"What a hundred years of laughter?" Ye Zhiqiu lost all his charming thoughts as soon as he heard this.

I dare to thank you for being so abnormal tonight, or for Qin to ask Xia?

She guessed to herself, but she dared not even ask one more question.

Xie Yu said angrily, "what do the two women say about marriage? You've only seen her several times? Where do you have to spend your whole life together? What are you making? Qin asked Xia, no matter how ridiculous things are, her brother will help clean up the mess. What about you?"

He has seen too many things of his predecessors. His devotion to history is only one stroke, which is not worth the "anecdotes" in Yeji's essays.

He didn't want that after a hundred years, ye Zhiqiu's achievements in exchange for her blood turned into the most unspoken deeds in her life. Finally, only those messy rumors were left, which was speculated by later generations that the Moyi Hou of Dayan was actually a fake man with a good mirror grinding.

It is said that women don't let men talk, but what is more than these inexplicable stains?

The third childe's eyes were filled with emotions, and he said again: "Duke Heng is full of loyalty and martyrs. You are the only descendant left. Do you want to shame them and make them restless under the nine springs?"

Ye Zhiqiu was trained by him, and the blood color on his face faded.

She suddenly wanted to slap herself. This man just didn't know his self-respect. When he took the initiative to see him, he was happy. He couldn't score clearly in the southeast and northwest. She felt that the solar energy rose from the west, and naively thought that he also had a little position in his heart.

"Lord Shoufu!" Ye Zhiqiu said clearly to Xie Xuan's eyes, "you can't stop training me on weekdays. What are you doing with my elders?"

What shame?

There is no peace under any nine springs!

Xie Xuan said this more ruthlessly than beating her two big ears.

On the battlefield, Mo Yihou, who was injured by an arrow and didn't shed tears, reddened his eyes in the dark, "Xie Yu, am I really so stupid in your eyes?"

Xie Yu suddenly realized that his words were too heavy. He immediately regretted it. He wanted to explain, but ye Zhiqiu took the lead again.

She raised her sleeve and wiped the tip of her nose. "Do you think I'm just like the rumor outside, because you saw Miss Qin and deliberately robbed it?"

Xie Yu didn't speak for a moment.

Ye Zhiqiu felt that the style of this night was cold, blowing her limbs cold, and her eyes were too sour to speak.

She forbeared, was extremely wronged and angry, but suddenly smiled and asked him, "do you think Miss Qin and I are deliberately angry with you? It's foolish to ruin your poor reputation and ruin your honor?"

Xie Yu tried to calm himself down and said in a deep voice, "Ye Zhiqiu..."

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand to indicate that he didn't have to say more. Don't overdo it. After taking a deep breath, he said, "I'm not as smart as your Xie family, but I'm not stupid enough to bet on Miss Qin's life. Can you look at me more? The woman's reputation is great. Although I'm not afraid, I can't miss her. Even if my adoptive father is a mountain bandit, this truth has taught me!"

She didn't know why there were so many idle people in the imperial capital. It was clear that Miss Qin had never met her in private since that day. She just met her in the street. She took two steps and said two words, and it came to this.

But now is not the time to explain this.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in the cold wind, looked up at the sky, and said clearly: "I will make it clear with Miss Qin before I leave Beijing. I will also try to spread the rumors in the city. I will never let people take it as a joke after dinner. In this way, is the chief auxiliary still satisfied?"

Seeing that she was like this, Xie Yu suddenly couldn't speak at the edge of her mouth.

He seems to have been very bad to her.

Talking is always very hurtful. Even if ye Zhiqiu has an iron wall, he is also cold through his heart.

In the end, the third childe only said, "so, very good."

Ye Zhiqiu listened and said, "then I'll leave first!"

With that, she turned and walked away with great steps. She just looked at the night sky when crossing the corner. She didn't lower her head and didn't even look at the road.

"Ye Zhiqiu!" Xie Xuan stood in the night and thought for a long time. Involuntarily, he stepped forward and chased after him for two steps.

When ye Zhiqiu heard him shouting, he stood at the corner, didn't turn around, didn't look back, and didn't speak.

There was only a howling wind in her ears. The fallen leaves on the street were swept from her shoulder and flew to the man behind her.

"Just now, I shouldn't have mentioned the ancestors of the Duke of Heng..." Xie Yu also stopped at the corner and bowed to Ye Zhiqiu. "I'm here to make an apology and hope Haihan."

The moonlight was faint, and the lights in front of the shop restaurant not far away fell, which pulled the figure of the third childe's salute for a long time. Ye Zhiqiu didn't look back, so he could see his shadow of making amends.

Ye Zhiqiu doesn't want Haihan, but also wants to beat people.

Go back to the house, pick up 18 kinds of weapons, go to the barracks and call out all the famous generals to practice again.

But the head here does not include the man named Xie.

She endured and endured, then she could calm down a little and say, "Shoufu adult doesn't have to be like this. Those people say that your daughter-in-law was robbed by me. You're unhappy. You haven't put on small shoes for me yet. It's just a few words to each other. I don't have a piece of meat and can't afford such a big gift as you."

Xie Xin said that I was not unhappy because those people said you robbed my daughter-in-law, but

But he couldn't understand what it was. He only said in a deep voice, "I'm not asking Xia for Qin."

He said, "Ye Zhiqiu, I'm not looking for you for others."

"Well, I know." Ye Zhiqiu turned his back to him, raised his hand and rubbed some painful eyebrows. He said first: "you're for your eldest brother. You're afraid I'll cause trouble to your majesty again, aren't you? Chief Fu, please don't worry. I know it well. There will be no such thing again."

This time, she walked quickly without waiting for Xie to speak again.

The long street is silent, only the fallen leaves follow, which makes Ye Zhiqiu's back particularly lonely.

Standing in the same place, Xie Yu was also cold.

Ye Zhiqiu walked very fast. He heard the middle-aged man warming the bed with his daughter-in-law and children in the small room next to the street talking about buying a few kilograms of meat during the new year. He smelled the aroma of wine floating out of the West building. The wind was also mixed with a few teasing and Sheng songs of the wind and moon field

Everyone said that Dijing was prosperous and good, but she felt that it was troublesome here.

Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his hair impatiently. When he came to the street, he met the soldiers on patrol, but he shouted, "you two go to escort the chief auxiliary adults at the end of the street back to the house, and the rest continue to patrol."

The soldiers were confused and muttered, "Shoufu wants someone to send him. Why didn't he come out and say it?"

"Do you want Mo Yi hou to do it for you?"

The leader was a man of great insight. He coughed heavily twice, motioned them to shut up and saluted with the crowd. He should "yes" and did it immediately.

Ye Zhiqiu walked into the dim lights alone and patted himself in the face.

Knowing it's superfluous.

Why can't we get rid of this problem?

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