Since Xie Zhen arrived in Yujiang Prefecture, he has almost turned the whole 500 Li radius upside down in order to find Ye Zhiqiu.

Although the local officials have long heard that the chief auxiliary Lord's thunder means and case resolution are like God, they never thought he could be stubborn here.

The people were surprised and afraid, but also full of doubts: "this was washed away by the flood for so many days, and it is difficult for the gods to survive. How did the first auxiliary adult determine that the Moyi Hou is still alive?"

What is more frightening than these officials is that the green guards ordered to work here fooled the third childe and managed to keep calm on the first day. After a night, they couldn't hold on. According to the third childe's method, they will find someone in a few days. How can they bear the cold and cold Dharma of the chief assistant at that time.

Qing Er sneaks in with several green guards The prefect's office went to the fourth childe to discuss countermeasures. The first sentence he said was, "fourth childe, help!"

The fourth childe was also very worried. The Qingyi guard sent to deliver medicine to Ye Zhiqiu never returned. I don't know what happened.

Fortunately, Rong Sheng was on the side. Xie Wanjin frequently raised his eyes to look at him while trying to find a way to calm his mind and share the humanity: "my third brother is not so easy to cheat, and it seems that he has noticed it now. In this way... None of you should go to see Xiaoye in recent days, so you can help my third brother find someone."

"Help the third childe find someone?"

"But we just hid the Moyi hou..."

Several green guards are a little confused about Xie Wanjin's words Qi Qi looked at him blankly.

"Don't you believe that you will become stupid if you practice more martial arts!" Xie Wanjin glanced at them with some disgust.

He waved to everyone to come over, then lowered his voice and said, "it's because you've been against him that you can't be guilty. You have to feel in your heart that you haven't done that at all, and then do what he ordered, and even do more than you've done before. In this way, it seems that you haven't done anything before, you know?"

The green guards understood what the fourth childe said. They were a little confused for a moment.

Rongsheng's lips were slightly raised, and his tone was light: "so you deliberately went to Xie Yu's house yesterday and paid him most of the evening's attention?"

"Hey..." Xie Wanjin reached out and touched his chin, smiled and explained, "that's not hospitality. I care about my third brother for a few hours."

As soon as he said this, all the people in the room looked at him: the fourth childe is really the first person to open his eyes and tell lies!

Obviously, I have done something to pit the third childe. I feel guilty. It can be said that I care. It is rare in the world.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?" Xie Wanjin patted the table. "Don't forget that you came to beg me for advice!"

Qing Er reacted quickly and hurriedly said, "yes! The idea of the fourth childe must be a good idea. We all listen to the fourth childe. ”

Several other Qingyi guards echoed one after another, "please tell your subordinates again."

"That's about the same. ” Xie Wanjin said casually and turned to look out of the window. It was raining heavily. The people in the prefect's house came and went. The door opposite had been closed. Xie Yu went out early. People such as rich clothes and food were busy outside. They didn't know when they would come back.

"So..." the fourth childe thought for a moment and then said again: "You go out for a few more rounds and take turns to send the news of Xiaoye to my third brother. Whenever you see a little similar, you run to him and say it. Whether men or women go or not to confirm it is his business, you just keep telling him. Remember to try your best to 'find' Xiaoye more than those under my third brother..."

He said a lot in one breath, bluffing the green guards, and finally said, "anyway, I can't let my third brother idle. He has a heavy mind and likes to think about things when he is free. If he thinks about it, we'll be over!"

The green guards nodded again and again: Yes, that's the reason.

"Do you understand? If you understand, go quickly. What are you doing here?" Xie Wanjin asked Waved his hand, "come and go quietly. Don't let people see you coming to me secretly again."

"Yes!" everyone answered in unison, flying into the dark and leaving quietly.

Just a moment.

Only Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng were left in the room.

The fourth childe said so little. He was thirsty. As soon as he was about to pour tea, he saw Rong Sheng pour delicious tea and hand it over.

He smiled, bent his peach eyes, took a sip, and slowly asked, "brother Rong, what do you want to say to me?"

Rong Sheng slightly raised his eyebrows and said in a slightly raised tone, "it seems like today that you were merciful to me."

"Cough..." Xie Wanjin almost choked when he heard the speech. He coughed twice and couldn't help asking, "what does that mean?"

Rong Sheng said with a faint smile, "I just feel that Xie Yu hasn't killed you yet. It can be regarded as caring for brotherhood."

Xie Wanjin was speechless: "

They looked at each other and looked at each other for a moment.

The fourth childe put down the tea lamp, smiled and said, "otherwise, why did you think I went to him last night How many hours in the house? "

Rong Sheng doesn't answer.

Xie Wanjin then said to himself, "it's inevitable that my third brother's city hall suspects me and my eldest brother, but now Xiaoye hasn't found it. Even if he suspects, he has no evidence, and the more I'm afraid that he will hide from him, I'll only take his guess. But I wanted to get close to him, so he... "

He gave Rongsheng a "you know" look.

The latter hooked his lips and said with a low smile, "I don't know why, I suddenly felt that Xie Yu was a little pathetic."

"That's not true. ” Xie Wanjin shook his head and said solemnly, "I have been doing business since I was young. I am younger and older than others, and I am a little complacent. But my father said, "a teenager should look like a teenager. It's good to be naive, ignorant, rebellious and frivolous."

Rongsheng listened to him quietly, and his eyes were gentle for no reason.

Xie Wanjin said slowly, "like my eldest brother, when I was a teenager, I pulled out my sword to help when I saw injustice. I love money like this, and I have seen people who are sad give money generously, not to mention small five and six or seven, but my third brother , Everything is impeccable, but I don't have much popularity... "

The fourth childe said, his face showing three points of distress, "I think he will be anxious, flustered, crying and laughing. He generally loves this great world like me, rather than abandoning the world of mortals if he can't catch it. Even if I don't do it so well this time, but my life is short, if I don't do it at this time, how can I know whether there will be another time?"

He felt that what he said was a little wordy. He couldn't help stopping and asked, "brother Rong... Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Well." Rongsheng nodded, and said seriously, "I understand."

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