Qin Mo drank a few more cups. Jun's face turned red and he was a little confused. He didn't find anything wrong with Xie Yu at all. He also stretched out his hand and put it on his shoulder. "Chief Fu, look at this. What should I do?"

He was very distressed. Xu Xu said, "my father has great kindness to me. My mother raised me as a married son. I think my surname is Qin all my life and treat all the children of the Qin family as their own people, but how can this sister solve such a big problem for me?"

It is a good thing that everyone is happy to see if he has been brought home as a child's adoptive husband and daughter-in-law since childhood and forms a marriage with his childe and young lady when he grows up.

But Qin Mo is not. He is the eldest son of the Qin family who has paid homage to the ancestors of the Qin family and went to the Qin family tree. If something happens to Xia with Qin, he must be stabbed in the backbone and scolded for brother and sister incest. How can he be a man in the future?

Xie Xuan listened to Qin Mo, but his eyes fell out of the window.

Outside, the night was thick, the wind and snow were heavy, and the cold wind blew the bamboo leaves all over the yard. Some of them blew into the house with the wind and dazzled the candle lights.

Except for the sound just now, he didn't hear anything else. He was worried that ye Zhiqiu would suddenly break in in front of Qin mo. if she didn't come in, it would be so cold outside. No matter how good she was, she couldn't stand the cold.

Xie Xuan was confused. Seeing Qin Mo's nagging in front of her, she couldn't help saying:

Why hasn't this guy left yet?

But Qin Mo not only couldn't understand the mind of Lord Shoufu, but also lowered his head and drank depressed, muttering: "which immortal is free at the moment, help me!"

Xie Yu reached out and caught one of the bamboo leaves. His tone was light and said, "it's not difficult."

Qin Mo immediately brightened his eyes and hurriedly asked, "what's your opinion?"

He was afraid that Xie Yu wouldn't say it, and then said, "the lower officer is really helpless. Please be kind and save me this time!"

Xie Xuan said in a very light tone: "there are three methods."

"Chief assistant, please speak." Qin Mo quickly sat up straight and said in a straight tone: "my lower officer is all ears."

Xie Yu said, "first, you go back and marry Qin Wenxia."

Qin Mo shook his head again and again. "No, no, this is really not good. Lord Shoufu should tell me the second solution directly."

Xie Xuan looked at him and said, "second, go back and tell your sister that you have the love of Longyang and the habit of breaking your sleeves. You will not marry her or any woman in your life."

Qin Mo was a little drunk and his mind was not very clear. Wen Yan couldn't help but look at Xie Xuan for a moment and wonder: "it's not good either. My sister is not easy to cheat. If she had to ask me who I broke my sleeve for at that time, I'm sure the song will be inevitable..."

Halfway through, he stopped very wisely.

In the hall of political discussion, the most beautiful people are your majesty and the chief auxiliary. The first one already has the love of his life, and no one dares to think about it again.

As for the latter, if the courtiers have such a tendency to break their sleeves, they all fold their waist for his immortal appearance. Isn't Moyi Hou the best example?

Xie Xuan didn't want to hear Qin Mo pull on himself again. He immediately said in a simple way: "third, you can become a monk."

Qin Mo almost fell back with his chair when he didn't sit down. He woke up three points and quickly stood up with the corner of the table. "The first assistant is very good, but it's getting late... I have to go back and think about which one to use. Then I'll leave first."

After that, he bowed to Xie Yu and left in a hurry.

Xie Yu wanted him to go. He said faintly, "No."

Waiting outside to see off the guests with plenty of clothes and food, for a time, there was no one outside the door, only the snow came.

Xie Xuan sat in his place and waited quietly, watching the light in the lamp being blown out by the wind.

But after a long time, ye Zhiqiu didn't come down.

He couldn't help looking up at the eaves.

In the past, ye Zhiqiu gathered around him with a smile. He didn't know when he came or where he would come from.

Tonight is very different.

Xie Xuan was so impatient that he simply got up and went outside the door. He looked up and said, "come down."

But no one answered, only the cold wind and snowflakes fell on him.

Xie Xuan looked around the eaves and saw that the night was frosty and the courtyard was covered with snow.

There was nothing above the eaves, as if the movement he had just heard in the house was just an illusion.

Xie Xuan pursed her lips. She stood in the snow like a jade. Her wide sleeves were flying gracefully by the night wind. Her face was like frost and hadn't moved for a long time.

After a long time.

The two green guards guarding in the dark couldn't see any more. They flew out and landed in the snow two or three steps away.

Qingliu whispered, "three CHILDES, no one has been here just now, just a mouse running across the eaves..."

"Yes, if someone comes, my subordinates must report to the third childe." Qing 12 then said, "it's snowing outside and the wind is so strong. Don't be cold. Go back to the house and have a rest."

"I don't feel cold," Xie said expressionless

The two Tsing Yi Westons were speechless: "


The third childe said again, "it's just windy and snowy tonight. It's most suitable for enjoying the night scene."

Green six and green twelve looked at each other and bowed back to the dark place very knowingly.

As if they never showed up.

Xie Xuan looked up at the eaves where the sound had just come, and looked at it steadily, as if he wanted to see something through the night.

Unfortunately, after a long time, there was still no movement.

At the moment, ye Zhiqiu, who hangs upside down behind the eaves, is very cold. He doesn't dare to move again. He's afraid that Xie Yu will catch another movement.

In fact, she originally wanted to tell Xie Xuan that she had made it clear with Qin Wenxia. She was afraid of being seen at the front door, so she came quietly at night.

However, when Qin Mo is asking for help, ye Zhiqiu knows that a man who is loved by someone he doesn't like will only be distressed without half joy.

So I didn't dare to disturb Xie Yu any more.

But just now the noise was heard. Others stood at the bottom and waited. Ye Zhiqiu didn't go or go down, so he had to continue hanging on top.

At this moment, the cold wind made my hands numb, and frost and snow fell on my face and neck. The whole person was very cold.

Wen Wen, who had been hanging for a while, couldn't see it anymore. He directly reached out and dragged Ye Zhiqiu away, skimmed over the wall and landed in the street outside.

The boy let go of her, wiped the snow on his face, and couldn't help asking, "I said, Lord Hou, did you play acrobatics before you joined the army?"

How can ordinary people hang in such a tricky posture for so long!

"No, No." Ye Zhiqiu was so cold that he didn't speak quickly. He rubbed his face and woke up for a while. He asked him, "what are you doing here if you don't stay well in my uncle's house at night?"

Wen Wen's first reaction was to explain: "don't get me wrong. I don't have any crazy thoughts about Shoufu!"

No wonder he was so nervous. It was a rumor like a raging beast.

Xie Zhen, the chief assistant, looks so abstinent and inaccessible on weekdays. Those gossip books just write that he loves the most. Maybe those individuals can't wait for the chief assistant to blossom. They can only think about it by themselves. Therefore, from Emperor Yan to all officials, anyone who can say a few words with Xie Yu has entered the script and has a paragraph with Lord Shoufu.

Wen Wen, the country's uncle, was not spared.

When ye Zhiqiu heard the speech, he couldn't help being embarrassed and said, "I didn't mean that."

"It was my brother-in-law who asked me to come." Wen Wen felt it was necessary to speak more clearly. "Today, Xie Zhen went to the palace. My brother-in-law said something to him. For fear that he would be angry and suffocate himself when he came back, he let me come and have a look when I have time. But you know what Xie Zhen is like..."

The teenager gave Ye Zhiqiu a look that said, "you know better than me." if I came to the door to ask, I must be unable to ask anything, so I had to look at it secretly. Who knows, I'll meet you, and I've been frozen with you for so long. "

Wen Wen almost arrived at the same time as ye Zhiqiu. After listening to Qin Mo and Xie Yu on the eaves for a long time, it was snowy and cold. At the moment, he still felt that his face was too stiff to be his own.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what to say at once. He raised his hand and touched his forehead bitterly. "Sorry, sorry, why don't you go back to the house with me to have two cups of hot wine to warm up."

"Not tonight. Let's go back next time." Wen Wen said, "I have to go into the palace and talk to my brother-in-law so that he won't worry about it."

Just look at the idea Xie Yu gave Qin Mo tonight. If you say it, I'm sure it will make elder sister and brother-in-law cry and laugh.

He hurried, then turned and left, but ye Zhiqiu suddenly shouted to him, "Wen Wen!"

"What's up?" Wen Wen turned to see her.

Ye Zhiqiu was a little embarrassed. He strode forward and whispered, "can you... Don't tell your majesty that I came tonight?"

Wen Wen didn't understand: "why?"

Ye Zhiqiu's brother-in-law is not only a minister, but also one of his own. He protects her tightly on weekdays. He will not care about or blame her for such a small matter of visiting Xie Yu's residence at night.

Ye Zhiqiu bowed his head, rolled up his sleeve and whispered, "just... Don't let your majesty bother me any more."

She didn't know what her majesty said to Xie Xuan today. She thought it would make him angry. She was also worried that he would be angry. She made a special trip to Wen Wen to have a look. Surely it wouldn't be a good word.

The Xie brothers have always been very affectionate. Most of today's affairs must be because of her.

If your majesty knows that she still likes Xie Yu, I'm afraid she can't avoid such a thing in the future. It's better to let your majesty think that she has given up her heart

In this way, Xie Yu should have less trouble in the future.

Wen Wen didn't know what ye Zhiqiu was thinking, but seeing her look, he hesitated for a moment and nodded and said, "come on, then don't say."

Ye Zhiqiu hugged his fist and said, "thank you, uncle Guo."

"You're welcome." Wen Wen hugged his fist and saluted, "in fact, it's enough for his brother-in-law to have a headache just because of the idea Xie Yu gave Qin mo. the two old difficulties that are the most difficult for us to get married together..."

The boy stood in the long flying snow and said with a smile, "it's strange that one dares to ask and the other dares to give advice."

Ye knew Qiu Weidun and smiled, "isn't it a strange man?"

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