After the morning of the next day, Xie Zhen finally made up his mind to find his eldest brother. When he arrived at Yonghe palace, he was stopped by the maids and was not allowed to enter the door.

Xie Xuan pressed down, full of thoughts, stood in front of the door and said faintly, "please go in and inform me that I have something important to see your majesty."

Before his voice fell, Wang Liang came out of the hall slowly and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is busy with important things right now. Let the chief assistant tell the old slave what he has here."

Xie Yu's face was slightly stiff when he heard the speech.

Everyone knows that he has deep brotherhood with his majesty. He has never been limited to walking in this palace. It is the first time he has been stopped outside the door like today.

The servants in the palace watched the cold around the first auxiliary adult grow heavier and retreated to the side very consciously. They didn't dare to make any noise.

Only Wang Liang was still standing in front of him, smiling and shouting, "Lord Shoufu?"

Unexpectedly, the chief assistant, who has always been the most disciplined, stopped talking. He directly bypassed the old waiter and quickly walked to the hall, "elder brother!"

Wang Liang and his servants did not have time to stop him, but hurriedly followed him, "Your Majesty, your majesty! Chief assistant, he..."

Sitting in the hall, Xie Heng was leisurely writing and painting. When he heard a burst of noise outside, he said without raising his head: "what are you shouting? You can carry him out if you come in? Get back."

Wang Liang quickly whispered "yes" and walked out with a group of waiters.

Xie Xuan went to the front of the case and stood still. His eyes looked at his eldest brother like ink and shouted "eldest brother."

Xie Heng didn't look up at him either. He just focused on outlining his own painting. His tone was not salty and said, "now that you're off the court, you don't go back to the house or find some pastime. What are you doing here?"

Xie Xuan was still wondering how to tell her elder brother about ye Zhiqiu. For a moment, she didn't know how to speak.

Xie Heng didn't hear a sound. He couldn't help raising his eyes and glancing at the third childe. He generally asked, "what did you say outside? Why didn't you say?"

In fact, as his eldest brother, he knows his third childe's temper best. If he comes for important affairs in the court, he must be upright. He comes up with the principle that the whole country is based on the people. There is absolutely no reason to keep silent for a long time.

In addition, ye Zhiqiu has been taking leave of absence from the court these days. Lord Shoufu has frozen the ministers unbearably. Although no one dares to complain in front of his majesty, it is difficult for Xie Heng to know that the Qingyi guards come and go all day.

He deliberately avoided the third childe's disappearance. He also wanted the stuffy gourd to understand. Otherwise, no matter how much he said, it would be in vain.

After looking at his elder brother for a long time, Xie Xuan said in a stuffy voice, "elder brother, do you really let Ye Zhiqiu go?"

"What do I have to manage?"

Xie Heng asked quite naturally.

When the wine was gone, the little maids followed, and even Wang Liang and the internal attendants withdrew outside the temple.

At the moment, there are only two brothers in the temple. Naturally, there is no need to pretend.

When Xie Xuan heard this, his face was slightly stiff. He put his hand on the table and whispered, "you know ye Zhiqiu is a woman. How can you marry the Miss Qin family? This matter is well known all over the city. As your majesty, how can you sit idly by?"

Xie Heng thought: third childe, it's urgent.

He was very clear in his heart. However, he was very calm on his face. Even his tone was much more relaxed than usual. He said, "it's bad."

Xie Xuan frowned more and more when he heard the speech.

But Xie Heng painted slowly, his posture was lazy and idle, he didn't look up at the third childe, and his tone was as usual: "It's her business that Miss Qin wants to marry someone. Her elders have to worry about it. There's no need for you to be so worried. As for Xiaoye, she fought in Feiyun stronghold and suffered so much with me. She didn't ask anything. If she wants a beauty to go to Hou's house to manage the backyard, the man himself is willing, and I have no reason not to agree."

He said slowly, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Xie Yu, "isn't it? Third childe."

Xie Xuan's eyebrows jumped and said in a deep voice, "this matter must not be!"

"Why not?" Xie hung put down his brush and leaned over and gently blew the dry marks on the painting, pretending to be puzzled: "ah, are you too busy recently? Why else do you manage the leaflet? You didn't love her to get around you before?"

Xie Yu choked and was speechless for a moment.

Xie Heng didn't let go of his plan like this. When he looked up at the third childe again, he said, "Xiao Ye has a good temper. In the past, no matter how you treated her, you didn't take it to heart. But ah Yu, you should be more or less measured yourself. She is different from Xiao Liu. You have to teach you."

Xie Yu's face turned white when he heard the speech.

Seeing this, Xie Heng knew that what he said was clear enough, so he got up and bypassed the book case, raised his hand and patted the third childe on the shoulder, "because brother knows you are not angry because of the rumors outside, it's also a kind intention to come to me this time, but my third childe, you really do more this time."

Xie Yu was stuffy and whispered, "elder brother, I..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xie Heng grabbed him by the shoulder and walked to the window. The red plum tree outside the window was in full bloom, adding a lot of color to the cold winter.

Xie Heng asked him, "if you like Miss Qin, just say it as your brother. Why are you mentioning Xiaoye every word?"

Xie Zhen said, "I have no intention of that Miss Qin family. I just... Think it's very inappropriate."

Xie Heng smiled and said solemnly, "there are many inappropriate household chores in the world. You are the chief assistant. You only care about state affairs and government, and what do you do about other people's marriage?"

The third childe doesn't speak.

Xie Heng said again, "is it difficult that you are tired of doing this song and want to try the official media?"

I don't know why Xie Yu is so speechless every time he wants to say something.

This is especially true at the moment.

He was speechless, and his face became more and more ugly.

But Xie Heng was different from others. He was not afraid of the cold lingering on Lord Shoufu. Seeing that he was angry, he felt very interesting and wanted to tease.

He didn't see anything, and slowly said, "that's not good. Lord Ji, the official media, has done a good job, but he can't let him go home for nothing."

"I don't want to, elder brother." Xie Xuan also felt that his elder brother was deliberately teasing him. His face was slightly stiff and said, "I came to see my elder brother today just for ye Zhiqiu."

Xie Heng nodded and thought deeply.

After a while, he said positively, "it's a matter of women. Before marriage, it's the parents, brothers and elders at home who help guard the gate. After marriage, it's the husband and children who protect each other. Ah Chen, you're not a brother or a long man in Xiaoye's opinion. What's your identity today?"

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