Chapter 1796 Happy Search

More importantly, Chen Jianghai is a person who attaches great importance to technology.

This is the most fundamental reason why Larry Page and the others trust Chen Jianghai.

The system Chen Jianghai implemented on Qiuhai made the two people believe that Chen Jianghai really valued technology.

Over the years, Qiuhai's investment in research and development can be said to be very huge.

This point, the two of them will know after a little inquiries.

Twenty percent of Qiuhai's annual net profit is basically used for research and development.

At the most, it has even exceeded 20%, reaching 30%.

Larry Page and the others agree and admire Chen Jianghai's attitude.

A technology company should put technology first and be willing to spend money on research and development.

It's not enough to just talk about R&D technology, you have to spend money in it.

After knowing this information, Larry Page and the others looked forward to their future even more.

At this time, they were eager to return to the United States as soon as possible and officially start their own entrepreneurial road.

Speaking of which, the entrepreneurial path of these two people is much better in this life than in the previous life.

Historically, the funds for the two of them to start their businesses were all borrowed from a patchwork.

This time, Chen Jianghai gave them a novice gift bag at the beginning.

Now they don't have to worry about money anymore.

As for the company, Chen Jianghai has asked Ma Tian to establish a new company called Happy.

On the Huaxia side, the external name is called Joy Search Company.

This name naturally corresponds to Chen Jianghai's pair of precious children, Huanhuan and Lele.

When Chen Liye came home in the evening, Chen Jianghai told him about going to the supermarket,

Hearing that Chen Jianghai went to the small supermarket, Chen Liye was very surprised, and asked suspiciously: "Jianghai, when did you go?

Why didn't I see you? "

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Dad, I saw that you were chatting and playing chess with a few friends, so you didn't go in to disturb you."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Chen Liye nodded thoughtfully: "That's true."

He also knew very well in his heart that if Chen Jianghai went in, he would definitely be recognized immediately.

In the future, his small shop will definitely not be able to open.

Chen Liye didn't want to see such a result.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Dad, you are doing a good job in this small supermarket, and you have met so many friends."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Liye's face was full of smiles.

Xue Chunli on the side was full of envy after hearing this.

Lin Jianguo and his wife came to Pingshan to take care of the pregnant Lin Wanqiu.

Now that Lin Wanqiu has given birth to her child, and her confinement is over, the two of them suddenly feel a little idle.

Seeing that Chen Liye and Wang Shufen had something to do and lived a fulfilling life every day, Xue Chunli couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Staying in this big villa every day, Xue Chunli felt a little bored.

After eating, Xue Chunli called Lin Jianguo into the room.

What Xue Chunli wanted to say was naturally about her plan to go out and find something to do.

Hearing that Xue Chunli wanted to do this, Lin Jianguo was very puzzled, and couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Isn't it good to enjoy happiness at home?

Why run outside to do things? "

It can be said that Lin Jianguo's family suffered a lot before Chen Jianghai made his fortune.

Now that life is finally getting better, Lin Jianguo naturally hopes to stay at home and enjoy the happiness.

Hearing Lin Jianguo's answer, Xue Chunli was very angry, glared at him fiercely and said, "How old are you?

Thinking about enjoying the happiness now?

Seeing Xue Chunli being so angry, Lin Jianguo shrank his neck slightly, then lowered his head and didn't dare to speak any more.

Seeing Lin Jianguo like this, Xue Chunli didn't let her anger out, and the expression on her face became a bit fierce.

In Xue Chunli's view, Lin Jianguo stayed at home every day and did nothing, just like an uncle.

Xue Chunli became angrier the more she thought about it, and her eyes were filled with murderous aura when she looked at her husband.

At this moment, Lin Jianguo was like a man on his back, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Hearing the conversation between the father and son of the Chen family today, Xue Chunli felt uncomfortable.

Look at the father and son, and then look at Lin Jianguo in front of him, there is no comparison at all.

Originally, Chen Liye opened a small supermarket by himself, and Xue Chunli didn't think much about it.

Now that Wang Shufen has found something for herself, she naturally can't sit still.

They do nothing at home every day, but the father-in-law and the mother-in-law both have their own careers. As the son-in-law, will Chen Jianghai have any ideas?

The reason why Xue Chunli wanted to go out and find something to do was not entirely because of her competitive personality. This was the most important reason.

Now Chen Jianghai, their Lin family can't climb high.

Lin Wanqiu was able to become Chen Jianghai's wife, and they both felt very lucky.

In their own words, this is the blessing that their family cultivated in their previous lives.

If the two of them did too badly, Chen Jianghai might have an opinion on Lin Wanqiu.

You know, at the very beginning, the two of them didn't have a good attitude towards Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai's attitude towards them has not changed over the years.

For this, Xue Chunli is very grateful to Chen Jianghai.

Of course, they also knew that the reason why Chen Jianghai did this was because of Lin Wanqiu's face.

As Lin Wanqiu's parents, they naturally couldn't hold back Lin Wanqiu.

"Go to Wanqiu tomorrow, and let's talk to her about it."

Xue Chunli frowned and thought for a while, and finally made a firm decision.

Naturally, Lin Jianguo did not dare to express his opinion on this matter, so he just nodded and agreed.

The next day, after Chen Jianghai went out, Lin Jianguo and the others found Lin Wanqiu.

It happened that Chen Liye and Wang Shufen went out, and the family could have a good discussion.

After listening to Xue Chunli's words, Lin Wanqiu was very surprised.

"Mom and Dad, do you guys also want to go out and find something to do?"

Xue Chunli nodded and said, "Yes, my dad and I have nothing to do at home. We can't just sit at home every day and do nothing, right?"

Hearing Xue Chunli say this, Lin Wanqiu immediately understood.

Lin Jianguo and the others were just too busy at home and wanted to find some work for themselves.

Regarding this matter, Lin Wanqiu didn't think much about and immediately agreed.

Now that she has finished her confinement, and Lele is so old, she can take care of her completely.

Hearing that Lin Wanqiu agreed directly, Xue Chunli was very happy.

However, the smile on Xue Chunli's face didn't last long before it disappeared.

She asked worriedly, "Wan Qiu, do you want to tell Qiu Hai about this?"

Seeing Xue Chunli like this, Lin Wanqiu couldn't help laughing, and then comforted her: "Mom, there's no need to tell Jiang Hai about such trivial matters."

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