In the past, Xie Xun used to scold Ye Zhiqiu by saying "nonsense" and "I don't know what to say". Now when ye Zhiqiu says this, it's like thunder on the ground, and the whole political hall suddenly quiets down.

Xie Xuan stopped halfway. He turned back and looked at Ye Zhiqiu in shock.

The third childe thought blankly: didn't he agree to let ah Jiu hold her and don't let her come to the political hall?

There are so many guards and internal attendants outside the hall. How on earth did ye Zhiqiu come in without a word?

What I said just now... How much did she hear?

His heart hung in the air, watching Ye Zhiqiu getting closer and closer to himself. His breathing was inexplicably blocked, but his eyes fell on her and couldn't move away.

Just at this moment, the warm sun outside the hall was shining, and the light golden sun poured down from the clouds and shrouded her. Rao was also heroic in her daughter's Luo clothes. When she walked, the cloud sleeves waved and the skirts were graceful, which added a bit of bright beauty to her.

The whole hall became very delicate because of the appearance of Ye Zhiqiu.

Most people in the hall only heard from rumors that the empress in ink was a woman and had never seen her look in women's clothes. In private, many people said, "the empress in ink is more rough than others. What would a woman look like if she dressed up ugly?", At first sight of such a beautiful woman with long legs and thin waist, I suddenly doubt my eyes.

"Sinner Ye Wuji, please see your majesty!" Ye Zhiqiu came to Xie Xuan's side and stood still. She hugged her fist and wanted to salute her majesty. As a result, she looked down and saw that she was wearing a silk skirt. She was quite uncomfortable. She simply knelt beside Xie Xuan and said in a loud voice: "what sinner committed has nothing to do with chief Fu. I do things by myself. I hope your majesty will make a decision!"

In fact, she had come long ago, but when she asked the Chamberlain in front of the hall to give a briefing, those individuals pushed around, neither reported to the hall nor let her in. After a long delay, they just listened to the movement in the hall.

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked from beginning to end until she heard that Xie Yu had told her about being the mayor of the stronghold in Feiyun stronghold. She couldn't wait to push away the people in front of the hall and broke in directly.

How much Xie Yu cares about his face!

Today, I even told her the humiliation of being detained by her on the mountain as the mayor of the stronghold a few years ago. I also took all her guilt on myself. It's all conspiracy and calculation. The most hateful thing is that someone really believed it!

While waiting for his majesty to commit a crime, she took out a little leisure, glanced at Xie Yu, and whispered to him, "Why are you different? I said, I came to the political hall myself to take the blame for the crime?"

The third childe's thin lips were slightly open, but he didn't say anything.

When a person who was as cold as frost saw Ye Zhiqiu, the cold immediately dispersed. At the moment, he seemed at a loss.

Xie Heng on the Dragon chair looked at the two people kneeling at the bottom. The more he looked, the more he wanted to laugh. In front of the ministers, he had to have imperial authority. He had to hold back and asked solemnly, "what good thing do you think it is to bear the responsibility for the crime? Are you still scrambling to get it from yourself?"

"Your majesty!"

"Your Majesty. ”

Ye Zhiqiu and Xie Yu opened their mouths at the same time. The two voices completely overlapped and couldn't help looking at each other.

There were many officials in such a large hall of political discussion. Xie Heng looked at the two people with opposite eyes, but they looked like no one else. He couldn't help but gently close his right hand to his lips and pretended to cough. He said in a positive way: "I've forgotten where Xie Yu just said after being interrupted by Ye Qing. Come on, Xie Yu, repeat what you just said."

Ye Zhiqiu was in a hurry and asked for mercy , Xie Yu on the side suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the hand under her sleeve and said first, "Your Majesty, what ye Zhiqiu has done is calculated by me. If you want to commit a crime, you should also commit a crime on me!"

"Thank you! Don't you think it's not big enough?" Ye Zhiqiu was worried He clasped his hand, held it tightly and whispered, "stop talking."

"If you don't calculate, it doesn't matter for the time being. ” Xie Heng looked at his third childe and Xiaoye with great interest and said at the right time, "Xie Xuan, I only ask you, who are you from the Moyi Marquis? Why do you say such words? Bear the responsibility for her?"

Qin Mo and other young ministers shouted in their hearts: good question from your majesty! Wonderful question from your majesty!

Xie Yu said, "I am one with her husband and wife. I naturally bear her guilt!"

"Husband, husband and wife?" Ye Zhiqiu immediately opened his eyes and almost jumped up from the ground in shock.

Xie Xuan glanced at her, always with cold eyes and a little more tenderness, "your fate has long been decided. There was a husband and wife's name when I was in Feiyun stronghold. I only blame my eyes for failing to live up to your feelings and wasting several years. I didn't know my true heart until recently. My heart is very regretful and ashamed 。”

"This......" Ye Zhiqiu suddenly I don't know what to say.

When she was alone with Xie Yu, she didn't listen to him say these strange words, but today, in the presence of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, the historian wrote down that this will spread to a hundred years and a thousand years later.

Xie Yu's eyes reflected her somewhat flustered appearance. Her eyes were warm, and her words became more and more magnanimous. "Thank you, madam. Regardless of past grievances, you are willing to return with me hand in hand."

Ye Zhiqiu was called "madam" by him, so he couldn't find the north. His brain was full of paste. He didn't know what to say and do at all.

Seeing that the momentum was getting worse and worse, the eldest ministers hurriedly leaned over and asked Lord Wang, "why don't the three great Confucians come?"

"What shall we do if they don't come again?"

Xie Heng saw this, and his thin lip gently lifted up.

Last night, the Qingyi guards sent a message to the palace, saying that in order to punish Ye Zhiqiu severely, the eldest ministers specially joined hands to invite the three great scholars out of the mountain and give advice to the court. Xie Yu heard that he was going out of the city to stop people all night. As a result, he was preempted by the fourth childe who volunteered.

Xie Heng calculated the time. Whether he could stop it or not, there should be results.

Sure enough, at the next moment, an internal attendant outside the hall shouted: "your majesty! The Royal Marquis sent an urgent letter to your majesty immediately!"

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, "show it up."

Wang Liang, who had been standing beside the jade steps, quickly walked down, then came back to the high place and put his hands on the table.

Xie Heng took it and opened it. After reading the letter at a glance, he couldn't hold his smile on his lips. He simply got up and walked down the jade steps, handed the chapters of stationery to the old minister standing in the front, "Ladies and gentlemen, come and see the article written by the contemporary Confucian to Ye Wuji! In your eyes, she is responsible for countless crimes, but the three old gentlemen say that she is a unique woman in the world. She has worked hard and made great achievements, deserves to enjoy the imperial temple, and deserves to be immortal through the ages!"

All the old ministers read it one after another. After reading it, their faces became more and more ugly. The handwriting and words were used by the three old gentlemen. Yes, that's it The article is too strange. It's unbelievable that people who say they want to enter the palace suddenly turn back without revealing their faces.

As Xie Heng said, "the three old gentlemen are indeed broad-minded ”, This is clearly a foregone conclusion.

Seeing that his majesty didn't mean to condemn Ye Zhiqiu at all, the old ministers shut up one after another.

"I think what the three old gentlemen said is very true. ” Xie Heng raised his hand and motioned Xie Yu and ye Zhiqiu to get up quickly. It's almost enough to sing the play here.

As a result, neither of them would get up.

Xie Heng could only lean forward slightly, help Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu with one hand, and slip them up together. "Why don't you two get up when you kneel together? Can't you wait to choose another auspicious day and directly worship and marry in the political hall?"

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