ye Zhiqiu had been looking for all kinds of reasons to find him.

When we were together, ye Zhiqiu always talked endlessly:

--When it's hot, you should drink more sour plum soup to relieve the summer heat. If you don't drink sour, you love sweet. I know, then drink mung bean soup and put two spoonfuls more sugar.

--It seems to rain tomorrow. Remember to hold an umbrella when you go out.

--No matter how busy you are, you have to eat. Sugar can't be used as food

At first, Xie Yu felt very annoyed. Later, he slowly got used to it.

Those who wished they could not meditate and concentrate as if they hadn't heard them at all, but they suddenly floated in their mind with great clarity.

When did you get used to it?

Even he didn't realize it. He had unconsciously felt that it was very important for ye Zhiqiu to appear around every time.

No matter how she reprimands, she always admits her mistake and changes quickly, but next time she doesn't know what strange place she comes out of.

People say that a gentleman is as warm as jade.

He thinks he is not. I'm afraid he can't be as gentle and kind to everyone as Xiao Wu in his life, but he has been in a high position for so many years. It seems that he is polite to deal with all the court ministers.

Only to Ye Zhiqiu, years like a day, only reprimand and displeasure.

The company commander told him privately several times.

Xie Xuan didn't take it to heart before.

Until now, ye Zhiqiu really stepped back and stopped trying to get close to him. He didn't realize that it was ridiculous.

Ye Zhiqiu is not related to him, but also in a high position. If he hadn't been blind at the beginning, he wouldn't have been so angry at all.

And don't say she's getting closer to Miss Qin now. Even if she really wants to get married, what's the matter with him?

It is said in the city that ye Zhiqiu robbed the girl that Lord Shoufu liked. If this is true, he should come to Ye Zhiqiu.

But it's not at all!

Xie Xuan stood at the entrance of the alley and looked at the gate of the Moyi Marquis house. He thought a lot. The clearer he thought, the more he felt that he had no reason to find Ye Zhiqiu.

His anger dissipated, but turned into inexplicable unhappiness.

For a moment, I felt that I didn't like anything.

Just then, a voice came from a distance, "Hou Ye!"

Almost without thinking, Xie Yu leaned behind the wall and slowly looked up at the door of Hou's house.

When night fell, the servants in the mansion were busy holding the lights, and the lights flickered around the door. Ye Zhiqiu was leading a horse out of the mansion. Maybe she couldn't go to the court. She was dressed in ink clothes with wide sleeves. When the wind blew, her clothes were elegant, and her hair didn't stand up. Most of them were scattered with sandalwood hairpins. She looked very casual, although it was the dress of a scholar's noble childe, However, the aristocratic childe of the aristocratic family has a little more vigor, and has no daughter's delicate state.

The guards at the gate smiled and asked, "Hou ye, go to see the beauty again tonight?"

"Well." Ye Zhiqiu answered casually and said with a smile, "if someone is looking for me, let them come to Tianxiang building to find me! Let's go!"

Everyone sent them off.

Ye Zhiqiu led Aiju down the steps, got on the horse and galloped away.

When she passed the alley where Xie Xuan was, she looked back as if she felt something.

Xie Yu dodged into the corner and just avoided her sight.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't see anything, so he beat his horse and left.

After a while.

Xie Yucai came out of the corner and didn't know why he was hiding just now.

He was so confused that he couldn't understand it.

However, seeing ye Zhiqiu now, it seems that he is more and more carefree and happy.

When the same heart haunted him, it was completely different.

Xie Xuan realized this, but he was not as relieved as he thought before.


A little uncomfortable.

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