Xie Yu was stunned by the door.

He never expected to meet Ye Zhiqiu here.

She offered incense to her ancestors, and the whole person stood in the smoke. Because she was ill for many days, the whole person was thin, and her back was too thin.

"Why don't you go in?" before seeing ye Zhiqiu, the old county Lord suddenly saw Xie Xuan's appearance and said strangely: "there are all longevity tablets in it. Protected by the immortals in the Peach Blossom Land, you enjoy some human incense and no man eating ghosts. Why do you suddenly pestle here?"

The sound of talking startled Ye Zhiqiu.

Holding a handful of incense in her hand, she looked back and saw Xie Yu with a cold face.

Xie Xuan's eyes fell on Ye Zhiqiu and moved away in a moment.

Therefore, the two people who had not seen each other for many days did not even look at each other.

The old Duke of the county looked along Xie Yu's line of sight and saw Ye Zhiqiu. He stretched out his hand and dragged the third childe to go in, smiled and came forward and said, "coincidentally, Xiao Ye Hou is also there."

Ye Zhiqiu was offering incense to his ancestors. It was inconvenient to exchange greetings. He just nodded slightly, turned his head to the futon, and closed his eyes.

The old Duke didn't say much, so he asked the old servant to put the fruit plate already prepared on the table, waved them back, lit incense by himself, and said to his daughter's longevity tablet, "son, my father is coming to see you again."

Xie Xuan stood a few steps away and watched him talk about his usual trivia with Miss Xu, who had long died. It was quite natural. Looking at Ye Zhiqiu, who had no sound at all, were two different ways, but missing seemed to be the same.

There were only these three people in the hall. They were busy. Before long, a little Taoist boy came over and knocked gently at the door, "Lord Jun, my master asked you to taste tea in the backyard."

"Oh, good." Xu Hongwu looked back at the Taoist boy, inserted the incense into the stove, smiled at the longevity tablet and said, "son, that father has gone to taste tea with his old friend."

The old Duke of the county didn't look sad. When he turned and walked to Xie Xuan, he didn't forget to say, "I often forget the time when I had a tea conversation with the old Taoist. Eight achievements tonight will rest in the Taoyuan temple. If you have anything else to do, you can go back first and don't have to wait for me!"

Xu Hongwu then left with the little Taoist boy. He didn't think it was a big deal to bring other people's chief assistant to the Taoyuan temple and leave people behind.

Only Ye Zhiqiu, who was kneeling in front of the memorial tablet of his ancestors with his eyes closed, and Xie Yu, who stood in place with an expressionless face.

No one else came here for a moment. It's really too quiet.

Xie Xuan didn't leave immediately, but looked at it for four weeks.

The full hall is full of longevity tablets dedicated by various families, such as the loving father of the Wang family, the loving mother of Li family, and the beloved daughter of Zhang family. The tablets are new and old. The row in front of Ye Zhiqiu is full of more than 100 tablets surnamed Ye. The handwriting on the tablets is still very new. I think they were dedicated here in recent years.

After the government of the state of Heng overturned the case, his majesty once went down to the side of the imperial mausoleum to erect a crown tomb for the tree monument of the sages of the family of Heng. He was responsible for this matter. It was many years after the death of those people of the Ye family that they were able to shed snow, and their bones had long disappeared. No amount of sorrow and honor would help.

But the old emperor also died. The account had already been settled. Ye Zhiqiu didn't say much. He thanked his majesty again and again. Longen was grateful.

Everyone said that she had a sense of propriety when they were face to face, but secretly they could not help saying that she grew up in the land of bandits and barbarians. It was because of the weak family relationship of Tongheng government that they didn't care so much.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know how those people talked about her, but he never explained a word. He didn't even reveal any news about the memorial tablet of longevity for his ancestors. He didn't even know Xie Zhen.

Until now, he realized that ye Zhiqiu is a strong man. He can block swords for others, but he will never expose his scars in front of others.

The world laughs at her being simple, and she doesn't need to be seen through.

Xie Xuan stood a few steps away and looked at her for a long time. Then he came forward and took a handful of incense to light it. Then he went to Ye Zhiqiu's side and worshipped the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Ye family for three times.

Ye Zhiqiu noticed that there was someone around him. He couldn't help but open his eyes and see that Xie Yu was close at hand and paid homage with incense.

She was stunned and said in surprise: "you..."

Xie Yu's tone was slightly heavy and said, "there are a loyal family in the Duke of Heng. Since I have come here, it's also right to give them incense."

After ye Zhiqiu became ill, he ate a lot of medicine and tonics and sobered up a lot. Now he understood what he meant.

Xie Xuan said: I respect the incense of the martyrs of the Heng family. I have nothing to do with you. Don't be amorous.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and whispered, "thank you, Lord Shoufu."

As she spoke, she got up and separated the incense in her hand, inserted a bunch every three, and offered it to each longevity memorial tablet one by one. It was rare to bring a bit of gentleness between her eyebrows and eyes.

Xie Yu followed her and did the same thing.

No one spoke again.

All around was quiet, only the small sound made by the sleeve wiping the table.

In the past, Xie Yu always felt that she talked too much and too noisy when she was with Ye Zhiqiu. Now she has calmed down and stopped talking. On the contrary, she feels a little uncomfortable.

This place is too heavy originally. The weather is cold. Rao is stuffy and can't carry it.

But the third childe is really not a person who can speak warm words. He can only accompany Ye Zhiqiu to give a round of respect to each ancestor. She didn't say the first sentence until she inserted the last incense. "I heard that you were caught in the wind and cold a few days ago. Now you are very well?"

"OK." Ye Zhiqiu glanced at him, gentle and calm. He didn't look at him secretly with admiration as before. He was afraid that he would be unhappy when he found it.

She smiled magnanimously at Xie. When she answered, she also took some courtesy and said, "thank you for your care."

"You're welcome," Xie said faintly

He used to think that they should get along like this.

But it's really like this today, but I feel like nothing is right.

Ye Zhiqiu brushed the ashes on his sleeves, turned and walked out, and said casually, "I'll go down the mountain and go back to my house. Do you want to go with me?"

"HMM." Xie Xuan answered and walked out of the hall door with her.

There are many pilgrims outside, and the sight is the smoke and fire of the world.

Ye Zhiqiu walked around to the back of the hall and avoided the crowding with many people. He inadvertently said, "are you here with the old Duke today?"

"Well," Xie said, "elder brother asked."

Ye Zhiqiu knew it immediately.

There is only your majesty who can make Xie Yu obey his orders.

After she asked, she had nothing else to say, so she looked at the distance and walked slowly down the mountain.

Unexpectedly, Xie Xuan, who has always been silent, suddenly asked, "are those longevity tablets of the martyrs of the Heng family dedicated by yourself?"

Ye Zhiqiu stepped slightly and soon recovered as usual. He slowly said, "yes, they have been wronged for many years. It must be difficult for them to live under. I'm still there. I have to let them enjoy the sacrifice of future generations."

Xie Xuan didn't know how she found out the names of the martyrs of the Heng family one by one and wrote them down for worship here. In recent years, she rarely stayed in the imperial capital. When others returned from the war, they were happy to get together with their family, but she came to the Taoist Temple in the mountain to offer incense to the ancestors.

I'm afraid no one else can understand the taste.

A moment later, Xie Xuan listened to her voice as usual and said, "but I don't know if they want to stay here and be worshipped. If you really want to say it, it's just that I want some peace of mind."

While walking forward, ye Zhiqiu reached out and brushed away the branches bent by frost and snow. "This hall is not big, but there are many longevity tablets. It's crowded. If I die, I don't want this longevity tablet!"

Xie Xuan could not help frowning when he heard the speech.

In these three sentences, ye Zhiqiu has thought of his own affairs behind him, and slowly said: "after the death of loyal ministers and good generals in the past dynasties, I can leave a portrait in Liufang Pavilion, bury my bones on the side of the imperial mausoleum, and be buried with the kings to see the prosperity of the millennium."

She said, smiling at Xie, and asked, "Xie, if one day I have the honor to serve my country, would you please write an inscription for me on the tombstone?"

After she asked, Xie Yu's face sank.

She just came out of Taoyuan temple. The gods were still watching. She cursed herself like this. She really didn't think her life would last long!

Ye Zhiqiu felt that he would not agree. He hurriedly rushed to continue before he spoke: "I have no parents and brothers, and I will not marry again. I have no husband, son-in-law and children in this life. There is no successor to the throne. Such a big house and family business can only be cheap to others. How about this? You ask me a few words and I'll give you all my wealth. How about it?"

She smiled clearly, "thank you for your money. In this way, you don't lose."

Xie Yu said in a deep voice, "what are you doing now, cursing yourself for no reason?"

"Isn't this preparation for the future?" Ye Zhiqiu sighed and said helplessly: "the inscription on the tombstone of the dead is really unlucky. Well, after my death, you will write the portrait hanging in Liufang Pavilion. If people in later generations see this painting, if one or two people who don't have eyes, they will make up some dramas about the relationship between you and me, which will fulfill my wish in this life."

The more Xie Xuan listens, the darker Jun's face becomes.

Ye Zhiqiu pretended to be relaxed and said, "thank you, Shoufu. I'll exchange all my wealth for your painting. Isn't it insulting you?"

Xie Xuan ignored her, turned directly back, and walked quickly to the Taoyuan temple with full steps of frost and snow.

"Hey! Lord Shoufu!"

"Thank you!"

"Third childe!"

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't even call him for several times. He could only watch the elegant and calm third childe who had just walked down the mountain fly up the mountain.

She didn't know what the man was going to do, so she had to hurry up.

Ye Zhiqiu returned to the Taoyuan temple to see the pilgrims coming and going. She glanced at the sea of people and saw Xie Xun quickly walk through the crowd into the main hall, holding a incense stick and kneeling on the huge god statue, praying piously.

There were so many people that she simply stood outside the hall and waited.

Ye Zhiqiu used to know that Xie Xun believed, but he never knelt down to the gods.

Today, I don't know why, I broke the rule.

At this moment, Xie Xuan, kneeling on the futon, sincerely prayed to her for the first time in her life: "the God is on, don't listen to Ye Zhiqiu's nonsense. Please protect everyone who cares about her family and country in the world. May she live a long life... Peace all the years."

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