"Help, help what?" Xie Wanjin was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he almost jumped up. "Cough, cough, cough... What do you really want to do? My son is also the one above! Brother Rong is the one... Cough!"

When he was half talking, he suddenly felt wrong, as if he had been surrounded by ah Jiu. He immediately turned around and pretended to say sternly: "what kind of jinlang to help my waist? My childe's waist is good! What kind of help? Do I need it? Don't you know, don't talk nonsense!" if others hear it, it's OK!

Wen Jiu looked at the fourth childe with a smile, "when did I talk nonsense? Isn't it you who lean up when I see tables and corridor columns all day?"

As soon as he came in, Xie Wanjin, who was leaning on the imperial case, immediately said: "..."

This kind of thing was joked by ah Jiu, Rao Shi's fourth childe was as thick skinned as the city wall and couldn't carry it. He couldn't say anything to refute at once. He was so ashamed that the ground was red. He could only look at Xie Heng and ask for help with his eyes. His eldest brother wanted him to take care of ah Jiu and quickly put the embarrassing thing behind him.

But Xie Heng was a man who couldn't see anyone else when he had a wine in his eyes. At that time, he ignored the look and handed it to the fourth childe whose eyelids were cramping. He said with a smile, "I said Wanjin is more and more like a bone. If he can lie down, he will never sit, if he can sit, he won't stand, and he leans around. It's because of his bad waist."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he was so angry that he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "elder brother!"

This is to change the third childe's black face into a temper. Xie Heng has to think about how to make him popular. After that, he has to coax himself. It's very tiring.

But the fourth childe is different.

This guy is always trying to make them happy and have fun. Even if he is really angry, the fourth childe will go back to harm Rong Sheng and have nothing to do with them.

"What's the use of calling me when you press your hands and hold your waist in front of people all day?" Xie Heng said with a smile on his thin lips, as if he suddenly thought of something: "Qin Mo mentioned it to me in private a few days ago. The Royal Marquis has been looking at physical weakness recently. Is he too tired?"

"I, I..." Xie Wanjin was so angry that he couldn't breathe freely. Brother Mingming just said one or two words briefly, but in his mind, it suddenly appeared that when the young ministers gathered around Xie Heng, they were nervous or smiled unkindly and asked "is the royal guards too tired recently? They look very compassionate".

When he thought of it, he felt his head was big and couldn't help raising his hand to cover his eyes. "I really thank them for their concern!"

Wen Jiu looked at the fourth childe with great interest and said very gently and considerately: "my waist is bad at this young age. How can I get it in the future? I still need to make it up when it's time to make it up. I still have a lot of good..."

"No! Don't whip deer antler! Don't eat leeks! I don't need tonic!" Xie Wanjin almost growled, "my waist is very good! Very good!"

Wenjiu was afraid that he was too excited, jumped up and plunged into the broken porcelain on the ground. He hurriedly said, "OK, OK! You have to hold on and say OK, that's fine."

Seeing that she should be so perfunctory and indulgent, Xie Wanjin became more and more angry. He accentuated his tone and said, "my body bones are really good. If I want to tonic, it is also a tonic!"

Warm wine slightly raised her eyes and gave a subtle "Oh" look.

Xie Heng smiled and hugged his sweetheart. He asked curiously, "Rong Sheng is more empty than you?"

When Xie Wangang wanted to answer, he heard his eldest brother say again, "no, Rong Sheng has high internal power. It doesn't look like an individual And give you the upper hand? "

The fourth childe was confused.

He and Rong Sheng will grow old all their lives. Although his father and aunt have nodded their heads and all the servants and maids in the house know it, they are different from ordinary couples. On weekdays, the elders know how to avoid some and won't bother about things in the house. In addition, Rong Sheng didn't like to be close to others, and the little maids waiting at the bottom didn't dare to stay in the house more.

But this eldest brother suddenly mentioned this today. There was ah Jiu beside him. He said it so naturally that the fourth childe was embarrassed.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose. He took out all the boldness of his life and made himself look calm.

He coughed softly and said slowly, "this is due to his extensive knowledge and experience."

"What do you mean?" Wenjiu didn't understand at all.

Xie Wanjin looked at his eldest brother, slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "well, just ask your eldest brother."

Xie Heng looked at the fourth childe's eyes and immediately liked them from each other's eyes. He smiled incredulously and said, "you are well-informed and experienced?"

"What's strange?" Xie Wanjin smiled back. "I've seen other people's sleeping flowers and willows. I've seen so many secret plays. There are many ways to increase my knowledge. Even if I haven't really done it, it's better than those who know nothing?"

Wen Jiu was surprised and said, "I didn't expect Rong Sheng to look like he knows everything. In such a thing..."

She couldn't help laughing.

Xie Heng said, "Rong Sheng knows nothing about this? Ha ha..."

Xie Wanjin just stood in front of the imperial case and looked at the couple laughing. He picked his eyebrows and said, "what's funny? You have to read more books if you have nothing to do, okay?"

Xie Heng bent his fingers and knocked on the table. "Is the secret play picture also called a book?"

"They are all books. They are all written and painted by people. How can they not be regarded as books?" Xie Wanjin said boldly: "books that can be used are good books!"

Thanks to Aung, knowing that he was not interested in those serious books for the imperial examination, he didn't stick to him and read whatever unofficial history miscellaneous books he was happy to read.

I don't know. It's really used when it's critical.

Xie Heng can't say anything about him anymore, Said with a smile, "OK, I'll give you some boxes later."

Wen Jiu said: "whether it's your tonic or Rongsheng tonic, take those... Herbs back first."

The topic goes back here.

"No! I don't want it! Brother Rong doesn't need it!" Xie Wanjin resolutely refused. If you take it back, how can you explain it to brother Rong?

He was afraid that his eldest brother and ah Jiu would ask something strange again, so he quickly opened his mouth and said, "the third brother is going to find Xiaoye this time. It is estimated that he will scare 80% of the officials in Yujiang Prefecture. Anyway, I'm fine in Dijing. I'd better go and have a look."

Xie Heng looked at the fourth childe for a moment, "you can't press ah Yu when you go."

"But I can appease those officials who are frightened by him." Xie Wanjin said, "they are the mainstay of Dayan. Your people will be robbed for no reason. How miserable it is. I'll save them."

Xie Heng looked at the fourth childe with bright eyes: are you so kind?

Xie Wanjin just thought he didn't see anything. He turned and walked out and said, "don't say it. It's very urgent. I have to go right away!"

Wen Jiu and Xie Heng looked at each other and said calmly, "it doesn't matter. You just go to yujiangzhou. I'll send someone to the warm wind hospital directly."

Xiewan King Kong walked to the door and almost tripped over the threshold.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, reached for the door and stood firm. Reluctantly, he looked back at his eldest brother and ah Jiu and said with a regretful face, "I shouldn't have entered the palace today!"

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