Xie Xuan stared at Qin Mo as if he were looking at a fool.

Qin Mo looked at him, his mood fluctuated greatly, and asked in a low voice, "Lord Shoufu, you can't believe it, can you?"

"My sister had a crush on others before, and scared people away because making cakes was too bad and made the childe vomit and diarrhea. She bothered me to take care of her business at that time..." Qin Mo whispered, trying to find some clues from those past memories, but she was stunned.

His voice couldn't help getting lower and lower. "How can this little girl become more and more unpredictable as she grows up?"

Xie Yu said in a deep voice, "are you sure you want to ask me?"

Qin Mo was still wandering outside the sky. He said without thinking, "then I have no one else to ask."

Previously, when Zhou Minghao was in the imperial capital, he could give him advice, but this man has asked him to go out of the capital for a long time. Now he doesn't know where he has been, but there is no news at all.

The young ministers in the court have basically not married yet. They don't understand the relationship between men and women, let alone help him.

Qin Mo now had more courage than a bear's heart and leopard's courage. He said to Xie Yu, "look, my sister likes me. I have nothing to do with Mo Yi Hou. I don't have to be afraid of coming to you, don't I?"

Xie Yu said, "when was Lord Qin afraid?"

The man also told him earlier that there was more than one person of marriage age in the Qin family. He offered himself and wished he could offset his sister.


It's hard to see.

"I'm still afraid of it." Qin Mo glanced at Xie Yu. Seeing that he looked unhappy, he immediately changed his mouth and said, "just a little! Lord Shoufu is still very good to me and us on weekdays."

He is completely lying with his eyes open at the moment.

Xie Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him. He directly said to the outside of the door, "enough clothes and food, send Lord Qin out."

Abundant clothes and food immediately came in and said to Qin Mo, "Lord Qin... Please."

"No! I don't want to go out yet." Qin Mo was reluctant to go. "Lord Shoufu said earlier that he would come to you if there was anything that couldn't be solved. I don't want you to come up with a solution for me today. I just want to stand beside you and be cold and quiet."

I can't bear to look straight at the moment when I have plenty of food and clothing.

Xie Xuan's handsome face was a little dark. Looking at Qin Mo, he saw the shadow of his fourth childe playing a rogue.

He who is close to Zhu is red, and he who is close to Xie Wanjin is not a serious person.

It's really hard. Qin Mo usually pretends to be serious in the political hall.

But Qin Mo didn't know what Lord Shoufu thought of himself. Before he was driven away, he immediately said, "I don't talk and don't make noise. Don't you?"

Xie Fuqiang resisted the impulse to drive him out and turned around to order plenty of food and clothing: "go and prepare meals."

They hurriedly answered.

Qin Mo brushed the snow dust on his sleeve and said with a smile, "it's a coincidence that I'm hungry. I'm lucky to have a meal here today!"

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling face.

For Xie Yu, there is no way for cheeky people.

The evening meal was placed in the flower hall. There was no fire basin in the hall. The windows were wide open on all sides. The wind came and went, and the flying snow fell into it from time to time, which was very in line with the requirements of Lord Qin to be cold and quiet.

Xie Xuan stepped into it and sat down at the table. His ink hair was scattered and flying by the wind, and his face didn't change at all.

Qin Mo shivered with cold. He still had the cheek to sit next to him and personally stretched out his hand to cook for the first auxiliary adult, "it's strange that neither my mother nor I are at home today. Mo Yi Hou suddenly came and didn't know what he said to my sister. This suddenly became like this..."

Xie Wei Leng, "has she been to the Qin house?"

That night, what ye Zhiqiu said to him at the entrance of the alley seemed to ring in his ear again.

She said she would leave Beijing in two years.

He said he would make it clear with Qin and Xia.

Xie Xuan knew that ye Zhiqiu was a man who did what she said, but she didn't think she would suddenly go to Qin and ask Xia, and make things like this.

It's really unpredictable.

The third childe thought about this and suddenly the food was tasteless. He opened his mouth and told the boy outside the door, "hot wine."

"Lord Shoufu wants to buy me a drink?" Qin Morton paused, and couldn't help being flattered. "Yes, if you think about this, you should drink more wine!"

It is well known in the Manchu Dynasty that Shoufu doesn't like drinking and likes drinking tea.

Even at the Palace Banquet, I have never seen him drink more, and it is rare to take the initiative to ask for wine.

After a long time, the young man brought the wine in. Because of the long delay, he explained, "there is no wine in the house. I still went to get it at home. It has kept adults waiting."

Xie Yu waved him back.

Qin Mo didn't want anyone else to be present. It was just what he wanted. He took the initiative to pour wine with a wine pot.

Xie Yu was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked, "what did she say to your sister?"

Qin Mo took a glass of wine and handed it to him. "When I went back, Mo Yi Hou had left. I don't know what he said. Anyway, the marriage must be over."

Xie Yu didn't speak.

Qin Mo raised his glass and drank all the wine in the glass. He said with emotion: "I'd rather Xia Xia was rejected by Mo Yi Hou and said those words to me when she fainted. But when she spoke to me, it was gentle. I was like a fried chicken."

Xie Xuan looked at him with unspeakable eyes and said faintly, "what am I sitting at the same table with you?"

He began to regret letting this guy stay.

People quarrel and talk a lot, which makes people unbearable.

Qin Mo realized that he had said something wrong and hurriedly said, "it's my fault! Even if Lord Shoufu is fried, it's also a fried Phoenix, which is naturally different from me."

Xie Yu almost poured the wine on his head. After enduring it again and again, he drank the wine in the cup.

Qin Mo saw that he was not angry, so he drank and told him that Qin asked Xia about those things when he was a child. He couldn't figure out clearly. In the end, there was only one sentence, "the girl's love is really inexplicable and unpredictable!"

Xie Yu was distracted when he heard the speech.

In fact, he didn't know why Ye Zhiqiu liked him. He was in trouble at the foot of shining mountain, covered with blood and embarrassed. He had neither the romantic spirit of his eldest brother riding on the leaning bridge and full of red tea when he was a teenager, nor the harmless six animals like Xiao Wu, which made people feel close at a glance.

How does she deserve such a preference and still keep her mind?

They sat together. Qin Mo kept talking while drinking wine. Xie Xuan listened and wandered outside the sky. The atmosphere was surprisingly harmonious.

Until late at night, it was dark outside.

Qin Mo's Kung Fu of drinking and breathing was quiet for a moment.

Xie Xuan suddenly heard some sounds from the eaves. He hardly did it. He thought, holding his glass hand slightly, and said to himself: she's coming.

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