When Xie Heng saw Ah Jiu coming, he immediately stopped writing and got up to meet him. He said with a smile: "be careful, don't touch the broken porcelain on the ground."

As soon as Wen Jiu saw his appearance, he knew that the little waiters hurried over and said that words such as "the Mo Yi Hou is gone, your majesty is angry and is throwing things in the imperial study to anger the ministers" are completely unreliable.

Fortunately, at this moment, the palace attendants are afraid to touch the master's mildew and dare not come near. Otherwise, seeing your Majesty's smile, they are afraid to think your majesty is mad.

She bypassed the broken porcelain on the ground, went to Xie Heng and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Xie Heng took her hand with a smile and led her to the back of the imperial case. He asked her to sit on the Dragon chair. Then he slowly bent over to her ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "ah Yu's elm bumps are not enlightened, so he had to write down the strong medicine."

"You deceive him?" Wen Jiu opened a pair of beautiful eyes in surprise. After only a moment, he calmed down.

This is like what Xie Dongfeng can do.

The chief assistant of the Dayan Dynasty broke a thousand cases and could hold down the Manchu courtiers, but could not guard against his eldest brother's pit brother Dafa.

Wen Jiu looked at Xie Heng with a smile on his lips for a moment and couldn't help asking, "I heard that he has rushed to yujiangzhou. This matter will be found out by him in two days. How can you end when he comes back?"

"End?" Xie Heng sat aside and hugged her. "That's not my business. The idea came from Wanjin. He's in charge of the rest."

"Wan Jin is also involved in this?" Wen Jiu suddenly felt that the third childe was a little miserable.

Not only was he deceived by his eldest brother, but also the four CHILDES wanted to push him.

She narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "I don't know about it?"

"No, no, no!" Xie Heng saw that the momentum was wrong and quickly explained: "no one in the court knows about it anymore. After all, Xiaoye is a girl's family. She has always led soldiers to fight and kill, and she has to risk being exposed at any time. This hidden danger must be solved. I've thought about it for a long time. Just this time, she saved people in yujiangzhou, so... Push the boat with the current."

Wen Jiu is deeply suspicious of his "Shun" word. It is clear that the layout has been for a long time. He is waiting for Xie Yu to get into the net. He has to say it well, like the will of heaven.

However, she was more worried about ye Zhiqiu at the moment, so she skipped the others and directly asked him, "what's the matter with Xiao Ye now? Where is the person?"

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at the Qingyi guard a few steps away. "My mother asked you, come back."

The green guards silently hid the bottle smashed behind their backs for fear that it would be cut off when the warm wine saw it. They replied respectfully: "Keep well in a rich family's home in Yujiang Prefecture. Lord Moyi is to save people who were washed away by the flood. Among the rescued people, there happened to be the childe of the rich family who was rushed out half a mile and saved by us. His life is in danger, but the previous injury caused by the previous one is not suitable for bumping on the road. He will keep it in the rich family's house for some time, which is also convenient for his majesty and the fourth childe My big plan is to invite the king into the urn... "

He paused, then added with a smile, "if the third childe goes a little later, I'm afraid the childe of that family will make a promise by example."

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

The third childe is only afraid to lose half his life this time.

She thought for a while and asked Xie Heng seriously, "aren't you afraid to make your third childe angry for good or bad?"

Xie Heng thought: "let Qing Qi go with him. If ah Yu is really angry, there will be a doctor to treat him immediately."

As he spoke, he shouted to the waiters outside to send a message to let Qingqi set off immediately to catch up with the chief assistant.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He said helplessly, "you are really my eldest brother."

Just talking here, the waiter outside and the waiter inside passed on, and the fourth childe came.

The sound has not yet fallen.

Xie Wanjin quickly stepped in and said, "I didn't catch up!"

The fourth childe came up with this sentence. He said with regret: "I heard that the third brother changed his face when he heard that Xiaoye was gone in the imperial study. He almost strangled a green guards with his bare hands. Such a lively play may not happen in ten years. I actually missed it!"

"Fourth childe..." the green guards who had just been strangled by Xie Yu were still in the imperial study. Hearing the speech, they couldn't help shouting at him.

"It's all right, it's all right." Xie Wanjin handed over a silver ticket, smiled and comforted: "take it to calm down. Your clothes are wet. Go back and change yourself quickly."

The Qingyi guard immediately smiled and bowed back after receiving the silver ticket.

In the imperial study, only warm wine, Xie Heng and Xie Wanjin were left.

They're all home.

The fourth childe was more and more casual. He raised his feet and kicked away the porcelain chips in the way. He strode to the two people and said with a smile: "elder brother, tell me what else the third brother has just done?"

Xie Heng asked, "what else do you want to see him do?"

In fact, it's not easy to stimulate Xie Yu like this today.

After more than ten days of torrential rain, rivers and dams in various states and counties have long begun to dredge the water flow, and the stagnant land like Yujiang Prefecture is the top priority this time.

But if the third childe is more sober, he can think that the flood burst the dike when the army was crossing the border. It's very bullshit, and how can he not find Ye Zhiqiu's whereabouts when so many soldiers are there?

It's just a fan.

The square inch was in chaos, so I rushed there without thinking about it.

The fourth childe raised his hand and touched his nose. "I want to see the third brother cry."

Warm wine smell speech immediately: "??"

What do the brothers of this family think all day?

Thanks to Xie Xuan's absence at the moment, it is estimated that he has already started to rein in the fourth childe's skirt.

Xie Wanjin leaned on the imperial case, with an idle posture and a dandy smile. "I often see the king of hell lowering his eyebrows and want to see what the jade carving looks like when it tears, can't I?"

Warm wine heard in the clouds, "what king of hell lowered his eyebrows and the jade carving wept?"

"You don't know this?" the fourth childe looked at her with shocked eyes. "When the elder brother was called Xie Xiaoyan, everyone looked like 'you owe me several heads', but he was willing to smile and frown in front of you. I don't know who saw him. He said that it was the king of hell's frown, the spring return of the earth, and the blood of the corpses in the 18th floor purgatory turned into spring water."

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing. Danfeng's eyes were shining, "it's quite sour."

Wen Jiu looked up at him and suddenly felt that although these words were sour, they were not false.

Xie Wanjin said it well and said, "the reason why the jade carving weeps is that the third brother is beautiful and often looks expressionless, like a jade carving, and always makes people cry. The girl begged but can't cry. Those prison recidivists cried for mercy in his hands, but no one has ever seen him in great sorrow and joy. Therefore, there are actually a lot of people who want to see him cry."

The fourth childe said and suddenly explained emphatically, "I'm not the only one who wants to see it."

"HMM." Wen Jiu nodded and felt quite reasonable, but she looked at the four CHILDES in front of her and smiled so happily. Suddenly, she couldn't see it. She asked, "what about you?"

"What am I?" the fourth childe was confused.

Wen Jiu thought for a while and asked with a smile, "jinlang help your waist?"

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