Since the fourth childe gave advice to the Qingyi guard, Xie Xuan has been running around all day, going back and forth more than ten or twenty times in the rainstorm. After three or four days of tossing and turning, several horses have been abandoned. Xie Xuan also has a high fever because of the wind and cold in the rain.

But Rao is so, and he can't stop him from running out at all.

Even if none of those subordinates who are similar to those in the Tsing Yi guardian is true, Xie Xuan went to confirm it with his own eyes.

In the early morning of this day, the rain fell like beads.

Rich food and clothing, taking people in the rain to report, "my Lord, I have a whereabouts!"

Xie Yu, who came back at midnight yesterday, came out in his clothes. His voice was so hoarse that he could hardly make a voice. "Where is the man?"

Lairen: "my subordinates have found out that Lord Moyi was washed away by the water to save the son of the Luo family. Later, Lord Moyi's whereabouts were unknown, but an unidentified girl suddenly came to the house of the grandfather of the three generations of medical practice of Lord Luo, who is called the famous doctor of Yujiang..."

He said, secretly glancing at Xie Xuan's face. When he saw that the latter was not shocked, he was not surprised at this, so he calmed down and continued.

Because of the torrential rain, the people in yujiangzhou have become a little messy. It's not strange who has one less and one more. In particular, the son Luo's family is a big family and there are many people in the house

While listening, the third childe thought: childe naluo took Ye Zhiqiu in, but he didn't report to the government, or even stay in his own house. He also deliberately hid in his grandfather's house, which was obviously deliberately concealed.

It doesn't make sense that ye Zhiqiu is still alive but hasn't sent news to Qingyi Wei and Yujiang government.

Something else must have happened here.

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she was. Her eyes changed slightly. "What's the matter with her?"

"My subordinates only know this." the young man who came to report bowed his head in shame and said, "after all, Lord Shoufu ordered my subordinates to investigate secretly, and my subordinates can't disturb too many people. When he learned about it, he came back and reported it immediately."

Xie Yu slowed down for a moment and said in a dumb voice, "it's not right to disturb. I, I'll go and have a look myself."

As he said this, he raised his hand to show that he had plenty of food and clothing for the carriage. Then he put on his big sleeved shirt and pressed down his surging thoughts. He walked out quickly with his subordinates who came to report.

Xie Wanjin stands At the window, I saw him walking in a hurry, feeling guilty and distressed. After careful consideration, I decided to catch up and implicitly disclose Xiaoye's whereabouts to my third brother.

"Third brother!" the fourth childe walked three steps at a time and hurriedly pursued all the way until the gate.

He grabbed Xie Xuan's arm, grabbed it, and panted, "brother three, you're still ill. You can't get in the rain anymore, otherwise Xiaoye hasn't found it. You're sick first. How can I explain to my elder brother?"

Xie Xuan looked back, but he didn't speak. He just looked at him dimly.

Just one look.

Xie Wanjin suddenly felt that the third brother already knew something. Then he looked at the people who followed Xie Yu. They were in the group that kept checking out Ye Zhiqiu's whereabouts these days.

The fourth childe was surprised, but he had to keep his face as usual.

While thinking about how to round the field, he thought about how to tell the third brother that the location of Xiaoye was not obvious and watertight. He thought about it for a moment He continued: "I heard that there is a famous Yujiang doctor in the city who has excellent medical skills. It's not far from the prefect. I'll go to see the disease with my third brother first, and then go to find Xiaoye?"

Xie Yu's eyes were slightly cool. "You have nothing to ask what that wonderful hand is doing?"

"Third brother, you're ill. Am I worried?" Xie Wanjin's face didn't blush and his heart didn't jump when he lied. "Last night, I had sent someone to invite Fang Miao, but his family said he was busy with something difficult recently and won't go out to see a doctor for the time being, so third brother, let's come to the house."

When Xie Xuan heard this, he couldn't help guessing in his heart: most famous doctors are proud of hanging pots to help the world and heal the sick and save people.

However, the people of Fang miaoshou's family suddenly stopped going out of the house to see a doctor on the grounds that the master was busy with thorny things. Is it because... Fang miaoshou had to concentrate on treating this person because of the more difficult patient in Fang's house?

Coincidentally, ye Zhiqiu was the one who appeared in Fang's house during this time.

When the third childe realized this, his face suddenly became very dignified.

"Third brother?" Xie Wanjin shouted when he saw that he was so tempted. He couldn't help but reflect on whether he was wrong.

Xie Yu didn't speak at once.

The fourth childe was more and more worried. He had no words to say: "in fact, looking for someone really depends on fate and luck. You see, you're mobilizing people. Maybe it's because there are too many people and there's too much noise. Xiaoye doesn't want to come out if he wants to spend a few days in leisure."

He noticed that Xie Xuan's face became more and more ugly. He quickly changed his mind and said, "anyway, you haven't found it for so many times, and you don't need to see a doctor. If you're lucky, you'll just go to Fang miaoshou's house to see a doctor. What... Did you find it?"

Xie Wanjin quickly said with Xie Yu: Xiao Ye is in the Fang family. Go quickly!

He thought to himself:

I've talked about it.

In the future, things will spread out, and the third brother won't strangle me, will he?

Xie Xuan's face was pale. He glanced at Xie Wanjin and was full of cold. But now he had no time to say more. Even if he had enough clothes and food to wait, he only called the man who came to report and a coachman to go with him. He boarded the carriage and rushed to Fang Fu.

Xie Wanjin, well-off and others stood in front of the Taishou mansion and watched the carriage go away.

The foot food whispered: "why did the adult go like this? He didn't even bring me and Fengyi. He was still ill. His voice was hoarse and couldn't speak..."

Xie Wanjin stretched his waist and said slowly: "if you come to see a doctor, you have to look like a patient? It's not like you come to rob your daughter-in-law. What are you doing with so many people?"

Abundant food and clothing immediately: "..."

What the fourth childe said every time was a little strange, but it was especially reasonable.

The wheels in front rolled over the ground and accumulated water. Soon they came to the door of fangfu.

Subordinates took the lead in getting out of the carriage and came forward to report. Xie Yu followed them out in the rain and stepped up the steps.

The servants of Fang mansion looked at the master and servant.

The third childe went out in a hurry today. He was wearing dark blue civilian clothes and a hairpin. He was a little less imposing because of illness and a little more gentle and handsome. No one linked him with the head and assistant who stirred up the earth shaking face when he arrived in yujiangzhou. Even if he politely invited people into the door.

While leading them inside, the young man of Fang's house said, "my master is obsessed with studying medicine these days. Even the food is sent to the study. I don't know when I can come out to see you two. If I come here for nothing today, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter." Xie Xuan answered, but he hardly made a sound.

The accompanying subordinates quickly said for him, "my childe said it's OK to wait."

The servant of Fang's house couldn't say anything. He led people through the corridor and into the side hall. He asked his maid to make tea, so he stepped down and let them wait here.

Xie Xuan had no intention of drinking tea. As soon as the servant girl of Fang's house left, she went out of the flower hall and went through the arch to the West Wing room.

On the way here, he has pondered over the layout of the mansion. Most outsiders come and live in the wing room. The owner of the mansion is not an idle person. He waits here. I don't know when he can see it, and he may not tell him all about it.

Since you're here, you'd better see it with your own eyes.

Moreover, the West Wing room is next to the garden. If a visitor comes here, he can also be said to be fascinated by the scenery. It's not too rude to enter the garden by mistake.

Xie Xuan walked very fast. The subordinate accompanying him was a martial artist. He was a little slow, but he could only follow behind and couldn't catch up with him.

The third childe thinks a lot. He is in a mess. He doesn't know what childe Luo's idea is. He can't figure out why Ye Zhiqiu suddenly prefers to stay here incognito. He is more afraid that the matter is related to life and death.

The rain came in front of him. He walked in a hurry and had a complicated mind. But when he looked up through the garden arch, he saw the familiar figure standing in the garden with an umbrella. Her face was blocked by the umbrella. She could only see that she was wearing a light blue cloud sleeved Luo skirt. Her long hair spread down to her waist and was a little messy and flying by the wind

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