I thought my uncle and cousin wanted to send them all the way back to Qingxi Town, but I didn't expect that just out of the mountain, I saw captain Zhao coming out of the jeep parked at the foot of the mountain. His face was smiling and almost caught up with Maitreya Buddha!

Wang Xiuying vomited a slot in her heart, but her face showed a bright smile.

With Captain Zhao and his jeep, Lin Haisheng saved them from sending them to Qingxi Town. He put down his basket and put it in the jeep. Lin Haisheng said a few words politely to captain Zhao, and then waved goodbye to them.

The jeep quickly sent them back to Qingxi Town, divided the winter bamboo shoots into several parts, let Lin Jingya and captain Zhao take one respectively, and Wang Xiuying also took some home.

When the sister and brother came home, they were almost exhausted, but Wang Xiuying still kept boiling water and took a hot bath for herself and Wang Xiucheng.

When Wang Xiuying and Wang Xiucheng were finally settled and Wang Xiuying was comfortably in bed, she finally sighed in her heart: Captain Zhao is really a good man!

If captain Zhao didn't drive down the mountain to wait for them and wait for them to return to Qingxi Town, it would take another half an hour. My uncle and they would have to help Lin Jingya send the winter bamboo shoots home, which would be even more time-consuming.

Besides, Captain Zhao said that she and Lin Jingya don't need to catch a car by themselves tomorrow. He will drive them directly to No. 1 middle school.

Think about it. You don't have to catch the bus early tomorrow morning. You can easily have breakfast and even send Wang Xiucheng to school. Just think about it, Wang Xiuying is happy.

Well, it seems that there are many benefits to help Zhao Ming make up his lessons.

Just listening to Lin Jingya's introduction, this boy named Zhao Ming is just a teenager with full middle and second diseases. His temper is a little difficult. It's still a headache to think about it.

But step by step, at least she was also a mother in her previous life. In this life, she has been alone with Wang Xiucheng for more than half a year, and she still has some confidence in her heart.

In her wild thoughts, Wang Xiuying gradually sank into a sweet dream.

The next day is the last day of the semester of primary and secondary schools in Y County, which is generally half a day. The arrangements of No. 1 middle school and Qingxi school in Y county are the same.

Because captain Zhao is going back to the county today, he agreed on the assembly time and place yesterday.

I slept well at night. Wang Xiuying got up a little early in the morning. Although her lower legs and stomach were sour and swollen because she walked a lot of mountain roads yesterday, she was very energetic.

It was only dark at about 5:30 in winter, but Wang Xiuying lit the light and was busy in the kitchen. A busy but leisurely morning for Wang Xiuying began.

There was plenty of time. Wang Xiuying wanted to make some exquisite breakfast for Wang Xiucheng. Looking at a small basket of winter bamboo shoots in the kitchen, she had an idea.

Open the cupboard and take out the unused pork. Although it has been put in for two or three days, it's cold now. The pork looks very fresh. It's just right to wrap bamboo shoots with winter bamboo shoots and Potherb Mustard pickled at home. It's drooling!

Wang Xiuying had an idea in her heart, and the action in her hand was quick. She first reconciled the noodles, woke up, then boiled water in the pot, picked up two winter bamboo shoots, peeled, washed and sliced.

At this time, the water in the pot is just boiling. Put the diced bamboo shoots into the pot, and then put a spoonful of salt. After rolling for a while, press the fire in the stove first, take out the bamboo shoots with a bamboo leaky spoon as well water. After two times, put them aside to control the water for standby.

Wang Xiuying picked up the pork and sliced the meat into small diced meat. Then there was a series of rapid but regular meat cutting sounds in the kitchen.

However, in a quarter of an hour, the pork had become minced meat. At this time, the bamboo shoots that had passed the boiling water had been completely cool and controlled the water.

Wang Xiuying poured the bamboo shoots onto the chopping board, cut them into small diced bamboo shoots, then took out a sea bowl, put the minced meat and diced bamboo shoots into the bowl, grabbed them from the pickle jar, and put the pickled potherb mustard with a little sour taste into the sea bowl.

Thinking that the pickled potherb mustard was not too salty, she added a little salt and monosodium glutamate, and finally dropped two drops of yellow rice wine sent by Zhang Baosheng's family as cooking wine. When she put down the wine bottle, she saw the spicy oil made by herself, and simply dropped a few drops of spicy oil in it. Anyway, Wang Xiucheng and herself can eat some spicy.

Put the seasoning, Wang Xiuying picked up a pair of chopsticks and stirred them quickly clockwise. Although minced meat and diced bamboo shoots were a bit anti bone, with Wang Xiuying's perseverance and efforts, minced meat, diced bamboo shoots and potherb mustard were soon stirred together and became a family hugging together.

Looking at her masterpiece for more than half an hour, Wang Xiuying showed a satisfied smile on her face.

After patting the awake face in the basin, Wang Xiuying was even more satisfied.

Turn around and lift the small bucket next to the stove, pour appropriate water into the big pot, put the bamboo steamer drawer washed away the dust into the pot, and check the height of the water again.

Well, good, just right!

After taking out the white gauze from the cupboard, wash and dry the white gauze stacked inside, soak it in water, twist and dry it, carefully pave it on the steaming drawer, and then turn it to the stove to stir up the fire again, add some hard firewood, and then return to the front of the pot again.

By then, all the preparations have been successfully completed, and the next step is steamed buns.

Wang Xiuying cleaned her hands again and began to wrap them.

There are a lot of steamed stuffed buns. They can only be placed in two layers of drawers. Wrap all the steamed stuffed buns and steam them in the pot. Wang Xiuying patted the dust off her body and came to the main room to see the small alarm clock on the eye height table. It's almost seven o'clock. It's time to call Wang Xiucheng to get up.

Walking briskly to Wang Xiucheng's small bedroom, he reached out and gently knocked on the door. There was Wang Xiucheng's lazy voice like a kitten. Obviously, he hasn't woken up yet.

Wang Xiuying chuckled and didn't rush. She only said in a low voice: "Xiucheng, my sister wrapped bamboo shoots, butyric acid vegetables and meat steamed stuffed buns. If you sleep enough, get up and eat steamed buns. Don't get up until your sister Jingya comes. You know?"

As soon as Wang Xiuying's voice fell, she heard a crackling noise inside. However, in half a minute, Wang Xiucheng's sleepy face had appeared in front of Wang Xiuying.

Wang Xiuying laughed in her heart. Unexpectedly, Lin Jingya's power was so great!

It seems that Lin Jingya in Wang Xiucheng's heart is an existence who will grab food and drink with him.

Wang Xiuying smiled and rubbed Wang Xiucheng's head. Fortunately, there is only a fashionable flat head in this era. Otherwise, this soft hair would not be like a messy chicken nest?

After rubbing his head, he patted it gently: "brush your teeth and wash your face. Don't use cold water. There's hot water on the stove!"

Seeing that Wang Xiucheng rubbed his eyes and obediently went to the kitchen, Wang Xiuying went into Wang Xiucheng's small room to clean up for him.

Generally speaking, boys' rooms are much more chaotic than girls. Although Wang Xiucheng's self-reliance ability has increased more than one or two times after his parents died, in Wang Xiuying's eyes, his small room is still so chaotic that she frowns.

There are books, pens and socks on the desk

Mingming told her not to put the socks she changed every day in her bedroom, and Wang Xiuying remembered that she washed a pair of socks for Wang Xiucheng when she cleaned the clothes and socks she changed last night. What the hell is this sock on the small stool?

Where's the other one?

However, Wang Xiuying only thought for a moment, and she already had the answer in her heart. She couldn't help laughing angrily.

When Wang Xiuying cleaned up Wang Xiucheng's room and appeared in front of Wang Xiucheng with a sock in her fingers, Wang Xiucheng's face turned red.

Wang Xiucheng's face reddened when he looked down and only wore the foot of a sock.

Wang Xiuying nodded with satisfaction and knew that shame meant salvation!

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