Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1718: 1 Village's Hope

Chapter 1718 A Village's Hope

Many people know that Qiuhai has driven the local economy to a large extent.

If foreign capital can invest here, maybe they can also enjoy some benefits brought by Qiuhai.

Of course, if Qiuhai is in the same industry, it would be better to give up this idea as soon as possible.

Competing with Qiuhai in Qiuhai's territory, I am afraid that no one in this world has such courage.

The willingness of foreign capital to invest here is enough to see the changes brought by the twin cities on one axis to Linghai.

Otherwise, with the geographical location and economic conditions of Linghai, it is impossible to attract the attention of foreign investors and let them settle down here.

The project of one axis and two cities has brought changes to Linghai.

But in the final analysis, this is the benefit that Qiuhai brought to Linghai.

Even the entire Xijiang is enjoying the benefits brought by the Qiuhai Group.

In terms of economics, of course, there is no need to say much.

In other respects, the benefits are not much at all.

In terms of humanities and public welfare, Qiuhai has also made a lot of efforts.

Especially in the field of public welfare, the money Qiuhai invests in this every year is a lot of money.

When it comes to the biggest changes in Xijiang, it is actually in these places.

After Qiuhai started to do charity work, there were more than a dozen Hope Primary Schools in Xijiang.

According to the scale of Qiuhai, the number is a bit small.

However, the Hope Primary School invested by Qiuhai uses the best materials, and its scale can be compared with the primary schools in the city.

There are also various advanced supporting facilities, even more than the primary schools in the city.

It is because of this that it takes so much time.

If it is a normal Hope Primary School, if Qiuhai is only responsible for paying the money, there is no problem in building dozens of them a year.

Regarding this issue, Chen Jianghai's attitude is also very firm.

School is a place where children learn and grow.

If you want to build it, build it according to the best standard.

He hopes that children who can attend Hope Primary School can get the same amount of educational resources, so that they will not lose at the starting line at the beginning.

With the money Qiuhai built a Hope Primary School, he could actually build five to six ordinary Hope Primary Schools.

In Xijiang's newspapers, you can see relevant reports from time to time.

Many people even doubted their eyes a little after seeing the Hope Primary School built by Qiuhai.

With such a scale and quality of construction, those elementary schools in cities with a slightly lower economy may not be able to match.

In particular, one of the pictures has left a deep impression on many people.

In a village surrounded by mountains, the houses are messy, low and gray.

But in such a place, there is a brightly colored Hope Primary School.

A five-story teaching building, a four-story library, and a large playground.

When many people see this picture, their first reaction is fake.

It is really hope that this primary school is too out of tune with such an environment, there is a huge contrast.

However, this is what actually happened.

This Hope Primary School seems to have become a hope here, radiating dazzling light all over.

The title of the article is: Hope Primary School, the hope of a village.

Just relying on this article, everyone admires Qiuhai.

Such Hope Primary School has really brought the light of hope to those people in the deep mountains.

Everyone thinks that maybe the meaning of primary school lies in this.

It is really not easy for a private enterprise to do this.

Such a thing has made consumers' favorable impression of Qiuhai rise a lot.

Qiuhai's contribution to Xijiang is naturally more than that.

Follow-up projects such as cold chain plans, nursing homes, and veterans' homes have all begun to slowly penetrate the entire Xijiang.

I believe that in a few years, Xijiang will really undergo earth-shaking changes.

It is incredible that a business can bring so much change locally.


The super girl cooperating with Qiuhai and Xijiang TV officially started broadcasting at the end of March.

After nearly two months, Qi Jingyi finally made all the preparations for the show.

On March 30, the national audition for super girls officially kicked off.

Many viewers have been paying attention to this show.

They want to know whether the program Qiuhai cooperated with Xijiang TV this time is good or not.

After nearly two months of waiting, the show finally started.

Qi Jingyi personally sat on the TV station this time, directing this action.

Looking at the reports from various places, Qi Jingyi became more and more nervous.

Whether Xijiang TV can turn over or not depends on this time.

For this program, Xijiang TV has made great efforts.

There are a total of six primary competition venues in the country, all of which were built by Xijiang TV station.

This is thanks to Qiuhai's investment, otherwise this place would definitely not have been built so quickly.

Setting up the stage in the early stage, screening the contestants, and promoting the program are all essential links.

In order to do this show well, Qi Jingyi sent all the people who could be used by Xijiang TV.

If that doesn't work, pay for temporary workers.

Qi Jingyi knew that this was the only chance for Xijiang TV to turn around, and nothing could go wrong.

Just because Chen Jianghai can give him a chance doesn't mean he will be given another chance.

During the promotion of the program, Qi Jingyi realized how lucky he was this time.

At first, when people heard that it was Xijiang TV's program, they didn't want to pay attention to them.

When I heard that their show was planned by Chen Jianghai and invested by Qiuhai, I immediately changed my mind.

After the great success of "A Bite of China" and "Moving China", no one will question Chen Jianghai's program planning ability.

Many people are looking forward to what kind of show Chen Jianghai will come up with next.

Unexpectedly, this show has already started.

The next thing is simple.

What venue, cooperation, the other party agreed very readily.

This made the staff of Xijiang TV a little difficult to accept.

They have long been mentally prepared to be ruthlessly rejected.

The result was that it was a bit far from what they thought, and everyone was eager to cooperate.

This experience is really great for the staff of Xijiang TV. they are more and more confident.

Every staff member has a common understanding. As long as this show is carried out strictly according to Chen Jianghai's plan, it will definitely be popular all over the country and achieve great success.

The partners are easy to talk about, and the contestants are also one after another.

According to Qi Jingyi's estimate, there are 3,000 people in the six stadiums in the country, and the show is considered a success in the early stage.

As a result, nearly 10,000 people signed up for the show on the first day.

By the time the registration deadline, the number of applicants had reached an astonishing 30,000.

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