Xie Xuan looked at her for a moment and then asked in a low voice:? "Then you come up and lie down?"

"No, No." Ye Zhiqiu immediately sat up straight and stretched out his hand to press Xie Yu back to lie down. "I'm not very dizzy now. You'd better lie down by yourself."

Her heart beat fast. She was afraid that she would think nonsense when she heard what he said again. She said before Xie Yu spoke, "ah Hui said that the soup and medicine will be delivered in two or three hours. You close your eyes and go to sleep. When the medicine is delivered, I will wake you up."

Xie Yu stared at her, "I'm not sleepy."

"No, you're sleepy!" Ye Zhiqiu pressed Xie Xuan not to let him get up. Without thinking about it, he said, "you should be sleepy. You've been running around outside and tired for many days. Just now... Forget it. If you don't say that, you can go to bed."

Xie youyou said, "then you..."

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" Ye Zhiqiu interrupted for fear that he might say something amazing again. He couldn't help grinding his teeth. "If you don't sleep again, I can only knock you out."

Xie Yu was speechless when he heard the speech: "...."

After a while, he whispered, "OK, I'll sleep."

After that, the third childe relaxed and closed his eyes. He was ill and his mind was dizzy. Only when ye Zhiqiu was nearby, he temporarily forgot that he was still ill. He suddenly relaxed, and his sleepiness came overwhelming.

Ye Zhiqiu sat quietly beside the couch, listening to his breathing gradually calm down, and estimated that he was probably really asleep, which was a secret sigh of relief.

In the past, I always felt that Xie Yu was cold and hard to approach. Even if you have a thick skin and are not afraid of cold, he also has countless ways to let you retreat in the face of difficulties When thinking about how to talk about love, this guy solemnly tells you the truth, which is like a father raising a daughter.

It's not so cold now. Ye Zhiqiu can't bear such a sticky strength.

However, no matter what kind of Xie, she likes Xie.

This has never changed.

Ye Zhiqiu sat in silence for a long time. His sweetheart was close to him. He still felt something unreal.

She reached out and touched Xie's face. She found that he seemed to be asleep and had no response. She lowered her voice and shouted twice, "Xie?"

"... three strings?"

Xie Xuan opened his eyes to see her. His eyes were a little misty, but he didn't answer.

Ye Zhiqiu thought that he should be asleep, so he propped up on the edge of the bed with one hand and Xie's face with the other hand, slowly bent over and kissed his forehead, and then his lips moved down slightly. They lingered between his eyebrows and eyes, like kissing but not kissing. The action was very slight. For fear of waking him up, he whispered, "why do I like you so much?"

Xie Xuan closed his eyes and said silently, "I will never lose you."

He seemed to have waited for a long time and finally waited for this sentence. He suddenly put down his hanging heart. The last trace of soberness was swept by the pain and fell asleep.

Ye Zhiqiu gave him more than just like it.

It's a lifetime preference.

How can God not be beautiful when he is so affectionate?

Can he not be moved?

Ye Zhiqiu got close to Xie Xuan for a while, then lay down silently by the couch, thinking that it would take some time to feed the medicine. It's better to squint and sleep first.

After all, I haven't slept well for a few days. If I feel a little relieved, I'll be sleepy.

Outside the door, Luo Huichun just opened a prescription and asked the medicine boy to get the medicine and decoct the medicine. He also asked the young servant girls not to disturb the two in the wing room. After that, he planned to turn around and go back to the house.

"Brother!" Luo Huifeng followed behind him like a small tail, angry and wronged, "that strange man and Miss Qiu haven't married yet. It's nameless and inseparable. You let them live in the same room. It's not like what you would do!"

Luo Huichun smiled, "I didn't let them stay in the same room, but they were already in the same place."

Luo replied, "but you helped them close the door! What you did... Didn't you think I would be very sad?"

"Thought about it." Luo Huichun looked back at him and said in his usual tone, "young people just want to hurt and be sad before they can grow up and be sensible."

The boys and girls walking on the side couldn't help laughing when they heard this. They were afraid of being seen by the second childe and lowered their heads one after another.

Chloe still heard it. For a moment, he was ashamed and annoyed. He couldn't help asking, "brother, did you take any advantage of that strange man? Otherwise, why would you leave your brother alone and help outsiders like this?"

Luo Huichun said with a smile, "yes."

Just two words, but people can't help doubting life.

After Luo Huichun said that, he left without looking back, leaving Luo Huifeng standing in place and muttering in a low voice, "what kind of benefit is this?"

The eldest childe in front just smiled faintly when he heard it. He didn't look back and didn't answer. He just walked through the lights and night, facing the faint morning light, and went to the back garden.

The maidservants came with clothes and put on a thin white outer shirt for Luo Huichun, which made Luo's eldest son look younger and more beautiful.

As soon as he lifted the corner of his robe, he sat down at the stone table. The maidservants came in with tea and snacks, and soon the table was full.

Someone lit incense again. The smoke curled in the wind, leaving only a faint fragrance.

Luo Huifeng stood in the corridor not far away. Looking at all this in front of him, he only felt that he could get along on the fourth floor, as if he had dreamed back a few years ago.

Only when the watchman in the street outside knocked on the fifth watch and woke up the silence, did young master Luo confirm that these were true, but he couldn't understand it anyway:

Why did the elder brother wear the clothes of several years ago? I haven't worn white for many years. Is this the wrong medicine?

Luo Huifeng didn't think of a reason yet. The boy beside him held a big snow-white fat cat passing by him. Luo Huichun stretched out his hand, held it in the past and gently stroked it on his knee.

Young master Luo felt this scene and looked more familiar.

But he still didn't understand which one to sing today.

A moment later, a young man shouted, "come! People are back!"

Luo Huichun raised his eyes and looked there. The color of his eyes became a little deep.

"Who is this?" Luo Huifeng asked as he strode forward. "Who has such a big battle?"

Luo Huichun looked back at his brother and frowned slightly: "you shouldn't be here."

"What?" Luo Huifeng was stunned, "brother, you..."

Luo Huichun looked at him. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of "don't go yet?"

Young master Luo looked at the people not far away, and then looked at his brother. He was angry and helpless, "OK, OK, I'll go, I'll go."

With that, he walked through the corridor on the other side by himself.

Luo looked back and gently stroked the cat's back as if nothing had happened.

Not far away, Qing Qi followed the boy with a large medicine box on his back. As soon as he entered the garden, he saw this man, and his face was slightly stiff.

He stopped and stood up. After a while, he returned to his normal face and shouted, "young master Luo."

Luo Huichun looked up at him, his tone was slightly heavy, "what are you calling me?"

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