Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2009: The accumulation of capital is full of blood

Chapter 209 The accumulation of capital is full of blood

You must know that foreign companies have been able to run rampant in the Chinese market for so many years, and they have always won by leading technology.

In people's minds, they think that Sony, Panasonic, Siemens and other foreign brands are advanced representatives and big brands.

And these big brands have the highest scientific research strength, can produce the most advanced and best quality electrical appliances, and naturally become the first choice of consumers.

Even if it's a little more expensive, it's worth it.

In fact, many electrical appliances are indeed developed by them and then brought to the market.

This is also the capital for these foreign brands to look down on the world, to conquer cities in markets around the world, and to make a lot of money.

If even this advantage is robbed by Qiuhai Group, the market they currently own will inevitably be further compressed, and it is not far from being eliminated.

This is a result they absolutely do not want to see.

"What product is Qiuhai going to launch, do you know the news?"

"mobilize all the power and find out what new electrical appliances Qiuhai Group is going to release!"

"It's best to have the details and design drawings of these appliances in hand.

For this, you can do whatever it takes! "


For a while, the headquarters of the foreign companies of various electrical appliance brands issued a death order, asking the heads of the branches of foreign companies in Huaxia to try their best to collect all the information about the new electrical appliances released by Qiuhai Group this time. The more detailed the better.

And the former responsible persons who were transferred like Li Tiangang and Yamamoto Ichiro were once again called to the headquarters and were scolded firmly.

The reason for scolding them is very simple. In the opinion of the executives of these foreign companies, the new electrical appliances released by Qiuhai Group cannot be developed at once.

But during this time, Li Tiangang and Yamamoto Ichiro, the former heads of China, failed to get any news.

This is a serious dereliction of duty!

There is an old saying that the accumulation of capital is full of blood.

The rise of any big company in the world is not accidental, nor can it rise simply by relying on its own strength.

Especially companies that have existed for dozens or hundreds of years, almost inevitably have their own dark histories.

Commercial espionage is their usual means.

Fight against the monopoly of the market by similar companies, obtain confidential documents, research projects and products of similar companies, and so on, is what they have been doing.

Li Tiangang and Yamamoto Ichiro, the former leaders, have been quite aggrieved recently.

They recalled the days when they fought against the Qiuhai Group, and they were really full of sadness.

After the failure, they truly recognized Qiuhai's terrifying strength.

In their eyes, a company like Qiuhai is like an invincible existence, and it is difficult to defeat any opponent.

It just happened to be met by these unlucky bastards.

They even thought that no matter what miracles Chen Jianghai created, there was nothing strange about it.

Because this man has been working miracles!

Now they have been scolded for this reason, and they can't say anything except grief in their hearts.

They ask themselves that they have done enough hard work and responsible.

Working hard for so many years, leading the Huaxia branch, there is no credit or hard work.

And before the emergence of Qiuhai Group, they also really created huge value for the company, and they were rewarded to a certain extent.

In fact, while they did not want to succeed, they also did it in times of danger, and did not take it lightly.

The infiltration of commercial espionage has never stopped in the Chinese market, and has achieved many results.

It's just that the Qiuhai Group's rise is too fast, and it does make them ignore this terrible opponent.

When they reacted, they realized that it was too late.

The most important thing is that there is a strong cohesion within Qiuhai, which is quite united, so the infiltration work is very difficult.

But under the offensive of their sugar-coated cannonballs, they also succeeded a small part.

Through these channels, they have more or less grasped the internal situation of Qiuhai.

However, when they were there, they never received a report that Qiuhai Group was developing new electrical appliances, and there was not even the slightest bit of relevant information.

This made them feel helpless and confused.

Now that things have come to this point, they can only accept their fate.

When they think about it, Chen Jianghai should be very cautious and protect this newly developed project well and hide it well, so that he can successfully keep the secret.

It's just that they never thought of it. In fact, this is what Chen Jianghai came up with temporarily. All the design concepts were planned by Chen Jianghai, so there is no confidentiality at all.

Not to mention that they only have a small part of the Qiuhai Group left, even if they installed all the Qiuhai Group as spies, and even bought the secretary of Chen Jianghai, it is impossible to obtain any useful information.

In short, this step of Qiuhai Group's operation has completely disrupted the entire electrical appliance market in China.

Even this wave is still expanding abroad, waiting to see what kind of new electrical appliances Qiuhai Group can release.

Of course, relative to the common people, they are not aware of the things in these businesses.

They just saw advertisements in various newspapers about Qiuhai Group's launch of new electrical appliances, and then they began to look forward to it.

The common people also want to see what this new electrical appliance is.

But that's all, and don't pay too much attention to it.

Of course, Chen Jianghai did not put all his energy into this matter.

After all, this was actually just a small move he made to make Qiuhai Group profitable.

Just explain, let the people below to carry out research and development step by step, and then put it into production.

It will take some time for new appliances to come to market.

According to the normal procedures, samples are produced according to the requirements, plus various debugging, and finally a finished product that can be used will be produced, and then large-scale production will be carried out.

Each of these must be done step by step, without any rush.

As soon as Chen Jianghai arrived at the company today, Yan Fei took the initiative to come to him, saying that everything was ready.

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly, and reminded him again with a serious expression: "It's not too late, just go!"

"I think you have already seen other relevant information in the In short, you must take him down at all costs."

"However, you have to do everything possible not to let him see our true intentions, let alone let other foreign companies find out, otherwise it will be very troublesome if the rumors are accidentally leaked."

Yan Fei nodded his understanding.

However, he still had some questions in his heart, so he directly asked Chen Jianghai:

"Mr. Chen, the data shows that this Andrew does not have a project and a clear direction to invest in.

At that time, if I sign him, what specific work do I need to make him responsible for? "

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