At the moment, Xie Wanjin, who stayed in the hall, rubbed his wrist and whispered to Rong Sheng, "I think the third brother looks a little crazy. Previously, a green guards in the Palace said that he was almost strangled by the third brother with his bare hands. I don't believe it, but he pinched my wrist just now..."

The fourth childe said with a bit of fear on his face, "I'm really afraid he'll break my wrist accidentally."

Rongsheng looked down at Xie Wanjin's red and swollen wrist and stretched out his hand to him to signal him to put it over.

"Why? You want to show me?" the fourth childe said and handed it over. Zhan Yan said with a smile, "then there will be brother Lao Rong."

Rongsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, helped him relieve the pain by pressing his wrist, and said, "if I knew so, I should have broken his wrist."

"No, no, no..." Xie Wanjin quickly changed his mouth and said, "I just want to say that the third brother's strength is beyond my expectation. It doesn't mean that he deliberately wants to break my wrist, and isn't it broken?"

Rongsheng didn't answer his words, but the movement on his hand became more and more gentle.

Xie Wanjin continued to tell him about Xie's abnormality.

It's strange to say that the third brother has been a writer for so many years. A few years ago, he couldn't even ride a horse when he was the No. 1 scholar in the middle school. Every time the dark tide surged in the imperial capital, the eldest brother always arranged the Qingyi guards to guard him in the dark on the third floor and the third floor outside. No one ever said anything about him With such strength.

The attendants who came with them have gone to deal with the governor of Yujiang. At the moment, there is no one else in the hall.

Xie Wanjin talked to Rong Sheng as usual. He was worried. Xie Yu had guessed that he and his eldest brother were behind Xiaoye's story.

"Look at the third brother today. I'm afraid he won't give up until he finds Xiaoye." when the fourth childe said something, he looked rather sad. "Yujiangzhou is very big, but he can't stand digging three feet to find it. Moreover, the green guards are afraid that he will die and can't resist for a few days..."

He said with a sigh, then slowly said the most worried point, "the most important thing is that Xiaoye can't hide anything in front of him. Once he sees someone, Xiaoye will say everything at that time, then I will be hated by the third brother all my life!"

Rongsheng listened patiently and asked, "what do you want?"

As soon as Xie Wanjin heard this, he couldn't help laughing. He leaned over and hit Rong Sheng with his shoulder, "Naturally, Xiao Ye can't give up my eldest brother and me when he meets his third brother."

Rong Sheng thought about it carefully, and then said, "that can only poison her dumb."

"That's not good!" Xie Wanjin said, "even if you can't open your mouth, you can write by hand, and..."

Before he finished saying this, he heard Rong Sheng say, "then his hands are useless."

The fourth childe was so helpless that he was angry and smiled, "I said brother Rong, can you not always poison and waste. Xiaoye is so good that you can't treat her?"

Rongsheng looked up at him and asked, "what am I doing to her?"

"It's all my own..." Xie Wanjin somehow felt a little speechless.

He didn't need Rong Sheng to rub his wrist and silently pulled his hand back. "Moreover, she is still a girl. She must be my third sister-in-law in the future. Anyway, you can't use the previous means on her."

The fourth childe almost lost his chin when he learned that ye Zhiqiu was a girl, but he thought it should be like this.

She is such a good person and likes the third brother so much that everything should be perfect and there can be no more problems Superfluous obstacles.

"Well." Rong Sheng replied as usual, "listen to you."

Seeing that he was neither angry nor dissatisfied at all, Xie Wanjin suddenly felt that what he had just said was a little heavy. He quickly explained, "I'm not saying that you did wrong before! Even now, this man is Xiaoye. We have to take it easy. Poison can't be used, and people can't waste it. See if you have any medicine that will briefly forget something once you eat it?"

He remembered that when ah Jiu was just found by his elder brother, the whole person was a little confused. Although it was caused by a long illness, most of it was caused by Rong Sheng.

At present, it would be nice if she could erase Xiaoye's memory and let her forget all these days when she met her third brother.

When the fourth childe thought of this and looked at Rong Sheng, peach blossom's eyes were full of brilliance.

The latter was seen by him and couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows, "yes, but..."

"Don't be a butch, just take it out and use it." Xie Wanjin didn't mind Listen to him later.

How terrible the third brother is.

They were all confused and confused. They could associate this with their eldest brother and him and summoned a large group of green guards to question. Although he came in time, he stabilized the situation for the time being.

But the third brother is by no means a person who will sit and wait for news.

Now I don't trust Tsing Yi Wei very much. It's very likely that I've asked another person to investigate.

The more the fourth childe thought about it, he felt that he couldn't delay for a moment and asked Rong Sheng to prepare the medicine quickly.

This way, Xie Wangang finished saying this, and the prefect of Yujiang brought a group of officials to visit the Royal marquis.

Since Lord Shoufu came here, people have never closed their eyes and dare not eat. They are all green and black. When they see this eloquent royal coat Hou who has not put on airs, they find a bit of exquisite appearance in officialdom.

Xie Wanjin comforted the crowd while arranging to follow Xie Xuan's mind and go everywhere to find Ye Zhiqiu's whereabouts. Things were done in a busy and orderly manner.

After nightfall, we have to persuade Xie to relax. At least we should eat something and have a rest earlier.

What he said was painstaking and worried, and people couldn't see that he was the one who was thinking behind his back about how to make Xiaoye unable to speak the truth with Xie Yu.

Rao SHIXIE's doubts about him could not help but dispel most of them.

Xie Wanjin advised the third brother to go out of the house in the middle of the night. He took the door and turned to walk down the corridor. At the moment, the color of worry on his face completely faded, leaving only a few points: "just your broken temper! Don't let you be anxious, let who be anxious?"

Qing Er came from the dark. He just saw the process of the fourth childe's face changing. He was very impressed and respectfully came forward and shouted, "fourth childe."

"Coming." Xie Wanjin took out a small jade bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Qing secondhand. "Take this to Xiaoye and watch her eat it and come back."

Green two don't understand a way: "four childe...... is this?"

"Good thing." Xie Wanjin picked his eyebrow and smiled. "Brother Rong matched it himself. Most people can't afford it."

The fourth childe of Qing er's intuition seems to be going to pit the third childe, and he doesn't dare to ask more. At this time, he still knows less and is safer. He bowed his head and said, "yes, that subordinate left first. ”

He flew away and left the Taishou mansion.

Xie Wanjin stood where he was and rubbed his fingertips to calculate: the third brother can find the location of Xiaoye in a few days.

At the moment, the lights in the room behind him went out and it was dark.

Xie Xuan stood quietly in front of the window, stared at Xie Wanjin and ordered the green guards to come and go.

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