It was amazing how smoothly it went. However, in an hour, Lin Haisheng signed a Zhushan contract with Shangxi village. The first contract period was still five years, and the annual contract fee was 400 yuan.

However, because the best bamboo mountain in Shangxi village is the one adjacent to Zaolin village, in order not to make Shangxi village villagers have a good bamboo mountain, but they can't eat good bamboo shoots, they specially added one: the Lin family needs to provide each family in Shangxi village with ten kilograms of winter and spring bamboo shoots every year.

This number seems a little large, but Shangxi village has only three or four hundred people. This bamboo mountain is not small, and this number is no problem at all.

Those who achieve great things can't stick to such petty profits.

Similarly, Lin Haisheng also asked the cadres of Shangxi village to ask a family to help protect and patrol the mountains in Shangxi village, which is also eight yuan a month.

Several cadres in Shangxi village looked at each other and soon had candidates.

Shangxi village gives a bachelor, surnamed Pang and called strong.

Chong Qiang is an only son. Although his family is not rich, he can still live a decent life. At the age of 18, he made a marriage. Unfortunately, he hasn't had time to carry the bride home. My mother and father fell ill one after another, leaving the whole family empty. He still owes a lot of debt.

If you send away your mother and father, your home will be empty and your marriage will be yellow.

Gritting his teeth, he finally paid off the debt outside. He is old and has become a big problem in Shangxi village. People in their twenties and twenties are almost old men.

Village head Xu asked someone to call Pang Jianqiang and asked him to talk about mountain protection with Lin Haisheng face to face.

Although Lin Haisheng was not particularly satisfied with Pang Jianqiang, since he first asked Shangxi village cadres to find someone for him, he had to use it first. Anyway, both sides signed the employment agreement for mountain guards. If Pang Jianqiang really failed to meet the requirements, it would be hard to say anything at Shangxi village.

Facts have proved that although mayor Xu of Shangxi village gave Lin Haisheng a blow at the beginning, the man he provided is still very reliable.

Later, Pang Jianqiang became the leader of the mountain protection team of Xingwang bamboo products company and made great contributions to the development of Xingwang company. Of course, these are later words, not mentioned for the time being.

It was almost 1:00 p.m. when she signed the contract with Shangxi village. Wang Xiuying was so hungry that she couldn't bear it. She didn't cry with her stomach until she came out of Xu village head's house and returned to Zaolin Village: "I'm going to be hungry!"

I went out early today. I thought I would have a light meal at Lin shungui's house in Xiushui village, but Lin shungui twisted the atmosphere. Even if I stayed for dinner, I was afraid I wouldn't digest it. At that time, the four people had a pair of eyes and saw the word "withdraw" from each other's eyes

So he went all the way to Shangxi village hungry. It was almost twelve o'clock at that time.

The people in the mountains only eat two meals, one brunch and one dinner. The brunch is about 90 o'clock. Therefore, when they arrive at Shangxi village at that time, village head Xu and his wife never think of asking. They must think they came from Zaolin village after brunch.

So four people could only come out of Shangxi village hungry.

There is naturally a road from Shangxi village to Zaolin village. Although the road in the mountains is not smooth, it can at least allow opposite unicycles to cross. Therefore, the mountain road will be far away.

If you walk from this normal mountain road, it will take at least half an hour to return to Zaolin village, but if you climb over the bamboo mountain, it will take at least half as long, that is, you can return to Zaolin village in a quarter of an hour.

Lin Haisheng, Lin Haiping and Lin xuannanping are used to walking and climbing the mountain. It's nothing for them to take any road, but they are worried about Wang Xiuying. They are afraid that Wang Xiuying can't bear it!

So all three pairs of eyes looked at Wang Xiuying. Even if they only looked at them one by one, Wang Xiuying knew what they meant.

If at ordinary times, Wang Xiuying should choose the mountain road to swing back slowly, but not today. She was really hungry and sad, so she pointed to Zhushan and said boldly, "go to Zhushan!"

Naturally, there is a road on the bamboo mountain, but this road is not as easy as the road in the middle of the mountain.

At this time, the three big men surprisingly agreed and had a tacit understanding. Lin Haiping walked in the front and cleaned up the bamboo branches that might get in the way or scrape Wang Xiuying's small face one by one, while Lin Xuannan pulled Wang Xiuying in front of Wang Xiuying from time to time. Lin Haisheng protected Wang Xiuying behind Wang Xiuying to prevent Wang Xiuying's feet from sliding back.

When Wang Xiuying came out of sweat in the winter, she finally saw the tall and orderly house in Zaolin village.

"Hai Sheng, is that how you take care of Gu Xiuying? You don't know your old uncle's temper. He said that you just eat yours. After all these years, when did we go to him like this? This time, Xiuying was asked to accompany you hungry!" they shouted hungry and thirsty one by one. They looked at Wang Xiuying, who had become a little haggard for most of the day, But the old lady was distressed and blamed her uncle Lin Haisheng.

Wang Xiuying drank and took her grandmother to stop her from blaming Lin Haisheng. Instead of looking at Lin shungui's face and hearing that he had no integrity and no limit, she scolded Feng Aimin indiscriminately. How many times Wang Xiuying couldn't eat that meal, she would still choose to come out hungry.

During this trip to Zaolin village, Wang Xiuying was very tired, but Lin Jingya had a good time. If she didn't go back to school tomorrow, she would really be happy.

After eating and filling her stomach, Wang Xiuying dared not rest. It was already more than three o'clock. It was dark early in winter. If she didn't hurry out of the mountain, it would be late for her uncles who sent them out of the mountain to return to the mountain.

Today, Lin Jingya dug a lot of winter bamboo shoots. Her grandmother asked her to take them all home. She specially asked the young men in the village to help go up the mountain. In addition, she dug dozens of kilograms of more winter bamboo shoots. Wang Xiuying and others can't get them home. Naturally, they have to rely on Lin Haisheng to send them home.

At the beginning, Lin Jingya was a little embarrassed. Finally, she couldn't stand her grandmother's enthusiasm and sincerity, so she had to promise: "then I'm not polite. When Xiuying moves, grandma and grandpa must go to have fun. Please go to my house!"

After listening to Lin Jingya's words, Wang Xiuying couldn't help shaking her head. Her moving grandparents must go, but her grandparents certainly won't go to other people's homes, even if Lin Jingya is her best friend.

There are a lot of winter bamboo shoots. They add up to about 100 kg. Lin Haisheng asked Wang Xiucheng, who had no spirit to walk on Lin Haiping's back. He and Lin Xuannan carried a basket respectively, which was filled with fresh and tender winter bamboo shoots.

Although Wang Xiuying was very tired and didn't want to lift her legs to walk, she pretended to be energetic and followed her down the mountain in order not to worry her uncles.

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