Ye Zhiqiu's body has always been excellent. When he got back from the snow that night, he was caught in the wind and cold. The people in the house thought it was just a small problem, but they didn't get better for several days. Later, it was difficult to stay.

She has lived for more than 20 years. For the first time, she tasted the taste of falling ill like a mountain. She watched the days of leave drag on and on.

The two in the palace personally asked and let the people of Qingqi and Taitai hospital come to see it. Unexpectedly, they had a result that the medicine stone was not effective.

After drinking a lot of this medicine soup, it's really useless.

In addition to Xie Yu's lack of expression, the rest of the court colleagues came to see him intermittently. Even Mr. Xie came to the door with Rong Sheng.

Xie Wanjin came into the house and said with a smile, "I should have come long ago, but my brother had to say that it was useless for me to come. I had to take brother Rong, otherwise I might as well not come. Brother Rong is busy again, and this delay has been delayed until now."

The fourth childe said and asked Rong Sheng to come forward and show Ye Zhiqiu.

In the past, the superior master was not annoyed when he was called by the doctor. He didn't open any medicine, but left a sentence, "for heart disease, either take heart medicine or break his feelings and cure himself."

Ye Zhiqiu also knows that this is a heart disease.

It's just that in the past, I could deceive myself by saying that I secretly liked Xie Yu. Only heaven knows me, and even the king of heaven can't control me.

Now, if you really want to uproot the enchanted love and take it away, it will take half your life.

Servants from the house of Lord Moyi are busy coming and going these days. Ye Zhiqiu is very tired. Ye Zhiqiu is not feeling well and is not in a good mood. He doesn't have the mind to deal with people. He simply closes the door to thank the guests.

Xie Xuan intentionally or unintentionally avoided this matter. Instead, he picked up what his elder brother had ordered before. When he was free, he went to accompany the lonely old man Xu Hongwu, the old county Duke, and played several games of chess. He listened to two plays together. In a twinkling of an eye, it was the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month.

Xie Xuan arrived at the county government house early. Xu Hongwu rarely found other pastimes. He took two old servants and said he would go to Taoyuan to see incense. On this day, the wind and snow stopped at the beginning, and the warm sunshine covered the world through layers of clouds, but the ground was full of unmelted snow. If the old man fell accidentally, he was afraid that his bones would fall apart.

Brother, I can't tell you.

Xie Xuan thought that since he came to accompany, no matter what the old Duke wanted to do, he just wanted to be a companion nearby. In a faint voice, he said, "I'll go with the Duke."

"That would be better." Xu Hongwu said with a smile, "I offered my daughter a memorial tablet for longevity in Taoyuan temple. When she was a teenager, she liked a handsome husband best. If she was still there, she would be too happy to walk when she saw the good appearance of Shoufu adult. If you were willing to see her, she would be very happy when she saw it in the sky."

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment: "..."

Fortunately, the old Duke is very talkative. Even if the third childe doesn't say a word, he can speak very happily himself. In this way, the old man and the young man boarded the carriage next to each other, and the two old servants drove out of the city in front.

After days of snow, it cleared up today. Many people went out of the city to step on the snow. It happened to be the 15th and the end of the year. At the foot of the mountain where Taoyuan temple is located, Xie Xuan looked at the carriage and saw that the long stone steps were full of people who came to pray for incense, and there was almost no place to lose.

He frowned almost invisibly.

The old Duke didn't look at him, but he also knew that Lord Shoufu didn't like to come to this crowded place. He smiled and said, "today is a good day. It's good to meet so many people to incense together and be lively!"

"HMM." Xie Yu answered faintly.

"Lord Shoufu." Xu Hongwu didn't listen to Xie Xuan's words all the way. He couldn't help but say, "I didn't say you. How can you be so dull at this young age? The days will be so long in the future. You're so boring. When can you marry your wife?"

Xie Xuan stepped up and said, "I didn't want to get married."

"Ah? Never thought about it?" the old Duke was stunned.

He had heard that the chief assistant had a miserable life when he was young. He didn't want to be close to women, and he couldn't get rid of his previous experience. He also knew that Xie Zhen and his eldest brother fought for warm wine in the imperial capital a few years ago. Although it was later clarified that it was a play, there was no wind and no waves. Only they themselves knew what was true and what was false in the rumor.

Xu Hongwu thought for a long time and then came back to his mind. He was half serious and half joked: "it's reasonable to deal with the rise and fall of the family and the country. He doesn't touch the world of mortals. Do you really want to live alone and throw away worldly affairs when you are old and ask to cultivate immortals?"

Xie Yu said faintly, "you can't help it."

If it weren't for the strange problem of his elder brother, I don't know when it would happen, he might have more leisure to understand the Tao quietly.

The old county Lord didn't know what to say about him at the moment.

Everyone has his own aspirations. Many people love beauty and prosperity. Many people don't touch love and want to become immortals. They just choose what they want. It's impossible to say who is better than who.

The two of them walked leisurely and slowly, and most of the pilgrims behind them went past them. Some young girls looked back frequently, along with those who were eager to pray for the protection of the gods.

Xu Hongwu said in his heart, "it's a pity that he has such a good appearance. Looking at the young girls running forward while fighting, he said with emotion," I'm different from tourists. I don't envy immortals and teenagers. "

Xie Shuan paused for a moment. He naturally understood that the old Duke was persuading him to cherish his years. Don't regret what he missed now when he gets old in the future. He can only sigh and envy the young man.

The third childe's thin lips rose a little invisible, "but I'm not a teenager long ago."

When I was 17 or 18 years old, I didn't learn from my eldest brother. He was a little young and frivolous. Now he is calm and quiet.

"You're only in your early twenties, and you're not far from a teenager. This kind reminder reminds you not to listen. Why do you deliberately pick the mistakes in my words?"? Xu Hongwu shook his head reluctantly. "If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you, Lord Shoufu!"

Xie Xuan looked down at the moss frozen by frost and snow on the stone steps and didn't speak.

Fortunately, the old Duke of the county was a generous man. He had known Xie Yu's temperament for a long time and didn't care about him. After a while, he began to talk to him and chatted with him all the way into the Taoyuan temple.

Xu Hongwu is very familiar with this place. Whether he is an old Taoist guard or a Taoist boy of more than ten years, even the sweepers in the temple know him. I think he has come here all these years.

The old Duke called and went straight to the side hall where the memorial tablet of longevity was provided.

Xie Xuan followed him and stepped in. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Zhiqiu kneeling in front of one of the rows of longevity tablets

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