Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1797: Who gave you the courage to do this!

Chapter 1797 Who gave you the courage to do this!

Lin Wanqiu was naturally not worried, but it didn't mean that Xue Chunli could really feel relieved.

She frowned slightly and said cautiously, "Wanqiu, you should tell Jiang Hai about this, lest he might get angry if he doesn't know about it."

Seeing Xue Chunli say this, Lin Wanqiu had no choice but to nod and say, "Then I'll mention it to him tonight."

Seeing that Lin Wanqiu agreed, Xue Chunli breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but ask, "Mom and dad, what are you going to do?"

This question directly stopped Lin Jianguo and Xue Chunli.

When they came to Lin Wanqiu today, they were completely overwhelmed.

As for what they want to do, they have no idea at all.

Seeing that Lin Jianguo and Xue Chunli did not speak for a long time, Lin Wanqiu knew that they must not have made up their minds.

Lin Wanqiu then said: "Okay, you all think about this matter first, and then I will tell Jiang Hai."

"Alright, I'll discuss it with your dad."

Xue Chunli nodded quickly.

Lin Wanqiu's mother and daughter were talking the whole time, and Lin Jianguo was like a tool man who didn't say a word by the side.

In this family, once Xue Chunli had decided on something, he really didn't dare to say anything more.

Lin Wanqiu was used to this.

In this family, mother Xue Chunli is an absolute authority.

Under normal circumstances, as a father, Lin Jianguo would not dare to express his opinions easily.


On June 3, Xu Guodong rushed back to Qiuhai from out of town to report to Chen Jianghai.

During this period of time, he can be said to be so busy that his feet are not touching the ground, but he has too many things on his hands.

The first report is naturally about the progress of the two cities.

This project was first taken over by Xu Guodong.

At the beginning, Xu Guodong thought that his mind should be all on this project in the next few years.

Now it seems that he is still too young.

For Chen Jianghai, One Axis and Two Cities was only used to train him.

If the construction company in Xu Guodong's hands can complete this project, it will be a little confident.

If he takes on other major projects in the future, Chen Jianghai can rest assured.

Later, Chen Jianghai and Li Mingnan partnered to open a hotel, and Huo Jiaxiang won the bid for the second phase of finance.

Although Xu Guodong does not need to follow up on these projects in person, he has the responsibility of supervision.

As soon as this came, Xu Guodong had to be busy with more work.

What Xu Guodong did not expect was that Chen Jianghai still had tasks for him to do.

Some time ago, let him buy companies related to the construction industry everywhere.

Xu Guodong really wished that one person could be split into two.

Fortunately, during this period of time, he finally survived, and he successfully completed the acquisition.

No, Xu Guodong hurried back to report to Chen Jianghai after he was busy.

When I came back this time, I reported the progress of the project by the way.

The most important thing is those companies that Xu Guodong acquired.

With so many companies in his hands, Xu Guodong naturally wanted to straighten them out as soon as possible.

Regarding the handling of these enterprises, Xu Guodong naturally asked Chen Jianghai.

The current domestic economy is not very good as a whole.

Xu Guodong bought so many companies at once, and he didn't spend much money, but it is a big problem to support these companies next.

There is a lot of money to be invested in it, and it must be done well.

Today's Qiuhai has several more opponents.

Funds are the most important thing for Qiuhai right now.

These acquired companies must come up with an integrated charter.

Regarding the integration of these companies, Chen Jianghai naturally wants to be drastic.

The domestic economic environment is one reason why these companies are not doing well.

But there is another very important reason, naturally because of their employees.

Most of these companies that Xu Guodong acquired are state-owned enterprises.

The reputation of state-owned enterprises in China is not very good.

Many employees are vegetarians and do nothing with money.

In this state, the company is naturally not operating well.

What Chen Jianghai wants is the enterprise, and these employees can absolutely not.

Now that there are so many laid-offs, Chen Jianghai is not afraid of finding suitable employees.

First of all, the original benefits of these state-owned enterprises have been cancelled.

Next, Chen Jianghai, the person who was leaving, asked Xu Guodong to compensate for the loss.

As for those who are willing to stay, they will arrange corresponding jobs after training directly.

After completing this step, the companies in Xu Guodong's hands can be formally integrated.

The personnel problem is solved, and the next integration is not a big problem.

"Mr. Chen, what is the standard for this compensation?"

Xu Guodong asked cautiously.

If Chen Jianghai does this, the compensation for employees is not a small amount.

For this question, Chen Jianghai didn't even think about it, and gave the answer directly.

"Let's follow the national labor law. We can't give less than one point, and we can't give more than one point."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Xu Guodong's expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Chen, I actually have a way to make these employees resign automatically."

Xu Guodong suddenly lowered his voice and said.

Xu Guodong did this naturally because he wanted to save some money for Qiuhai.

Now Qiuhai is in a more dangerous situation.

Only with sufficient funds can Qiuhai be saved from danger.

Xu Guodong did this naturally to attract the attention of Chen Jianghai.

He thought that if he did this, Chen Jianghai would definitely value him more and more.

I have to say that Xu Guodong has really been floating recently.

Anyone who has been in contact with Chen Jianghai in Qiuhai knows that Chen Jianghai is the kind of person who cannot rub the sand in his eyes.

Especially in terms of employees' wages and benefits, Chen Jianghai has always been unwilling to deduct at all.

It is precisely because of this that Qiuhai's employees follow Chen Jianghai so desperately.

Xu Guodong dared to say this in front of Chen Jianghai, he was simply asking for no fun.

It can only be said that Xu Guodong felt very good about himself during this time.

Chen Jianghai gave him so many projects one after another, which made Xu Guodong's judgment wrong.

He believes that by doing so, Chen Jianghai will put Qiuhai's future on real estate.

At this time, in the entire Qiuhai, Xu Guodong was the one in charge of the real estate.

After Xu Guodong finished speaking, he waited for Chen Jianghai's praise with a smile on his face as if he was taking credit.

Who knew that what he was waiting for was not a compliment from Chen Jianghai, but an angry reprimand.

"You know what you're talking about?

Who gave you the courage to do this! "

In the face of Chen Jianghai's monstrous anger, Xu Guodong trembled suddenly, and his back was wet at He really did not expect that Chen Jianghai would suddenly become so angry.

For a while, Xu Guodong was so scared that he didn't know what to say.

Xu Guodong knew that everything he had now was given by Chen Jianghai.

If there is no Chen Jianghai, then he is nothing.

Now that this sentence is wrong, if Chen Jianghai is to blame, it will be over.

If he was expelled by Qiuhai, he would definitely be laughable.

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