The fallen flowers and leaves wiped her flying cloud sleeves, and the dark sky above her head faded away for no reason.

This moment.

Xie Xuan's world seems to have lost all sounds, the torrential rain is silent, and the wind is quiet.

He could only hear his heart beat like a heavy drum.

"Ye, Zhiqiu?" Xie Xuan stood in the rain and called her, but her voice was so dumb that she couldn't make a sound.

The man standing not far away didn't seem to notice his arrival. He still kept his original posture, didn't move, and didn't ask aloud.

Xie Xuan closed his hands tightly under his sleeves, walked forward with heavy steps, and tried to speak with some difficulty.

But the man in front of him took a step first and said with a smile, "you're coming."

Xie Yu's heart trembled.

It's her voice!

"I've told you many times that you don't have to come to see me every day. Why don't you just listen?"

Ye Zhiqiu said, holding up the oil paper umbrella in her hand, revealing a plain face facing the sky. Although she did not apply powder, she was three-thirds heroic, three-thirds gentle, and four-quarters beautiful and charming.

The skin color is much whiter and thinner than when I left Beijing.

She changed into a cloud sleeved Luo skirt and wore a simple bun with a silver hairpin. She had no knife or sword in her hand. She was in the fallen leaves and flying flowers, as if her eyebrows and eyes were much softer.

If I were to be another courtier, I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize the famous Moyi Hou standing here.

Xie Xuan looked at her in a daze. He didn't calm down for a long time. He didn't even feel the heavy rain on his face.

Ye Zhiqiu half rang and didn't wait for an answer. He couldn't help but accept a smile. He whispered in disappointment, "isn't ah Hui?"

Xie Xuan couldn't make a sound and unconsciously said, "ah Hui... Who is it?"

Ye Zhiqiu put the oil paper umbrella on his shoulder, tilted his head and made a listening posture. After a moment, he asked, "aren't you from this house?"

Xie Xuan was surprised at her question. She couldn't help looking up at Ye Zhiqiu's eyes. Only then did she find that although she looked normal, her always clear and bright eyes became dim and without any brilliance.

"Your eyes..." the third childe squeezed out a sound in his throat, but he was dumb and hard to hear sentence.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't see his lips. Naturally, he didn't know what he was talking about.

She smiled and asked in a warm voice, "are you here for medical treatment? Why didn't you wait in the flower hall and come here?"

Xie Yu was hot anyway. At the moment, she knew that she had hurt her eyes. Suddenly, her blood flowed and she was dizzy. She almost couldn't stand stably. She quickly stretched out her hand to hold the flower branch, but a trace of fishy sweetness poured into her throat.

He forced himself down and coughed for a moment.

I used to think she was heartless and heartless. No matter how cold he treated her, she could smile as before.

Now goodbye, only to know that her smile can also destroy people's hearts and hearts.

Ye Zhiqiu heard the sound and immediately handed over the umbrella to block the wind and rain on Xie Xuan's head. He frowned slightly and said, "you're so sick. How can you walk alone? It's such a heavy rain that you don't even support the umbrella. If the people who miss you know, don't you want to die of heartache?"

Xie Yu couldn't stop coughing. When he heard the speech, the tip of his nose suddenly became sour.

He was a man of few words, but now his voice is hoarse again, and he can't say anything to respond to her.

Fortunately, ye Zhiqiu was not the one who had to ask others to answer. He took a half step forward to hold an umbrella for Xie Xuan. He took down the bell at his waist and shook it. He said to him, "I rang the bell. The little girl nearby will come soon after hearing it."

Xie Xuan's eyes kept falling on her face and didn't leave for a moment.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't see and didn't hear him. He couldn't help asking, "can you still stand? If you can't stand steadily, lean on me for a while, and they will come soon."

Xie Xuan pursed her lips, silently let go of her hand holding the flower branch, lowered her breath and slowly leaned against Ye Zhiqiu.

His clothes were soaked, and the whole person was hot. Ye Zhiqiu was a martial artist with his own heat source. Their body temperature was transferred to each other through their clothes, and suddenly became hot.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned at the moment he leaned over, and soon recovered as usual, trying to explain: "although men and women are not close, patients can not talk about this. It is most important to keep their lives..."

The other party didn't say a word from beginning to end.

The boys and maidservants who came running as soon as they heard the bell didn't appear again.

"Why did you stop breathing and exhaling as soon as you leaned against me?" she was inexplicably embarrassed. She had nothing to say and tried to resolve it a little. "Do I look like a mountain bandit who would rush home to be her husband as soon as I saw a man who looked clear and meaningful? Do you Relax... Anyway, I can't see what others look like. I won't use any skin to make you marry me. Don't worry. "

Xie Yu immediately: "...."

"Why don't you talk all the time?" Ye Zhiqiu waited for a moment, but still didn't wait for him to speak. Suddenly he understood something and asked, "aren't you a mute?"

Xie Xuan was speechless and could only look at her with eyes as black as ink.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were dark and he couldn't see anything. He took it for granted. He quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I can't speak, can I? In fact, dumb people can be cured. The owner of this family is called Yujiang's famous doctor. The medical skill is not boastful. As long as you can follow the doctor's advice and drink all the bitter drugs, you will be cured!"

In the end, she felt that when she came to the gate, she could immediately solicit business for the Fang family.

Many precious herbs of the Fang family have been used these days. Now she has nothing to lose. It would be good if she could return one or two.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, it will really not go up, and we can only offset it with our bodies.

Xie Xuan looked at her and smiled. He couldn't help thinking:

She seems to be enjoying herself here these days.

After only a few words, he has begun to solicit business for the Fang family, just like taking this place as his own home

The rain kept falling, and the fishy sweetness in the third childe's throat could not be suppressed.

He couldn't say a word. He looked down silently. Seeing that the splashing water wet Ye Zhiqiu's skirt, he held her wrist and wanted to pull people under the eaves and say something else.

Who knows, as soon as he started, a group of people came in a hurry. The one in front was dressed in a light blue robe with a jade crown and hair, just like a handsome childe.

But he walked the fastest and most urgent. When he opened his mouth, he was full of care and eagerness. "Miss Qiu! The rain hasn't stopped. It's thundering. Why did you come out alone to blow the hair?"

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