Ye Zhiqiu was not fat before, but she was tall. She looked stronger in men's clothes than this red silk skirt. In addition, it was difficult to clear her mind these days, but she couldn't see it and didn't care much.

Xie Wanjin is a childe who cares about everything. He knocked on the table with a folding fan and motioned the little handmaid to pour tea for himself. He said, "my third brother really can't take care of people. No wonder you don't want to go back with him now."

Ye Zhiqiu opened her mouth and said awkwardly, "it's not because of this."

Xie Wanjin smiled, his eyes full of peach blossoms, and his romantic appearance made several little maidservants in the house blush with laughter. Unable to carry it, he retreated outside the house.

Only for a moment, he and ye Zhiqiu sat opposite each other in the room.

The fourth childe took a sip of tea slowly and said with a smile, "then why don't you tell me why you haven't returned to Beijing?"

When ye Zhiqiu heard this, he found that he had been accidentally wound into the corner by the fourth childe.

She was silent and whispered, "her eyes are not good yet. I can't do anything back to Dijing."

This time it's Xie Wanjin's turn. It's a little embarrassing.

But fortunately, he had a thick skin and put down the tea lamp, and the embarrassment disappeared. He smiled slowly and said, "we xiaoyeji people have our own nature. This eye will be good. Don't worry and don't worry too much. Let's let it be."

"Well, let nature take its course." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, "there's no other way, isn't it?"

"You're really..." Xie Wanjin was amused by her words, but he inevitably felt sorry for her.

What beautiful eyes.

Once bright eyes, but now dim.

If a person has a very divine color and nine points are in his eyes, lobular is blind and loses his look directly.

No wonder I don't want to go out in this house.

"Come back, fourth childe." when Xie Wanjin was distracted, ye Zhiqiu suddenly shouted to him.

then Frowned and asked, "did you give Xie Xuan something to eat?"

"Ah?" the fourth childe didn't react at once. He looked at Ye Zhiqiu blankly for a moment: "what are you talking about?"

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He had a headache and said, "fourth childe, don't pretend in front of me. Did you feed Xie Xiang some strange medicine and let him treat me..."

She paused, looked unnaturally and continued, "let him mistakenly think he likes me and obeys me, and become completely different from him?"


Xie Wanjin's first reaction was to shout these three words.

"I didn't do anything." the fourth childe was really wronged this time.

He had heard that the green guards came back and reported that the third childe had stayed at Fang miaozhou's house for a long time. He was very kind to the girl Qiu. His behavior was very abnormal. He seemed to have changed a person. He didn't believe it. He came to see it secretly twice. He was surprised and lost his chin. When he went back in the evening, he dreamed that the third brother was also kind and considerate to himself, The next morning, I woke up with fright. I couldn't slow down for a long time.

At present, Xie Wanjin sees Xiaoye like this, breaking some feelings of "I know your feelings too well", but I still have to make it clear, "if there are really drugs that can make people cling to everything in the world, I don't dare to use them on my third brother. I haven't lived enough."

Ye Zhiqiu paused as he rubbed his eyebrows.

As for the few people in the world who can make Mr. Xie say "fear", Xie Yu will definitely occupy one.

No matter how much bear heart and leopard courage Xie Wanjin eats, he doesn't dare to break ground on his third brother's head.

"But..." the fourth childe picked up the folding fan at hand and played with it. "I originally planned to put some medicine on you, but you were still using other medicine. You were afraid of the medicine will collide with each other, so you didn't succeed."

Ye Zhiqiu was speechless when he heard the speech: "

After a while, she said slowly, "you seem to regret that the medicine didn't work?"

"It's a little bit." Xie Wanjin opened the folding fan with a "brush", shook it gently and said with a smile: "but it doesn't matter if the medicine doesn't work. Let's change something else next time."

Ye Zhiqiu's head was big. He couldn't help asking, "fourth childe, what are you doing today?"

"Don't do anything." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "I just came to see you."

Ye Zhiqiu helped his forehead with a headache. Then he heard the fourth childe say with great interest: "Xiaoye, seriously, you look good in a silk skirt. If you had changed it, I would have invited you to visit the lake and take an outing..."

"You also said it was before." Ye Zhiqiu pulled this further and hurriedly interrupted him. "Stop now. I'm afraid your national master will come all night to poison me. I want to live a few more years. You can spare me."

Xie Wanjin raised his hand to touch his chin and unconsciously looked out of the window.

Although Rong Sheng didn't come today, it's better to stop such a dangerous topic.

He smiled as if he hadn't said anything he couldn't say just now, and the painting style changed: "in fact, although my third brother has been a little... Scary recently, it's not so abnormal. He has been so expressionless, cold and scary for so many years. It's just a change of appearance. Just get used to it."

Ye Zhiqiu said speechless, "you came to talk to me so much today just to persuade me to get used to it?"

"Yes, not all." Xie Wanjin said, "I just think my third brother is such a person. No one can resist the cold posture except you. If you don't like him, he will probably live a lonely life. Gee, it's terrible to think about it."

Ye Zhiqiu didn't speak at once.

Xie Wanjin looked at Ye Zhiqiu's expression carefully, and then said, "you know my third brother has a bad temper and a cold temper. He was polite and polite to people when he was a child. Since he became the first assistant, that one is defiant. Who in the man Dynasty doesn't want to walk around when he sees him?"

He didn't need Ye Zhiqiu to answer, so he answered again. "Anyway, I'm the one who wants to go around the most! That is, I'm a family with him, and I can't get around."

Ye Zhiqiu immediately: "

If she had known that the fourth childe was coming, whether she pretended to sleep, dizzy or busy with other things, she could not be stopped by him and began to gossip.

From the beginning, it's not over.

Xie Wanjin didn't know what ye Zhiqiu was thinking. He said step by step: "if he wasn't my third brother, I would certainly advise you not to tangle with him. Go! Go! Who do you like? Like him? Unfortunately, I'm unlucky. I'm his brother..."

The fourth childe sighed helplessly, "so I can only have the cheek to say to you, Xiaoye, you do it to the end and take my third brother."

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