Hearing this, ye Zhiqiu was already overwhelmed. He silently put down his hand to help his forehead and said helplessly, "fourth childe, what you said... Don't you think I'm a fool?"

Thank you. No one wants it?

Will Xie die alone without her?

This is what Xie Wanjin said.

People from all countries who have seen Mr. Xie say that he is eloquent and spits lotus flowers. This is by no means empty.

These words were true, and the black ones became white. She almost believed them.

"How can I?" Xie Wanjin said: "Xiaoye, you are a fan of the situation. You think my third brother is so good that he doesn't deserve him. In fact, no one wants to make a pair with him except you. Don't say that you just can't see now. Even if you lack arms and legs and are disfigured, as long as you still have one breath, you can still be a living person to accompany him. It's better than his lonely lamp and cold bed all his life, isn't it?"

Ye Zhiqiu stopped talking.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Xie Wanjin immediately told Xie Yu that he was busy these days. In fact, he was helping her find medicine.

The fourth childe said slowly, "life is short, Xiao Ye. You don't know what tomorrow will be like today. What you're thinking now is that you can't see your eyes. You're afraid to drag my third brother down. But there's an unexpected situation in the sky. People have misfortunes and blessings overnight. What if you don't have next year? Be happy today first, and then think about what tomorrow will be like?"

Ye Zhiqiu was silent.

The fourth childe always looks absurd and reasonable when he says such words, which makes people unable to refute.

Xie Wanjin looked at Xiaoye's face and continued: "anyway, the third brother has regarded you as his person this time. Whether you nod or not, he won't let go anyway. If you don't think he has taken the wrong medicine and made a strange disease, you don't know if he will ignore you one day. I have a good way here. Do you want to try?"

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be bewitched and asked unconsciously, "what method?"

Xie Wanjin smiled and collected the folding fan, leaned over to Ye Zhiqiu's ear and whispered, "you and your third brother have the reality of husband and wife first, and then this and that..."

He said a lot of things, all of which frightened Ye Zhiqiu's chin. Finally, he said, "even if he doesn't feel very good at that time, he still doesn't want it. At least he will get what he wants. He won't lose anything, will he?"

"Fourth childe, you'd better get busy with your business." ye zhiqiushi couldn't help seeing off the guests.

Xie Wanjin said very seriously, "your business with the third brother is my business. Aren't I busy?"

"Hey, where's my sword?" Ye Zhiqiu turned and touched the long sword hanging on the wall. Without saying a word, he pulled the sword out of its sheath. The silver flash scared the fourth childe back.

Xie Wanjin even took several steps back and felt a little unsafe. He retreated to the door all the way and stopped slightly. "Xiaoye, let's have something to say! You can't see anything now. What if a young master accidentally scratched his face?"

Ye Zhiqiu threw the long sword to the ground. "If you're okay, go and get the man back. He's still ill. What are you running outside all day?"

Xie Wanjin tasted the meaning of her words carefully and said with a smile: "you mean that when the third brother comes back, you will take him away, right?"

Ye Zhiqiu said anxiously, "when did I say..."

"OK!" but the fourth childe didn't give her a chance to speak at all. "Wait, ha, I'll get someone back now! Agreed, you can't go back!"

He said and went out quickly.

Only Ye Zhiqiu was left standing in place, vaguely remembering when he said this.

That's not what I meant just now?

These four CHILDES really only listen to what they want to hear. Without others saying it, he can misinterpret his words into what he thinks.

There is no second wonder in the world.

I don't know how Xie Xuan would react to the nonsense of the fourth childe.

But... Xie Wanjin went to find it. I should be able to find it back soon.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to do anything else. He was served by the waitresses. After eating, he sat by the window and waited for Xie to come back.

Although Xie Wanjin was very talkative, he was right about one thing.

I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe my life is not as long as she thought.

It's better to cherish the present.

At most, at most, if Xie Yu suddenly wakes up one day and finds that she doesn't like her at all, she'll just go again.

It's never too late to say that.

Ye Zhiqiu finally made up her mind to pick the moon flowers in the mirror, but the day passed very long. She stood and sat down all at once. She waited until the second midnight to hear some movement not far away.

Then there was a slight sound of footsteps from far to near. When someone came to the window, he stopped and put his hand on the edge of the window. The deliberately depressed breathing sound was a little hasty.

Ye Zhiqiu knew who was coming. He suddenly stood up and whispered, "thank you, you're back."

After she finished, she felt that she was really confused.

Xie Xuan answered very naturally, "well, I'm back."

Ye Zhiqiu stood by the window, the lights flickering on her side. She slightly lowered her head, reflected her figure on the porch window, and fell a gentle silhouette.

Xie Xuan looked at her through the window. Her eyes were dim and her voice was a lot milder unconsciously. "Wan Jin said, are you anxious to find me? ”

"No, I'm not in a hurry." Ye Zhiqiu stammered inexplicably. "The fourth childe came and said a lot to me, so I asked casually..."

Xie Xuan raised his hand and pushed the porch window to the highest. Seeing the dim yellow candle in the room, ye Zhiqiu was plated with a warm color. In a low voice, he said, "ask casually?"

He seemed to meditate for a moment and said solemnly, "it's different from what Wanjin and I said."

The night wind came in through the window. With the unique faint bamboo smell of Xie Yu, it brushed the tip of Ye Zhiqiu's nose. The dark green silk was disordered by the wind, and some scattered down and hung on his cheeks. It brushed the tip of his nose from time to time, making him itchy.

Ye Zhiqiu knew that he was close at hand. His heart beat faster unconsciously. Even his palms began to sweat. Some of them said in an unnatural voice: "the fourth childe is used to talking nonsense."

"Well, he's used to talking nonsense," Xie Xuan said in his usual tone, and then asked slowly, "what did you want to say to me in a hurry?"

Xu was in the dead of night, the wind was slow, and even his voice became gentle for no reason, with a sense of demagoguery.

Ye Zhiqiu held back for a long time and couldn't say anything elegant and appropriate. He simply stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Xuan's arm, pulled people over at random, took out the momentum of being a big leader in Feiyun a few years ago, and said to him clearly: "Xie Xuan, I want to cook mature rice with your raw rice!"

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