Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1719: Starts on time at 8

Chapter 1719 starts broadcasting at eight o'clock on time

This number is far beyond Qi Jingyi's imagination.

He even wondered if he was dreaming.

But everything in front of him is telling Qi Jingyi that this is all true, everything is true.

After calming down, Qi Jingyi can already be sure that this show will definitely be popular in the future.

The original audition procedure needs to be changed.

Otherwise, so many people participating in the audition will delay the originally scheduled competition time.

Qi Jingyi thought at first that there were only a few thousand people, and during the audition, everyone could sing a complete song.

Now that the number of people is soaring, it is unrealistic to sing one song per person.

The only way is to compress everyone's performance time.

Qi Jing easily lost his mind, of course, because he didn't know how attractive a stage was for contestants to show themselves.

Contestants are attracted by this, and they will actively sign up.

At the same time, this is a program planned by Chen Jianghai, and they think it will definitely make them famous.

Many people like to sing and perform, but there is no stage to express themselves.

Now that Qiuhai has provided such a stage, the reason why they are scrambling to sign up is to realize their star dream.

Super Girl will be broadcast tonight, and Chen Jianghai is also paying more attention to it.

The quality of a program can be seen from the ratings on the first day.

A good show may not get very good ratings on the first day.

But if it's a bad show, then its ratings on the first day are definitely not ideal.

Super girl, finally scheduled to start on time at 8 o'clock in the evening.

For this choice, many people in Xijiang TV do not understand.

You have to know eight o'clock, but in prime time, TV dramas are usually broadcast.

There are few TV stations who dare to broadcast entertainment programs on 8 on-demand.

Qi Jingyi knew that only in this way could he attract more audiences.

The strength of Xijiang TV station is relatively weak among national TV stations.

If you want to stand out from those TV stations, you must take a slant and use ruthless moves.

If it is broadcast at other time periods, the effect will definitely not be as good.

Moreover, for Xijiang TV, the golden time of eight o'clock is not so good.

Without ratings, any time period is garbage time.

Other TV stations broadcast new TV series, while Xijiang TV broadcasts TV series that have been broadcast several times.

Not at all attractive.

The audience will naturally not waste time on TV shows that they have already watched.

TV shows are still very interesting.

Unlike later TV series, one is really worse than the other.

At this time, if you broadcast old TV series, maybe you will see more people.

Now, there are definitely not many people watching old TV shows.

Rather than wasting this time on TV shows, it's better to use it directly on new shows.

If this new show can attract a large audience, it is definitely the best choice for prime time.

As long as the results are achieved, then everything is worth it.

As for whether it can be successful or not, it depends on the ratings tonight.

When Qi Jingyi was busy with the show, Chen Jianghai just got a piece of news.

On April 3, the love blockbuster "Titanic" will be officially released in China.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Jianghai wanted to take Lin Wanqiu to see a movie.

It can be said that Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu have never experienced a long love process.

Now that two children have been born, Chen Jianghai wants to make up for all the things he has not done before.

If you want Lin Wanqiu to become the happiest woman in the world, the link of love is absolutely essential.

Chen Jianghai directly instructed Yan Fei to buy movie tickets quickly.

With Chen Jianghai's status in Pingshan, as long as he appears in public, he will definitely be recognized.

By that time, the movie will not have to be watched.

When Chen Jianghai asked Yan Fei to buy the tickets, he bought the whole movie ticket.

If you watch a movie in a private room, you are not afraid of being disturbed.

Although the atmosphere was a little worse, that was the only way to do it.

When he got home in the evening, Chen Jianghai didn't tell Lin Wanqiu about the movie.

Chen Jianghai wanted to surprise Lin Wanqiu, but of course he couldn't tell her in advance.

After dinner, the family sat in the living room watching TV.

"Wanqiu, when will your parents come over?"

Chen Liye asked suddenly.

Now is the time for the news broadcast. The family is watching TV and chatting about family life. It is very happy and the scene is very warm.

Lin Wanqiu hurriedly said, "Dad, it should only be these two days. They will leave after explaining the family affairs."

Hearing Lin Wanqiu's answer, Chen Liye nodded, and then said to her: "Wanqiu, ask for the specific time, I'll go buy some good food and come back."

Lin Wanqiu hurriedly said, "Dad doesn't need this, we are all a family."

"Okay, that's it."

Chen Liye waved his hand and said with a smile.

Lin Wanqiu glanced at Chen Jianghai, who just gave her a smile.

"Thank you dad."

Lin Wanqiu said with a smile.

Chen Liye waved his hand, and then asked Chen Jianghai: "I heard that there is a new show on Xijiang TV today. Is it sponsored by your company?"

"Yes, Dad, do you want to take a look?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Wang Shufen said directly: "I must have a look."

As for the programs invested by her son's company, Wang Shufen has never fallen behind.

And she was very satisfied with every show.

It's not that she is biased because her son invested in it.

It's really that these shows are so wonderful that she is full of praise.

There is a new program this time, and Wang Shufen will not miss it.

Chen Liye nodded in agreement and said, "I have to take a good look tonight to see how the show is going."

After the last drone competition, Chen Liye was quite satisfied with Qiuhai's program.

In his opinion, the drone game is really meaningful and interesting.

Far better than other TV programs.

This time, Qiuhai and Xijiang TV have released a new program, which will definitely not disappoint.

Not only Chen Liye and Wang Shufen thought so, but most of the audience actually had the same attitude.

At this time, many people have been in front of the TV in advance, and they have been tuned to the Xijiang TV channel without exception.

They wanted to see what the new program Qiuhai participated in was like.

They haven't seen any great shows since the drone

The super girl this time, I hope to bring them a surprise.

At exactly eight o'clock, the super girl of Xijiang TV station officially started.

Chen Liye and the others also got serious, and put all their eyes on the TV.

Seeing that grandparents were so serious, Huanhuan and the others didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and sat on the sofa honestly.

At the beginning of the program, it attracted the attention of Chen Liye and the others.

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