Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu looked at each other, and their faces were stained with light red.

The latter whispered, "your majesty! So many people are watching..."

A group of young ministers could not help but bow their heads and laugh.

Xie Xuan looked positive and said clearly, "although I really want to get married immediately, I can't be in such a hurry to wrong my wife."

Ye Zhiqiu immediately: "

The man Dynasty's civil and military forces stopped talking.

Even Xie Heng was a little choked by the third childe. After a pause, he stopped and returned to his sleeve.

He was thinking about how to accept the third childe's words. Lord Wang, who was two steps away, said first: "the old minister thought that if Lord Moyi became close to Lord Shoufu, he should retreat to the back house and focus on his husband and son. It would be inappropriate for this soldier to fight again."

After reading the letter written by several great Confucians, the ministers knew that it was impossible for his majesty to condemn the Lord Moyi. Suddenly, they heard Xie Yu mention the marriage of Tongye Zhiqiu. As soon as their mind turned, they talked about it through their marriage.

The eldest ministers made eye contact with each other and spoke one after another: "since the founding of Dayan, there has never been a precedent for a woman to be a marquis. The old minister thought it would be more appropriate to give ye Zhiqiu another letter of commendation. It is better to take back the Marquis position!"

"Ye Zhiqiu is actually a woman. It's not a long-term plan for her to take charge of the power of Yan Bing..."

When ye Zhiqiu heard the speech, the expression on his face gradually disappeared.

Although she had expected that these people would say so and had been ready to hand over military power before entering the palace, she was still upset when she really heard these words.

Just because she is a woman, can they erase everything they do and pay?

They took it for granted, as if it was a great mistake not to do so.

Ye Zhiqiu was suddenly sad, but he insisted that he didn't want his emotions to be exposed. He went silently to get the tiger amulet around his waist.

As soon as she touched the tiger amulet with her fingertips, she heard Xie Yu's deep voice on her side: "the title of Mo Yi Hou was earned with many war achievements. You can't easily take it away!"

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked in his heart and suddenly turned to look at him. For a moment, his eyes were full of brilliance, full of moving and uncontrollable joy.

Xie Yu said: "what goes down in history is empty. Meritorious officials should be rewarded, respected and treated well by the world, not erased because of the difference between men and women!"

"What your excellency Shoufu said is very true!"

"Minister, seconded!" a group of female officials from the Western Chu heard this, and their blood was boiling and seconded again and again.

These days, they were crowded out by the old ministers such as Da Yan. Now it seems that they have found a breakthrough. They spoke with great enthusiasm. As a result, the young ministers behind Qin mo were robbed and generally had no chance to speak.

A group of old ministers were anxious when they saw the situation, and quickly said, "Lord Shoufu! I'm waiting for you!"

"In all dynasties, there is no precedent for husband and wife to be officials in the same Dynasty, one as a literary crown and the other as a martial head!"

The old ministers thought that the husband and wife were officials in the same Dynasty, and their official positions were almost high. In the future, if there was no harmony at home, they couldn't press each other with their identity. Would they live a comfortable life?

The old die hards couldn't figure out why Xie Yu didn't know so well. Everyone was angry and couldn't tell a hundred and eighty reasons.

"Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your kindness." Xie glanced at Ye Zhiqiu, and his voice became much softer when he spoke again. "If one of me has to quit the court because there has never been a precedent for husband and wife to be officials in the same court since ancient times, Xie has nothing to say, but Lord Moyi must stay, I will quit!"

"Xie Xuan..." Ye Zhiqiu wanted to stop Xie Xuan, but he calmed him with a look in his eyes.

Xie Xuan knew long ago that the soldiers in the barracks had their own reasons for joining the army. Some were to make contributions and gain a future. Some were because the soldiers in the barracks could receive military salaries, some were collected by forced recruitment, and all kinds of strange reasons were amazing.

Only Ye Zhiqiu is different.

She was bleeding with the red blood of the Heng family. Since childhood, she was taught by her adoptive father to devote her life to "protect our country without losing an inch of land" with the ancestors of the Ye family. She really loved the great Yan world, used her good years to gallop the battlefield, and engraved the word "protect all the people" into her bones.

Such a person should stand high and do what she likes all her life.

Xie Xuan bowed his head, bowed his hand to Xie Heng, and said in a clear voice, "Xie Xuan is willing to resign his position as the first assistant and retire to the mansion. From then on, he will teach his wife and son. He doesn't ask about the government affairs of the court. I hope your majesty can accomplish it!"

Wen and Wu of the Manchu Dynasty were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned. Sanxian's sentence "Xie Yu is willing to resign as the first assistant and retire to the mansion. From then on, she has been whirling in her ears.

From the shock that Xie Xuan even didn't want the position of head and auxiliary for her, to the end, there were only four words left in her mind - xiangwife and Godson.

Which wife?

What did you teach?

Did her mind suddenly get confused, and her brain began to be a little unclear.

After listening to this, Xie Heng scolded in his heart: I'll make your uncle!

"What did Shoufu say? There was no precedent for husband and wife to be officials in the same Dynasty in the past. Can't there be one in my dynasty?" Xie Heng didn't show anger at all. On the contrary, his thin lips rose slightly, with a three-point smile, and his voice slowly said: "everything has a foregone conclusion.

Xie Heng reached out his hand to help Xie Xuan, who had been making a salute, leaned over to the third childe's ear, lowered his voice and said, "ah Xuan, do you want to take the opportunity to put down your pick and not be the first assistant, regardless of these court trifles? Think beautifully!"

Xie Xuan looked at his eldest brother and was speechless for a moment: "...."

Standing on the side, ye Zhiqiu happened to hear it, and his face was also quite delicate.

Xie Heng said that no matter how the two people reacted, he turned to the jade step and sat back on the Dragon chair. He saw that today's matter was almost over, and looked at the people below with a smile. "Let's leave it alone for the moment. Chief Fu took all the trouble to find my ink Hou. It's a great achievement and should be rewarded!"

Xie Heng said, handed his third childe the look of "I'm going to push you into the bridal chamber for my brother", smiled and asked, "tell yourself what you want?"

Xie Xuan's ink eyes were slightly bright, and he was as good as a runner: "please marry Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu for your majesty!"

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