Qingqi was stunned for a moment, slightly lowered his head, changed his mouth and shouted, "senior brother."

"So you remember I'm your senior brother?" Luo Huichun still smiled on his lips, but his voice was not as gentle and approachable as usual.

Green seven noticed that it was wrong and hurriedly said, "I won't stay here for a long time. I'll leave immediately after watching the third childe's illness..."

"Go?" Luo Huichun said calmly, "OK, remember to take Xie Xuan away when you go."

"This, this..." Qing Qixin said that he couldn't do it at all.

But the elder martial brother didn't look like joking. Obviously, he was very angry.

His mind became more and more sudden. He wanted to sneak in and leave after watching the third childe. With a little luck, he said that Luo Huichun was so busy every day that he couldn't meet him. He didn't expect to meet him as soon as he arrived here.

"Do you really want to take people away in order not to stay here?" Luo Huichun said in a deep voice with a rare anger: "ginger, you have passed yujiangzhou several times over the years without entering the house. It's really a big shelf. After you left with Xie Dongfeng, you really threw everything else away?"

Ginger is the real name of Qingqi.

No one has called him that for years.

Qingqi was shocked, looked up at Luo Huichun, immediately lowered his head and whispered: "when I went with the Lord, senior brother once said that I would never come back once I stepped out of the house. I don't want to come back, but I don't want to make senior brother angry because of me."

Qing Qi is the son of the confidant of Princess chengning, Xie Dongfeng's biological mother. After the palace change, he fled to another country and suffered from hunger and cold for several years. Later, by chance, he was picked up by Luo Huichun and became a disciple under Fang miaozhou's direct family.

Because he is smart and his age is similar to that of Luo Huichun, he often studies medicine with his classmates, so he is given preferential treatment and leads the same life as the little childe of this family.

It was not until seven years ago that Xie Dongfeng came to see a doctor for his fifth brother. As a result, when he left, he not only invited Fang miaoshou, but also took away the teenage ginger Shu.

Jiang Shu's senior brother and the eldest son of yujiangluo's family have been doing well since he was born. He is not inferior to Xie Dongfeng when he was young. Even because the elders at home avoided all parties' fights early, they have a little more leisure.

However, his younger martial brother, who was regarded as a brother by Luo Huichun, was taken away by Xie Dongfeng, which became the only exception in the perfect life of young master Luo.

Luo Huichun seven years ago was not as calm and atmospheric as he is today. No matter how good-natured he looks, he is actually a young man who has never suffered setbacks since childhood and has never lost anything.

Luo Huichun knows that Xie Dongfeng's identity is special. If it is exposed one day, it will be a disaster to the whole family.

Therefore, Luo Huichun told him that he was moved by emotion and reason, and even said that "if you get involved in the court, you will burn yourself and even harm your relatives. If you go out of this door today, you will no longer be a member of my family". As a result, Jiang Shu not only didn't let go, but also should go.

Over the years, Jiang Shu felt sorry for his senior brother and his school because he said he would leave. He was more and more afraid to come back.

Luo Huichun seems to have a very happy life these years. People all over the world see how happy he is in his life and has no regrets in his life. In fact, there is such a place in his heart, because waiting has gradually become an indelible obsession in "waiting for younger martial brother to go home and admit his mistake" year after year.

That year, also in this courtyard, the young man knelt down in the direction of the master's medicine hall, banged three times and kowtowed his head. He thanked the teacher for his kindness, thanked the elder martial brother for his care for many years, and said that no matter what happened in the future, he would not affect them, so he walked away with tears in his eyes.

This is seven years.

He became one of the hundreds of Qingyi guards of Xie Heng and worked hard for him. After passing through Yujiang Prefecture several times, he really had no relationship with Fang mansion and Luo mansion.

Luo Huichun thought at the beginning that as long as the younger martial brother came back, he would treat him as if nothing had happened and continue to treat him as well as before, but when he was a child, he looked smart and obedient, but he was a dead heart, and he really never came back.

When he was free, he thought again and again whether he had said too much at the beginning? Or did younger martial brother follow Xie Dongfeng? What happened?

Qi returned to Qi and pretended to be muddy on his face. He didn't care about it for a long time. Later, he couldn't help sending someone to secretly find out what life he was living. However, he kept holding his breath in his heart and couldn't dissipate. He couldn't open the mouth that let people come back.

If ye Zhiqiu hadn't suddenly had an accident in yujiangzhou, he wouldn't have had any more contact with Xie Dongfeng, let alone change the younger martial brother back.

Now they are standing in the garden again, in a trance, as if they were back to the day seven years ago.

Qingqi didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that the clothes he was wearing, the cat in his arms, and even the food on the stone table were the same as the day he left.

As time flies, years are like water. As soon as he looks back, he returns to the family he most attached to when he was young and the person who was best to him.

Qingqi's eyes were wet and whispered, "elder martial brother, I'm wrong."

Luo Huichun stroked the white cat's hand, raised his eyes and looked at Qing Qi, "what's wrong with you?"

The latter held the medicine box, pressed down his surging mood, and said slowly: "I shouldn't have been back for so many years. In fact, I miss my senior brother and home..."

"Well, you think I should too." Luo Huichun suddenly found that he had waited so long for his younger martial brother.

With this sentence, the anger buried in my heart for so many years seems to dissipate immediately.

He looked as usual and said quietly, "Xie Dongfeng is worried about his brothers, but I can't take care of you."

Qing Qi was about to say that his Majesty was actually very good. Today's chaotang world is also different from that of the old emperor. However, he immediately shut up when he saw that his senior brother didn't mind leaving his school with his majesty.

For so many years, I have always asked my senior brother to say something to relieve my anger.

So Qing Qi said very implicitly, "Your Majesty manages everything every day. I don't dare bother him with these little things."

Luo Huichun looked at him and smiled, "OK, let's see your third childe go and have dinner with me later."

"OK." Qing Qi answered and looked at the elder martial brother more. Only then did the young fellow who led the way take him to the west wing.

Luo Huichun looked at his distant back, put the cat in his arms on the ground, gently brushed his sleeves, and raised a relieved smile on his lips.

He calmed down and began to think about his younger martial brother's age. He followed Xie Dong in Feng Shui these years. He was in a precarious situation. Up to now, he hasn't got a wife. There are so many young officials in the imperial capital who are anxious to start a family. Can he get a job in the hospital?

At that time, those nice girls in Dijing will be picked away by others. What beauty can they leave behind.

Xie Baibai lured his younger martial brother away for so many years. In the end, he still had to worry about his younger martial brother.

It's a pity that the younger martial brother looks less intelligent as he grows older. He doesn't think of the beauty adding fragrance to the side of tea to live a happy life. He thinks about his majesty all day.

Fortunately, there are so many beauties in Yujiang Prefecture. It's not difficult to find a spouse for younger martial brother.

Anyway, I've got people back. No matter how I live in the future, it's better than him working hard for Xie Dongfeng.

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