Xie Xuan was slightly stunned. His normally expressionless handsome face was full of amazement, and then gradually floated a layer of light powder.

He was stunned for a moment, then slightly calmed down and said, "this and this matter still follow the rules. None of the three books and six rites are indispensable. You and I are all big Yan..."

Ye Zhiqiu woke up a lot when he began to reason and behave.

This familiar feeling made her feel ashamed of what she had just said.

Sanyu must think she's rude and frivolous?

Ye Zhiqiu slowly let go of the hand holding Xie Xuan's arm and began to prepare to step back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she let go, Xie Xuan seemed to notice something, and suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her back. "The gift of the Duke of Zhou still needs to wait until the wedding night, but now... I should be able to get close to you first."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned. He didn't understand what he said for a moment. He couldn't help but say, "what's this talking about?"

Then the next moment, Xie Xuan bowed his head and kissed her.

His lips were not as cold as he looked.

Ye Zhiqiu was kissed so that the whole person was stupid.

The night was silent and the night was like water.

The hazy moonlight shrouded the eaves and courtyard, plating a shallow halo on them.

There was a night wind blowing slowly, and the branches, flowers and leaves fell to their sides.

Ye Zhiqiu doesn't know how to gasp.

Gradually, she blushed so much that it became difficult to breathe, "thank you, thank you..."

The voice became very soft.

After a while, Xie Xuan slowly left Ye Zhiqiu's lips and pushed away a little. Her eyes were as black as ink, staring at her eyebrows and eyes, "I don't know much. Please bear more."

Ye Zhiqiu took a deep breath and felt that he could breathe again. Hearing this, he suddenly felt a little dizzy. If he didn't want to, he said, "you'd better talk less."

This also has never had experience. Why is she so different from Xie?

Is this the legend that people are more angry than people?

Xie Yu was silent and whispered, "at this time, I should say more."

Hearing his tone, ye Zhiqiu felt inexplicably that he seemed wronged.

It's strange.

She paused. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly found that she had been pulling Xie Yu's sleeve for so long and holding it tightly. I think she had been wrinkled by her.

She made up her mind. Xie Xuan, who was like Yushu, looked like she was wearing wrinkled clothes. She immediately felt a little want to laugh, "what do you say? Why are you so gifted, but am I so clumsy?"

"No." Xie Xuan answered very quickly this time, gave a slight meal, and then said solemnly, "I'm too stupid."

Ye Zhiqiu:

It's embarrassing to say this. How can Xie be so calm?

She especially wanted to know the look on his face. Unfortunately, she couldn't see it, and she inevitably felt some regret in her heart.

The next moment, Xie Xuan seemed to see through what she thought in her heart and suddenly said, "Zhiqiu, I seem to be burning."

"What?" Ye Zhiqiu asked blankly, "what's burning?"

Xie Xuan took her hand and pasted it on his face. "His face is so hot."


Ye Zhiqiu originally felt that his face was already very hot. Who knows that Xie Xuan was even hotter than her.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to sigh or laugh.

In the past, young master Xie, who was as cold as frost, had such a time.

Ye Zhiqiu's face was even scarlet. He quickly pulled back feiyuan's thoughts and wanted to take back the hand held by Xie Yu and pasted on his cheek.

However, when she moved, Xie Xuan held the ground tighter and didn't mean to let go at all.

The third childe said in his usual tone, "I can touch you first."

Touch your uncle!

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't stand him saying such things solemnly, as if it were something aboveboard.

Xie Jianren was still standing outside the window. Although it was late at night, there was no maid. The young man ran to the wing room to listen to the corner.

But those Qingyi guards who live in the dark all day may be on the top of some tree at the moment. If you write this down in a small book and send it back to the imperial capital to show your majesty, and it spreads again, where else will her face go?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn't go on like this. She quickly threw away Xie's hand, quickly retracted her back behind her, and reluctantly asked, "can you think I didn't say that before?"

"No," Xie Wenwen said in a voice

The voice is rare and gentle, but the refusal is not vague at all.

Ye Zhiqiu stopped talking and silently reached out to close the window, intending to isolate Xie Yu.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved her hand, the porch window was supported by Xie Yu, and she couldn't push it at all.

This guy seems to be able to see through what she thinks. He can even see what she wants to do next.

Ye zhiqiushi was helpless. He loosened the porch window and asked him with a tangled face: "can you go back to sleep quickly?"

Xie Xuan looked at the person in front of her and waited for her to say the second half.

Ye Zhiqiu said, "you've been standing here, which makes me want to knock you out. Then I'll ask the fourth childe for some medicine and take you..."

"There's no need to find him." Xie said, "what you want to do to me can be done without medicine, but tonight ”

Ye Zhiqiu felt more and more wrong. "What do you think? I want to ask the fourth childe for some medicine that can make people forget something. It's not what you think... The thing I use? What's the difference between using that thing and forcibly tying you to the couch?"

Xie Xuan listened to her finish and said slowly, "you really want to do that to me."

"I......" although Ye Zhiqiu felt that he was a little speechless.

Although the skinny monkey and several other brothers from Feiyun stronghold had given her advice before, saying that Xie Yu was an ice sculpture. He didn't cover it hot. It's better to use something hard. They said, "anti Zhengda is just greedy for his beauty. It's good to get someone, no matter what he thinks in his heart."

Today, the fourth childe said almost the same thing. It's just to thank four people. When the same thing comes to his mouth, it becomes not dirty at all. Instead, it should be so general for everyone.

Xie Jue reached out to caress Ye Zhiqiu's eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "when you looked at me the other day, were you all thinking about that?"

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