Xie Xuan was escorted back to his house by several patrolling soldiers. As soon as he entered the gate, several boys came forward together. This battle was rare. He felt something wrong at first sight, frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

Fengyi quickly whispered, "Sir, the fourth childe is coming. I've been waiting for you for a while."

Foot esophagus: "the fourth childe told everyone in the house that the young people are not smart. What's the use of doing things? The master's life is not concerned and does not help at all!"

The rest of the boys said a few words. Before they said that Miss Jiang was annoyed by the fourth childe and hid directly

Then he looked at the head auxiliary adult, a handsome face getting darker and darker, and the people's voice dropped unconsciously.

Xie Xuan raised his hand and motioned that the people didn't have to say much, leaving only a word "scattered", so he went straight back to the garden.

At this time, the night was thick, the moonlight vaguely fell on the eaves, and the lights under the eaves were swayed by the night wind, and the light of the lights also floated slowly.

The beautiful young master Xie sat in the warm light. There were seven or eight plates of wine and vegetables and five or six plates of cakes on the stone table. He put one hand on the edge of the table and carried a white jade wine glass in the other hand. He was drinking with a casual and idle attitude, like taking time to annoy people when he was full.

Xie Xing went to the table and said in a cool voice, "Xie Wanjin, what are you doing here?"

Xie Wanjin put down his glass and looked up at him.

The fourth childe likes to laugh. After drinking half a pot of wine, the peach blossom's eyes are also stained with stars. It's so bright. Just after watching Xie Yu for a moment, he is very worried and said, "third brother, why do you look at everyone with a smelly face that you owe me a life?"

Xie Xuan didn't say anything about him, but he was almost angry and spit blood by the fourth childe.

Xie Wanjin didn't feel angry at all. He put down his glass and slowly got up to look at Xie Yu. She was very bitter and said, "third brother, do you know why you haven't married a daughter-in-law yet?"

"There's no need to say more about it!" Xie Xuan knew that the man was a talkative man. He didn't finish talking. He immediately said in a deep voice, "if you have something important, just say it. If you don't, just go."

Xie Wanjin gave a "tut" sound, but he was not angry. He bumped Xie Xuan's shoulder and said with a smile, "what's more important than my third brother marrying a daughter-in-law? Go and ask my grandmother, my aunt and my eldest brother! If they say anything else is more important, I'll take your last name!"

Xie Yu looked at the fourth childe with the eyes of a fool. "You and I have the same surname."

"No." Xie Wanjin was not embarrassed at all, but said calmly, "so no matter how important it is, I can't compare with the third brother."

Xie Yu was already unhappy. He was not in the mood to listen to the fourth childe's poor mouth here. He couldn't help saying in a cold voice, "Xie Wanjin, are you full and have nothing to do?"

Unexpectedly, the fourth childe opened his mouth and replied, "yes, I'm idle. I'm very idle!"

He was so angry that he helped his forehead. He didn't panic at all. He even joked: "brother Rong, the virtuous and virtuous are not like words. He rushed to do everything. Don't I just be idle?"

Xie Yu didn't want to talk to him more. He just wanted someone to carry this guy and throw him out of the house.

But the people in the house knew that the fourth childe was here, so they didn't dare to come forward at all. They were far away now. Leng was that no one knew the mind of their master.

So the atmosphere froze inexplicably.

The fourth childe of Xie was not afraid of the stiff atmosphere. He raised his hand and took Xie Xuan's shoulder. He pulled the man to the stone table and sat down. He poured a glass of wine and handed it to him himself. "Third brother, you just talk too hurtful. If you weren't my third brother, I wouldn't come tonight."

Xie Xuan took it reluctantly. When he heard this, he became more and more unhappy. He said coldly, "I didn't call you either."

The fourth childe paused and asked himself:

Is the wine at home not fragrant?

Isn't it fun to be with brother Rong?

Why did you come here to be boring?

But who let this be his third brother? Xie Wanjin put up with it for the time being and said with a smile: "I'm still angry about Xiaoye and Miss Qin?"

Xie Xuan turned sideways and drank, ignoring him.

"If you don't speak, it must be." Xie Wanjin leaned over and leaned on the stone table. He leisurely raised one leg and gently shook it. He asked with great interest, "is the third brother angry because Xiaoye wants to get a wife? Or because Miss Qin wants to get married?"

Xie Xuan put the glass heavily on the stone table and said in a deep voice, "I'm not angry!"

The fourth childe was startled by him. He immediately stood up straight and opened a pair of peach blossoms to see Xie. "Third brother, you're so angry? You're almost angry. You can't hold it and fly to heaven!"

Xie Zhen couldn't help kicking the fourth childe. He suddenly regretted why he hadn't advised his eldest brother to let the fourth read more books, otherwise he wouldn't be half dead today.

What is called Qicheng Kongming lamp?

What the hell!

"Ow!" Xie Wanjin cried out in pain and hurriedly stepped back to the side.

He stood beside Xiuzhu and was covered with mottled bamboo shadow. The cold depression could not hold him down. He was full of beauty and wealth. The fourth childe rubbed his legs and seriously advised him: "third brother, I think you are my third brother and came tonight. You have to think about it clearly. Whether you want Xiaoye or Miss Qin, as long as you say a word, I will help you as a brother!"

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment: "..."

What's in this bastard's head!

"What's the use of sulking in your life? You have to say that, otherwise you'll freeze those people to death, and no one knows what you want!" Xie Wanjin said immediately when he saw that he didn't speak "Although your eldest brother ah Jiu seems to be trying to match up Xiaoye and Miss Qin now, in fact, as long as you say, they will certainly help you. We are our own people, but you have to figure it out as soon as possible!"

The fourth childe is really anxious, "time waits for no man, third brother!"

Xie Yu only felt his heart blocked. He brushed his sleeve and stood up expressionless.

Xie Wanjin was a little afraid when he finished. After all, the third brother, who never did anything but talk, kicked him just now. It's hard to guarantee that the man will beat him when he is angry.

"I'll put this here tonight. Third brother, think about it!" said the fourth childe, walking quickly along the wall. "Brother Rong is still waiting for me to go back! He's so delicate that he can't sleep alone. I'll go back first!"

Xie Yu only felt a headache and raised his hand to rub the center of his eyebrows.

But Xie Wanjin came to the arch, stopped and turned around, and said in a high voice, "brother three, two people are really much more comfortable than one! I can't sleep at midnight, and another person is talking and warm. Try it!"

Xie Yu pressed his anger and said in a cold voice, "don't you go yet?"

"Go, go!" Xie Wanjin didn't get the answer he wanted. He just stopped reluctantly and went home through the arch.

Xie Xuan stood for a moment, sat back on the stone stool, poured the pot of wine warmed by the fourth childe and drank it slowly.

There were only people in his house for official business. After midnight, they were particularly cold.

In this winter, the bamboo leaves are also much yellow. The wind blows down most of them, the garden is full of flying, and the Lingxue gentleman is also bleak.

The messy words that the fourth childe just said are still lingering in Xie Xuan's ears.

The man didn't speak well, but he didn't say one thing wrong.

The elder brother is the one who decides.

Because Miss Qin's family caused a lot of trouble, the third childe said more and made more mistakes in front of Ye Zhiqiu. It's better to find his eldest brother directly.

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