"Your Majesty's injury is not serious. He has stopped bleeding and bandaged, and has taken Huyuan pill." the eldest doctor told his majesty what he had told him long ago and listened to warm wine. When he said it, he couldn't help looking at the others. He looked obviously hesitant. "It depends on your majesty when you can wake up..."

As soon as Wen Jiu heard these prevaricating words, he knew it was meaningless to listen again. He immediately interrupted, "Rongsheng, Rongsheng... Come and see his injury."

Xie Wanjin remembered that he was dragging a treasure and didn't let go. He hurriedly pulled Rong Sheng forward and urged, "brother Rong, come on! Look what happened to my eldest brother."

"Don't panic." Rong Sheng only said these two words, and he didn't know who he was pacifying.

As he spoke in a warm voice, he reached out and gently pulled out Xie Heng's hand holding warm wine, with his fingertips on his pulse.

The hall was silent for a time. It was not that the Xie family didn't appreciate the medical skills of these people in the hospital. It was really because Xie Heng was in a complex condition. He had been in a coma twice before. Although he was injured this time, it was difficult to ensure that he didn't wake up for several days after he fell asleep as last time.

Everyone was too nervous to go out.

Wen Jiu kept looking at Xie Heng and never moved away for a moment.

Rong Sheng felt Xie Heng's pulse for a long time, then looked closely at the injury on Xie Heng's head, and then said, "it's not a fatal injury, it's just that he just hit his head. As for why he didn't faint on the spot, he didn't sleep until you came back. You still have to ask him after he woke up."

Rao Shiguo has seen countless strange things, and he doesn't understand how Wen Jiu and Xie Heng made these impossible things frequently.

Wen Jiu smelled his words and asked in a hurry, "then he..."

"If it's just a bruise, she should wake up tomorrow." Rong Sheng knew what she thought in her heart and answered directly before she finished asking, "if it caused his strange disease, it's uncertain."

Wen Jiu couldn't help feeling dejected at the smell of his words.

If it weren't for her, Xie Heng wouldn't have to suffer this crime 。

"Where are the pills I brought back from Hanchuan last time? Take them out and use them for my elder brother." Xie Wanjin pulled Rongsheng's hand, lowered his voice and said, "say something useful. Don't say what you shouldn't say."

Rong Sheng pursed his lips, looked at the fourth childe's vision, and appropriately changed his mouth: "I said earlier that his strange disease sometimes doesn't exist. If you want to cure it, you have to wait until it comes to really suit the remedy to the case. This time is an opportunity."

He asked Wen Jiu to take out all the things Xie Si had brought back from Hanchuan.

Warm wine sent out all the imperial doctors and palace attendants, leaving only Wang Liang and Xie family. Then he directly opened the dark space under the couch, took out the bottles and cans and put them by the couch.

Her hands trembled when she took things. As soon as the outsider left, she didn't hide her panic. "It's all here."

These days, Xie Heng and she are like nobody else. It seems that they don't care about the strange disease. In fact, warm wine is extremely worried. Even if Xie Heng suddenly sleeps for a long time, they can put these things that may be used in the sleeping place and reach out to get them.

Rong Sheng stretched out his hand to put the bottles and cans in order, and said calmly, "warm the wine, you still have a lot to do. Before you panic, you don't have to be confused, and you can't be confused."

Wen Jiu's face was slightly white and he nodded strongly.

Rong Sheng said again, "now, send someone to Xie's house to bring Buji here."

"OK." after Wen Jiu answered, he turned and told Wang Liang, "father-in-law Wang, take someone to invite the Buji girl in the seventh childe's yard. Be sure to let her enter the palace immediately."

"Yes, madam." Wang Liang hurriedly answered.

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice, "do you really want that little girl to cure my eldest brother?"

Even if he had known that the girl was not simple, it was still difficult for him to accept handing over the safety of his eldest brother to someone of unknown origin.

Rong Sheng said without raising his head: "the third brother has the Kung Fu to think about her age. I'd better think about how to let her volunteer to help."

Xie Xuan's face became a little ugly and stopped talking.

Ye Zhiqiu quickly whispered to him not to think so much. Now it's the most important thing for people to wake up.

Xie Wanjin bumped Rong Sheng with his elbow and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "the third brother is worried. The eldest brother is anxious to ask such a question. Can't you talk to him well?"

Rongsheng looked up at him and said slowly, "if I speak to him in a good voice, he will probably start to worry that I will join hands with the foreign enemy to kill Xie Heng."

Xie Wanjin was speechless when he heard the speech: "

This is indeed a problem.

The third brother likes to think about things. I'm afraid he can't change it in his life.

Forget it, forget it.

be it so.

Several people in the hall spoke to each other. Only warm wine kept quiet and stared at the sleepy Xie Heng.

She thought, if only she could change with Xie Heng.

I'd rather be sick than watch my beloved suffer in fear, but there's nothing I can do.

Fortunately, before long, Wang Liang went back and said, "madam! Miss six and childe seven came into the palace with Miss Buji."

He met these people on the way and brought them immediately.

Xie Zishu trotted into the hall all the way, all over her embroidered shoes rain.

Xie Zian walked quickly with Bu Ji in his arms. When he saw the people inside, he looked up at himself. The seventh childe was still a little confused. He couldn't help asking, "what's the matter? What's the matter with your eldest brother?"

Xie Yu said in a deep voice, "put down the girl who doesn't remember."

Xie Zian didn't understand, but he slowly put the little girl on the ground and took his sleeve to wipe the rain off her face.

Seeing that several brothers and sisters hurried back to the palace and comforted their elders at home for a while, the seventh childe decided to come and have a look. As a result, when he was going out, he met Xiao Bu Ji, who was awakened by lightning. He couldn't leave the little girl. He was really worried about his elder brother, so he simply hugged him and didn't remember.

As a result, I met father-in-law Wang halfway and asked him where he didn't remember.

At present, this situation is not quite right. It seems that it is more important for brother and sister-in-law to see or not remember than to see him.

Rongsheng raised his eyes and looked at the little girl. He said calmly, "come here."

Don't remember standing next to Xie Zian, "I've never saved people in vain."

The little girl's voice is still soft and waxy. She just carries her hands behind her back when she speaks, vaguely looking like an adult.

"What do you want?" Wen Jiu looked at the little girl a few steps away. "I can give you anything in the world."

Don't remember to smile, raise your finger to the boy in front of you, and say clearly: "I want him."

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