Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2010: Take 1 step, see 1 step

Chapter 210 take a step by step

This is actually the most tangled issue for Duan Yongping before.

At the beginning, Chen Jianghai's explanation was to let him invest in Andrew to build a laboratory in the United States.

I will find a way to bring Andrew back to the country later.

As for what Andrew is going to study, he doesn't know.

Such an investment will naturally make people feel very uncertain.

Especially since Duan Yongping is still a partner, he will definitely be more cautious and consider the gains and losses.

Therefore, Yan Fei asked the same question.

Of course, even if Chen Jianghai didn't explain, Yan Fei would honestly implement Chen Jianghai's instructions and try to sign Andrew into his hand.

In fact, Chen Jianghai is also secretly considering it.

On the one hand, Andrew must be won.

And be early.

Because if it's too late, he is likely to be included by Google.

At that time, it would be quite difficult for him to take Andrew.

It can even be said that there is no chance.

But this creates a problem.

Andrew has not yet developed the idea of ​​​​an Android system. After all, there is no shadow of a smartphone yet.

But he couldn't talk to Yan Fei and the others.

He can't tell Yan Fei everything about Android first, and then tell Anderu!

This is undoubtedly a growth spurt, and even has a certain butterfly effect, affecting the development of the Android system.

In addition, Chen Jianghai couldn't have a clear understanding of how Andrew developed the Android system every step of the way, and more of it was hearsay, and there was only one general direction.

Otherwise, he can first put forward some research directions of Andrew in the previous life, and let Andrew study step by step, which can be regarded as a training for him to prepare for future research and development related to the Android system.

When the time is ripe, Chen Jianghai mentioned some specific research directions of the Android system at home to further speed up Andrew's research progress and make the system come out ahead of schedule.

It is exciting to think about what kind of grand occasion it will be when the first generation of Apple's mobile phones will be equipped with Android system.

Of course, this was their plan after they successfully won Andrew.

Now the key is that there is a problem in the first step.

Frowning slightly, he tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously and thought for a long time, then Chen Jianghai broke the silence of the office and said to Yan Fei:

"In this way, you go and take him down first. As for the research content, if he really has no idea, you can call me, and I will talk to him in detail."

In the end, Chen Jianghai could only choose to take one step at a time.

He believed that with his knowledge beyond this era, he should be able to chat with this Andrew.

When Yan Fei heard what Chen Jianghai said, he was relieved and nodded hastily: "I understand, Mr. Chen, then I'll leave."

Not long after hanging up, Chen Shuyao called.

Since Chen Jianghai asked her to help Jia Ye build a winery for brewing lamb wine in Chenjia Village, Chen Shuyao felt that she had finally found something meaningful to do.

When she thought that this was helping Chen Jianghai, she was full of energy.

However, Chen Shuyao also remembered what Chen Jianghai told her last time in the private room of Chenjia Village Farmhouse.

She sometimes used too much force, which would make Chen Jianghai feel a little bit jealous.

Therefore, Chen Shuyao paid special attention to these places and resolutely avoided these problems.

Now, with the efforts of many parties, the winery has entered the right track of construction.

Everything went quite smoothly. It was originally planned to be completed and put into production in half a year. Now it seems that it will only take four months.

Under such circumstances, she naturally had to go to Chen Jianghai to properly claim credit.

Usually, she has no such treatment or excuse.

This time, Chen Shuyao finally found an opportunity, which is why she came to find Chen Jianghai as soon as she learned that Chen Jianghai was preparing to build a winery in Chenjia Village, and wanted to take over the task of building the winery. .

Even hearing Chen Jianghai's voice every day is a source of psychological comfort and happiness for her.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a voice that made her heart beat.

"Shu Yao, is something wrong?"

A bright smile appeared on Chen Shuyao's face unconsciously, and her voice seemed to respond to Chen Jianghai with a happy score:

"Boss Chen, the little girl is here to report to you about the construction of the winery.

The winery has begun to lay the foundation, and I will transfer some of the old masters from the sealed wine side. "

"They have rich experience and participated in the construction of the sealed wine, and with their help, the speed is also faster.

The general frame should be covered before the Spring Festival. "

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai immediately understood the woman's mind.

Obviously these things reported are not of much value at all, and more like they are taking credit for themselves.

However, he was always ruthless towards this woman, completely dispelling her thoughts.

So, Chen Jianghai could only follow Chen Shuyao's topic and say, "That's really great, it's hard work for you, I'll invite you to dinner when you have time."

Sure enough, hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Shuyao's whole person became radiant, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

At this moment, her happiness can be seen from every part of her body.

"Okay, then it's a deal! But if the big boss invites you to dinner, I have a small request for the little girl.

Had a meal with me alone before Chinese New Year. "

Although Chen Shuyao said it easily, in fact, when the last sentence was spoken, her heart was full of anxiety, and her fist was subconsciously clenched.

This is actually one of her wishes.

She was very afraid that Chen Jianghai would reject her directly for family reasons.

And Chen Jianghai realized at this time that it was only a month before the Chinese New Year.

This year, the New Year's flavor is still very heavy. As the old saying goes, Laba is the New Year. In this era, you can really feel the atmosphere of the New Year.

Unlike later generations, in many places during the New Year, not even a single gun battle can be released, and there are only a few short annual holidays.

With the development of China's economy, the pace of people's life is so fast that some good things are lost. In the end, there is no atmosphere for the New Year.

Regarding Chen Shuyao's request, Chen Jianghai decided to agree.

After all, for him to refuse, after all, it was a little unbearable.

So he was slightly addicted, and then Chen Shuyao was almost desperate, and then when he chose to give up voluntarily, he responded:

"Okay, let's just set the time on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month. I'll treat you to a big meal as a thank you."

Chen Shuyao almost jumped up after hearing her voice became a little louder: "Really?

! "

You must know that she is now a dignified family beauty boss, a proper strong woman, with a lot of money, and I don't know how many men are the favorite object.

Especially in the past two years, Jiamei has made great progress all the way, and its brands have also developed rapidly, so few things can make Chen Shuyao so excited and make such a fierce reaction.

I'm afraid not many people have seen her side of this little woman.

And this is all because of one man, that is Chen Jianghai.

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