After listening to Wu Dechuan's introduction, Wang Xiuying only looked at Lin Haisheng and saw the problem from his surprised, happy and embarrassed face.

Seeing Lin Haisheng's stuttering Putonghua in Y County, it was really difficult to communicate. Wang Xiuying had to take over the important task of negotiation. She only heard her cough: "according to manager Wu, your company wants to eat all the bamboo floors produced by our Xingxing bamboo products company, and requires to provide at least 100 square meters of floors every month.

I'm afraid this is a little difficult.

Manager Wu should have made an investigation. Our Xingwang bamboo products company has just been established.

Due to financial problems, the current production capacity is limited. It is difficult to guarantee such a large amount every month.

In addition, the bamboo flooring of our Xingwang company has made a certain popularity in Y County, and there are many demands in Y county. We can't export it all regardless of the needs of the residents in Y county. Then we can't be drowned by spittle! "

Wang Xiuying looked at Lin Haisheng while talking, while Lin Haisheng nodded fiercely while listening. Wang Xiuying's words came to his heart.

Now Lin Haisheng still has several orders on hand. If Wu Dechuan buys out the bamboo floor at once and the quantity requirement is large, won't he become a dishonest merchant?

This is absolutely impossible!

Of course, as long as the output goes up, there should still be room for discussion.

The key problem is that the quantity required by the other party is too large. Although 180 mu of Dongshan contracted by the family is covered with bamboo, the bamboo grows very fast, but it can't stand such felling.

If you really want to take over Wu Dechuan's big list and contract all the bamboo mountains in the village, I'm afraid it's still a little reluctant, but even if you just contract the bamboo mountains in the village, you still have to spend a lot of money.

Contracting Zhushan requires money, expanding production scale requires money, and recruiting labor also requires money. However, although the Lin family has indeed made some money through the thick flat market recently, this gap is not as big as usual.

I'm afraid the business will be empty.

Seeing the business delivered to the door and the meat in hand can't eat the mouth, this feeling makes people both regret and irritable. At present, Lin Haisheng's mood is the best portrayal.

Wang Xiuying sees the regret and irritability in Lin Haisheng's eyes in her heart. For this door-to-door business, Wang Xiuying will not give up easily.

If the business is done well, the Lin family can be reborn and even take their siblings into a new life.

In the past, both the Wang Xiuying family and the Lin family seemed to lack everything except people. The most lacking was opportunity and money.

Now, whether the Wang Xiuying family or the Lin family, what they lack is not people, not technology. Even the opportunity to make a fortune they dreamed of before has been sent to the door. The only thing they lack is money.

Wang Xiuying thought of this and narrowed her eyes to Wu Dechuan, who was silent.

Hehe, now, as long as the negotiations on the start-up fund are successful, it will not be a problem.

It depends on whether Wu Dechuan can become a bole in the world!

"Please sit down with manager Wu for a moment, and let's leave for a while. Xiucheng helps his sister greet the guests." Wang Xiuying says sorry to Wu Dechuan, then orders Wang Xiucheng to treat the guests, and takes Lin Haisheng to the backyard.

Wu Dechuan only smiled and nodded. He also knew in his heart that his list of business must be difficult for a newly started mountain family. However, he was optimistic about Wang Xiuying, a smart little girl, and believed that she would make the impossible possible.

Wang Xiuying took Lin Haisheng and stopped at a distance of more than ten meters from the main room. The view here is broad and not afraid of eavesdropping.

Looking at Lin Haisheng who was thoughtful together, Wang Xiuying seriously asked, "did my uncle estimate how much money there would be if he took over the business?"

"It's not entirely a matter of funds. If we really want to take over this list, we can't do it with only one mountain in Dongshan. I'm afraid there's still some gap in contracting all the bamboo mountains in Zaolin village. We can't cut down all the bamboo on the mountain in order to make a floor." Lin Haisheng said frankly that the most critical problem is.

He was born and raised in the mountains. It is the instinct of the mountain people to rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and finally have to raise the mountains.

Wang Xiuying pondered for a moment and nodded: "my uncle is absolutely right. My uncle roughly calculates how many bamboo mountains need to be contracted without affecting the growth cycle of bamboo. Can the bamboo mountains near Zaolin village be satisfied? If the funds are enough, can my uncle contract them? Finally, how big is the capital gap?"

Wang Xiuying threw out so many questions at once that Lin Haisheng didn't know how to answer for a moment. Fortunately, after the recent rolling in the business market, Lin Haisheng was no longer the former Wu Xia Amun. After being stunned for a moment, he squatted down and picked up the branches and painted on the ground.

However, in seven or eight minutes, Lin Haisheng patted the soil on his hands, stood up, wiped off the things he had just painted and written with his feet, and then looked at Wang Xiuying with a smile: "now, in addition to the west mountain of Zaolin village, the bamboo mountains belonging to Zaolin Village have been contracted by our family together. Xishan still has to leave a mountain for the villagers to take bamboo.

As for the nearby mountains, uncle should also have two mountains connected with Xiushui village, Dongshan and Nanshan.

The bamboo mountain connected with the North Mountain belongs to Shangxi village. It should be a little tricky, but the problem will not be too big.

Others need to be far away, so it's inconvenient to take bamboo.

However, as long as we take down the three mountains of Xiushui village and Shangxi village, plus the three mountains in our hands, it should be enough to produce 100 square meters of floor every month.

As for the problem of factory buildings and labor, it is not a particularly big problem. The biggest problem is capital.

When we contracted Dongshan, no one was optimistic about it, so we got a big bargain. Dongshan has the largest area and bamboo is the most useful, but it costs the least.

Although Nanshan and Beishan spent more money than Dongshan, they didn't rise much. They just watched our family make more and more money. This time, they proposed to contract Zhushan to Xiushui village and Zhixi village. I'm afraid they will use the price to hold us.

In this way, the original contract price of three or four hundred a year will certainly not be won. "

At last, Lin Haishan smiled bitterly.

On the same day, Wang Xiuying reminded him that since he wanted to do the business of bamboo products, he had to take a long-term view. He could contract more bamboo mountains as much as possible. After some discussion, his family only covered all the mountains that Zaolin village could contract.

At that time, I was particularly worried. As soon as the Chongping market opened, the bamboo products business, especially the bamboo floor business, became popular. The whole family finally put down their heart and even was very proud.

Now it seems that they really don't have the long-term vision of Wang Xiuying. They are short-sighted!

A few months ago, people begged you to contract Zhushan. Now everyone sees that their family has made money. If they talk about contracting, they will become asking others. Do you have to spend more money if you compare them?

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