As soon as Xie Yu said this, the hall was surprised.

Just now, the old ministers who denounced the Muyi Marquis for being unable to discipline and disturbing the outline of the court, as if the Dayan dynasty would be destroyed because she disguised herself as a man.

The young ministers who spoke for Lord Moyi didn't know what to say at once.

This, this is different from yesterday's fourth childe!

How did Lord Shoufu take the blame on himself as soon as he opened his mouth?

How will this big play be sung next?

Xie Heng sat on a high place, looked down at the ministers, took a panoramic view of everyone's reaction, and calmly said, "Oh, it was the first auxiliary adult who instigated the Moyi Hou?"

Unable to hear his Majesty's happiness and anger, the ministers had to secretly look at Xie Yu and try to see something from the latter.

However, the expressionless appearance of the chief assistant makes people can't see anything. Even his kneeling posture is much taller and more handsome than others. It seems like "I admit the crime, how to punish you depends on yourself". People can't help feeling more nervous. Who let the Dragon chair sit on the elder brother of the family.

In fact, Xie Xuan was not sure what his elder brother meant by asking. He thought a lot, but he didn't show it on his face. He only replied in a deep voice: "it's the fault of all the ministers to participate in the crimes of the Lord Moyi, whether true or false."

He looked at the elder brother sitting high in the Ming hall, bowed his head and said, "please bring down your Majesty's sin on your minister. No matter what the blame is, your minister is willing to accept it."

The ministers took a breath when they heard the speech.

The old die hards were stunned and scolded in their hearts: Xie Yu's move is really too cruel!

Since his majesty had the empress, most of the affairs in the court were handled by the chief assistant. He spent much more time in the imperial study than Xie Heng.

What's the penalty for this crime?

Cut or demote?

If Xie Zhen doesn't become the first assistant, who can handle the complicated political affairs like him properly? Is this punishing him or his majesty?

Xie Heng naturally thought of this layer.

At the beginning, Xie Yu took the imperial examination to become an official in the imperial court in order to make the Xie family gain a foothold in the imperial capital faster.

He has risen step by step in recent years. He has seen countless ups and downs. He has been the hand of a hundred officials to deal with the government affairs for him. After seeing that the world has become peaceful, he often goes to places such as Taoist temples alone for a long time.

Xie Heng always had those really strange dreams. He faintly felt that his third childe would really abandon his official if he went on like this. Therefore, looking at Ye Zhiqiu's love, he always wanted to help, so as to break Xie Yu's idea of isolation from the world.

But I didn't expect that my third childe was finally enlightened. He was confused and moved. Good things were coming. He wouldn't give up his official position and become a Taoist, but he suddenly gave him this.

Xie Heng thought: what's the matter? The third childe is going to marry his daughter-in-law, so he won't be the first assistant, and he will go carefree with my general Tiangao haikuo?

That's not true!

Don't even think about it!

His face was also calm, he got up slowly, and his voice was a little deep: "the first auxiliary is willing to accept it. Why don't you ask me if I want to?"

Xie Xuan was neither humble nor arrogant and said, "Your Majesty is holy and bright. Just act impartially."

Xie Heng almost laughed angrily. "If I don't punish you today, will I be immoral?"

Xie Yu's voice was a little lower. "I didn't mean to."

Xie Heng looked at him with the eyes of 'I think that's what you mean'. In front of everyone, he left some face for his third childe, slowly sat back on the Dragon chair, and said in his usual tone: "since you instigated the mistakes made by Mo Yi Hou, you tell me how you instigated it."

Xie Xuan's face was slightly stiff. He looked up and said, "Your Majesty really wants to listen?"

"You have no joke. Since I let you say it, I'm serious." Xie Heng looked at him and said solemnly: "chief Fu, tell those things one by one."

Xie Yu immediately: "...."

He paused and didn't speak for a moment.

The courtiers in the hall couldn't see what was going on between the two brothers.

I just felt that the old ministers in the clouds could not help whispering: "when did Xie Yu annoy your majesty?"

"Isn't it Xie Yutong who still has some old grudges and hasn't cleaned them up?"

The old die hards looked at his majesty, who had always been "my chief assistant is right in everything he says" and "my chief assistant can do anything". They were puzzled by Xie's mistake.

Qin Mo pondered for a while and took the lead in saying, "Your Majesty is right! State law There are family rules in the family. Even if the chief assistant is the first of all officials, if he wants to bear the responsibility for the Mo Yi Hou, he can bear it for her. It still needs to be made clear! "

A group of young ministers couldn't help thinking for a while.

Several bright eyed quickly agreed: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"What Lord Qin said is very true!"

"When did Lord Shoufu instigate the Moyi Marquis? How did he instigate it?"

"Why does the noble master of Mo Yi obey you? What's the inside story? Please come with me!"

Seeing that the momentum was not quite right, the old ministers were so angry that their faces turned blue and purple. One of them couldn't help shouting, "your majesty!"

Before the old minister gave a coherent advice, Xie Heng raised his hand and motioned him to shut up, and then said condescending, "Lord Shoufu, you speak."

All eyes followed the young emperor The sight rises and falls on Xie Yu.

He nodded slightly. After only a moment, he was relieved of his mind and said, "Minister Xie Yu, has no trace with Mo Yi Hou Ye - her surname is ye and her name is Zhiqiu. She met at the foot of shining mountain a few years ago. At that time, I was assassinated on the way to Yunzhou under the order of the former Emperor. It was Ye Zhiqiu who saved me back to the stronghold to be her husband."

Before the words fell, all the ministers in the temple burst open the pot, "what! Lord Shoufu was the mayor of the village of Lord Moyi?"

"It's all about the previous dynasty. I didn't disclose any information before. These two can really hide it!"

For a moment, everyone whispered and talked.

Xie Xuan looked as usual and said, "I didn't mean to her, but I didn't want to stay in the stronghold, so I waited for an opportunity to sneak away. Unexpectedly, she didn't quit and followed me. I was afraid she wouldn't let me go. Seeing that she was good at martial Arts and had few enemies, I tricked her into disguised as a man to join the army and defend the country."

He paused slightly, and then continued: "in this way, she has little chance to appear in front of me for many years. Secondly, I have the handle to kill her, and she dare not mention that she forced me to be a husband in the stronghold..."

Xie Heng raised his hand and rubbed the lines on the Dragon chair, thinking: ah Yu's ability to tell lies with his eyes open can compete with Wanjin.

If it hadn't been for Xiaoye who came to Dijing with me, I would have believed what he said.

After listening to Xie Xuan's words, all the ministers looked very complicated and whispered, "it's really like Xie Xuan can do such a trick!"

"This song is also very cruel..."

Xie Xuan turned a deaf ear to this, looked up and continued: "what ye Zhiqiu did was calculated by me..."

"Xie Xuan! What are you talking nonsense about!" Ye Zhiqiu opened the door and strode in

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