Maybe they inherited the good genes of grandma's mother's businessmen. Wang Xiuying's two uncles were timid at the beginning. After less than a month's experience, they are all good businessmen now.

Lin Haisheng and Lin Xuannan are devoted to the business of bamboo flooring. Now he has undertaken several businesses of laying bamboo flooring in the county, which does not attract the manager Wu Dechuan of H city.

Wu Dechuan naturally saw the slap print on Wang Xiuying's face, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face.

He came at a bad time!

Although he didn't know he would encounter such a thing before coming, he could only wait awkwardly if he really met it. After all, he was an outsider and didn't understand the situation. He couldn't even say words of comfort.

"I'm sorry to let manager Wu see the joke. Please come in." Lin Haisheng let Wu Dechuan in.

What happened just now woke up Wang Xiucheng. He looked out of the room in some panic. At a glance, he saw Lin Haisheng shouting "Uncle" with grievance in surprise, and rushed into Lin Haisheng's arms. He didn't look up for a long time.

Wang Xiuying, who was about to go to the kitchen to boil water and make tea, paused slightly, but did not look back. She sighed faintly in her heart.

Forget it, there are some things you can't hide.

I'm afraid Lin Haisheng will be angry again when he sees the palm print on Wang Xiucheng's face.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Xiuying lit a fire in the kitchen, Lin Haisheng's angry scolding came from the hall.

Wang Xiuying didn't intend to go out to persuade. She always wanted Lin Haisheng to scold the evil spirit in her heart in order to be comfortable. Besides, Lin Haisheng was not a reckless person. Since she had been persuaded in front, she could restrain her anger no matter how big.

Besides, there is Wu Dechuan in the hall.

When Wang Xiuying cooked the water and came out, Lin Haisheng had calmed down and was holding Wang Xiucheng and talking with Wu Dechuan.

Seeing Wang Xiuying holding a plate with a tea cup and a tea jar in one hand and a water bottle in the other, Lin Haisheng quickly stood up and took the plate and put it on the table. He took the water bottle again. Wang Xiuying was no longer allowed to do it and made tea for Wu Dechuan himself.

Seeing Wu Dechuan looking at the tea in the cup, Wang Xiuying said shyly: "there is no good tea in the farm, this..."

Speaking of this, Wang Xiuying paused briefly and finally said with her eyes down: "this is the fried mountain tea picked by my mother in spring. It is not as refined as the tea from the tea farm, but it is the first tea in early spring."

Lin Haisheng paused while making tea, and then quietly made a cup for Wang Xiuying and Wang Xiucheng respectively.

This tea is his sister's last song. If it weren't for the guests at home, Wang Xiuying would not be willing to take it out to drink.

Thinking of this, Lin Haisheng was suddenly unwilling to drink. He just picked up the cup and smelled the tea fragrance emitted by the water vapor in the cup back and forth.

Wu Dechuan probably knew some basic information about Wang Xiuying. Looking at the tea in front of him, he didn't drink it. It didn't seem good not to drink it. He had to pick up his cup and smell it.

I thought it was just country tea, but he was surprised when I saw it. It's really a rare good tea!

I narrowed my eyes, smelled and smelled, and a trace of intoxication appeared on my face.

As soon as they tell the origin of this tea, Lin Haisheng and Wu Dechuan only look and smell but don't drink it. Wang Xiuying is really a little shy.

He quickly picked up the teacup in front of him, blew it gently, took a small sip, raised the teacup in Wu Dechuan's hand and said with a smile: "manager Wu has been to many places and must have drunk all kinds of tea. You might as well try this rural wild tea, maybe it's not fun."

Wang Xiuying took her head and opened her mouth. Lin Haisheng immediately found that she was looking, and took a sip. Learning from Wang Xiuying, she lifted the teacup to Wu Dechuan: "manager Wu, please drink tea, please drink tea."

Wang Xiucheng, like a little mouse, sipped his tea gently.

Tea is good and tea is bad. Where can Wang Xiucheng's little man taste it? All he can taste is the bitterness.

If there were no guests in front of him, I was afraid that the tea in his mouth would have been vomited on the ground by him. Now he had to swallow it with a wrinkled face and a stiff scalp.

Wang Xiuying looked at Wang Xiucheng with bitter eyes and face, and couldn't help smiling. She got up and went to the kitchen to get Wang Xiucheng a cup again, poured him a cup of boiled water, and took the cup of tea in front of Wang Xiucheng and put it in front of her.

For those who don't know tea, this is a cup of bitter tea that is difficult to swallow, such as Wang Xiucheng.

For those who know tea, this tea is a rare good tea, such as Wu Dechuan in front of them.

Wu Dechuan looked at the tea in the cup carefully for a moment. First, he gently blew away the tea floating on the surface, and then took a sip in his mouth. Suddenly, a smell of tea spread in his mouth. The sensitive tip of his tongue came into contact with tea for the first time, and a trace of the sweetness of tea juice danced on the tip of his tongue.

Take another sip and the astringent taste will slip on your tongue.

Wait until the third sip, let the tea juice slide slowly through your throat, and a slight bitter taste remains in the throat of the root of your tongue.

Only a little sweetness is left in the aftertaste.

After tasting it, Wu Dechuan couldn't help exclaiming: "good tea!"

Obviously, Wu Dechuan is not only a person who knows tea, but also a good tea person!

Wang Xiuying thinks that today's tea is really right. When a good tea meets someone who knows tea, it's like a good horse meets bole.

Lin Yujuan's tea frying skill finally met bole, but it's a pity that this pot of tea has become a masterpiece.

After the tea, it's time to get to the point.

I wonder who is Bole in this business today?!

Wang Xiuying added boiling water to everyone's teacup again, and then looked at Lin Haisheng. She could be a spectator on business.

Because this is the first big deal with a big company in a big city, although Lin Haisheng has an eyebrow in his heart, he is still a little guilty. Therefore, he still hopes to let Wang Xiuying participate in it.

When Wu Dechuan found chouping market today, he was not looking for Lin Haisheng. He came running for Wang Xiuying.

Although knowing that the bamboo floor business is not Wang Xiuying's business, Wu Dechuan privately hopes to conclude the business through Wang Xiuying.

During the delivery of the rocking chair that day, Wang Xiuying was particularly impressed and liked Wu Dechuan. She always felt that she was down-to-earth in doing business with the little girl.

Therefore, when Lin Haisheng proposed that Wang Xiuying's family in Qingxi Town sit down to talk about the business, Wu Dechuan did not hesitate at all, and even happily agreed to come down, and personally drove with Lin Haisheng to Qingxi Town.

Although Wang Xiuying was slapped, he still surprised Wu Dechuan.

After some conversation, Wang Xiuying learned about the specific situation.

It turned out that when Wu Dechuan came to get the rocking chair a few days ago, he accidentally saw the bamboo floor. He bought ten pieces of bamboo floor as samples and took them back. He excitedly took them to the unit leaders. As a result, he got the approval of the leaders without any effort and immediately sent him to y county to purchase again.

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