Xie Zian was stunned when he saw this.

Didn't you just say how the elder brother is? Why do you want such a little girl to see it all of a sudden?

Whatever her sister-in-law says, she can ask for anything.

The most important thing is that the little girl said she wanted him. What's going on?!

The seven childe, who had been completely blinded by the drum, couldn't turn his mind at once.

Xie Zishu didn't quite understand what was going on, but her first reaction was to say, "Xie Zian, your child's daughter-in-law wants you to be his child's adoptive husband 。”

Xie Zian looked subtle and said, "don't talk."

"She's right." Bu Ji looked up at Xie Zian with a smile, "that's what I mean."

Xie Zishu hurriedly covered her mouth and silently walked to Ye Zhiqiu.

Xie Zian tried to suppress the thoughts of "I don't seem to wake up today" and "I shouldn't be sleepwalking".

After a long delay, the young man asked with a complicated look: "... You are so young. Do you know what Tong Yangfu means?"

"I know." Bu Ji nodded very seriously and said in a soft voice, "and I'm not young. It seems that I'm older than you."

Xie Zian looked at the little turnip in front of him and fell into deep doubt.

Don't you remember... Older than me?

How is that possible!

"We people in Hanchuan can't see our age." after saying this, bu Ji raised his hand and began to roll his sleeves.

Xie Zian's thoughts were still wandering, but his body seemed to react faster than his brain. He bent down directly to roll up the sleeves for the little girl, folded them twice, and then rolled them up, pulling the messy broken hair between his forehead.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall was speechless for a moment: "

Xie Zishu on the side opened her mouth and couldn't say anything.

After Xie Zian finished these, he was suddenly embarrassed.

He shouldn't have done this at a time like this.

Don't remember to look up at the jade like boy in front of you. His smile is more and more beautiful. His voice is soft and waxy. "You don't have to answer me in a hurry. Anyway, I have to see if your eldest brother is saved."

When Xie Zi settled down: "

Don't remember, under the gaze of the people in the hall, he turned and walked to the couch, raised his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger in the center of Xie Heng's eyebrows and nodded.

The girl closed her eyes and felt it for a moment. Her delicate eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Then she opened her eyes and turned over the bottles beside her pillow.

Wen Jiu looked worried, "don't remember, what happened to him?"

Without remembering or answering, he picked out a small sapphire bottle, poured out a red pill and fed it to Xie Heng.

Xie Xuan stepped forward quickly, stopped the action he didn't remember, and asked fiercely, "what are you going to feed my eldest brother?"

Don't remember to look up at him calmly, "let go."

The atmosphere was a bit stalemate for a while.

Everyone knows that Xie Heng is very important to Xie Yu. On weekdays, the head assistant is cold enough when dealing with government affairs. It's about his eldest brother. He's just turned into ice residue.

"Third brother!" for fear of not remembering to repent and quit, Xie Wanjin quickly came forward and took Xie Zhen's hand. "Third brother, let go first. I brought these pills back from Hanchuan. They are all good things. I asked brother Rong to test them before. They are not poisonous."

The fourth childe spoke very fast. He looked back at Xie Zian and whispered, "people in Hanchuan want what they want. They don't deceive people."

Xie Xuan looked at it with a complicated look, and then turned to look at Xiao Qi.

The latter raised his hand and touched the back of his head. Suddenly, he felt that it was a bit like a dream today.

Don't remember to calmly feed Xie Heng the pill in his hand. The pill melted at the entrance. Everyone held their breath and watched the changes after he took the medicine.

Not remembering to brush the rain on his sleeves, he said carelessly, "after taking this pill, he can only stabilize his heart pulse temporarily."

Xie Yu heard the speech and immediately said, "that..."

"What are you staring at me? As I said before, you have to use soul separation beads to cure his problem of easily falling asleep." don't remember directly interrupting the third childe, a bit of impatience has appeared on his face, "did you get the beads?"

Warm wine, listening to them talking like this, looked more and more numb.

Xie Heng almost didn't mention the strange disease in front of her. Everything about it avoided her. He didn't even remember when he looked ill to Xie Heng and said he wanted some soul separation beads. Wen Jiu didn't know anything about it.

The only thing she knows is:

The more complete the concealment, the more difficult Xie Heng's strange disease is to cure.

Xie Wanjin didn't care about what his elder brother had told him to hide from ah Jiu, so he said, "that soul separation pearl is the most precious treasure of Nanhua. It's said that it can change fortune against the sky and turn back time. The Nanhua royal family hides it as a treasure. Why did you say that you can only pick up a stone everywhere?"

"I don't care whose treasure it is? Anyway, I need it now. If not, I can't save Xie Heng." the girl turned to Xie Yu.

Xie Xuan said in a deep voice, "I have sent people to Nanhua to negotiate several times. The first two times have failed. The last person who went there has not come back."

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what happened to the bead they said, but it was used by his majesty to save his life, but she refused to give it. When she thought about it, she was so angry that she clenched her hand into a fist: "the people of Nanhua are so stingy that they won't give a bead. When I wave my troops to the south to level it, Nanhua will take the soul separation bead!"

"Elder brother, I'm afraid I can't wait that long." Xie Wanjin looked very positive and said to the crowd, "the imperial capital still needs the third brother and ah Jiu to stabilize it. At present, I can only go to Nanhua to see if I can get the bead."

The fourth childe looked back at Rong Sheng.

A few years ago, Dayan crushed the surrounding countries by force, and the surrounding countries did not dare to act rashly, because the God of war was the king, and no one dared to commit it in the world.

If the news of Xie Heng's illness comes out, it will turn into chaos and chaos.

If Nanhua learns about this, he may not only refuse to give Li hunzhu, but also take people from the past as hostages.

This time, misfortunes and blessings are unpredictable.

Rongsheng looked at him and said in his usual voice, "I'll go with you."

Before his words fell, another voice followed, "I personally went to Nanhua to get the soul separation beads."

When they heard the speech, they all looked at the warm wine who said this.

She just raised her hand very calmly and touched Xie Heng's face. Her voice was gentle and said, "you keep saying that you will never hide anything from me again, but you lied to me again. I also promised you not to get involved in dangerous places in your life. This time, you will not count. In this way, you and I will be even."

Wang Liang was shocked when he heard the speech, and hurriedly urged, "empress..."

The people in the hall also turned pale at the sound, and all of them were anxious to persuade her. Just at this time, the waiter outside the hall came to report, "tell the queen, someone outside the palace presented this thing, saying that it was her old friend, who traveled thousands of miles to meet her."

The waiter lowered his head and put a red water sleeve on his hands.

Seeing the warm wine, his eyes were slightly red. He immediately came forward to take a closer look at the water sleeve and asked in a dumb voice, "where is the man now?"

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