Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2034: return the way of the other

Remember for a second【】

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but raised his brows, what a surprise.

He suppressed the joy in his heart and asked unhurriedly, "Mr. Shigong, I'm afraid you won't give me these materials for nothing, right?"

How could Chen Jianghai not understand the meaning of this little devil.

There is no free lunch in this world.

What's more, a guy like Shigong Shinichi who is oblivious to his own interests, I am afraid he can only talk about interests.

But to be honest, if the price is right, he is still willing to buy this material.

Although the team at hand has made achievements, there are still many problems.

Now the information that Shi Gongxinyi has brought over is the most complete, and it can be said that the foundation has been laid.

With this information, the technical staff of Eastern Communications who already have a fairly basic level of research can proceed faster, take a lot less detours, and can really achieve overtaking on a curve.

Shi Gongxin heard what Chen Jianghai said, a greedy smile appeared on his face, and he raised **** and said, "One price, two million dollars!"

Hearing this, let alone Chen Jianghai, even Lu Sari, who was acting as a translator, couldn't help frowning.

The price is obviously too high.

I promised a thank-you fee of $500,000 before, but that was buying technology through normal channels.

Now holding a copy of the stolen information, he even dares to ask for a benefit fee of two million dollars. This guy's heart is too dark.

The current situation is different, and the meaning is completely different.

At that time, Chen Jianghai urgently needed to acquire high-definition LCD color screen technology, and he didn't need to mediate from this guy at all. Even if the other party raised the price to 20 million US dollars, he was willing to pay.

But it's not what it used to be.

Now, for Chen Jianghai, the information that Shi Gong Xinyi has brought over is far less valuable than before.

Now let Chen Jianghai pay two million dollars to buy it, naturally he is unwilling.

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "Mr. Shigong, your asking price is a bit high, I can't accept it."

However, Shi Gong Xinyi was like a king who had eaten the scales, and he was biting on the price of two million dollars and did not let go.

"Mr. Chen, this saves you ten million dollars! Isn't our friendship worth two million dollars?"

Here Chen Jianghai has not spoken yet, but Lu Sari rolled his eyes and said directly:

"Mr. Ishinomiya, the friendship between true friends is of course worth two million dollars, or even more, or simply priceless!"

"But you didn't come with the purpose of making friends! To tell you the truth, we also have our own channels in the island country, and he can also get your company's latest high-definition LCD color screen technology there."

"Just two days ago, he called me and said that it only takes a week, and it will be successfully obtained next week at the latest."

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but glance at Lu Sari.

This kid is really clever, obviously this is deceiving the little devil.

But in this form, Shi Gong Xinyi did not dare to gamble.

This technology is what Chen Jianghai wants, and other people may not buy it.

Not to mention the asking price of $2 million, $100,000 is not enough. …

Sure enough, Shi Gongxin was in a hurry, and took the initiative to lower the price and said: "Chen Sang, in this case, I will maintain the price we said before, 500,000 US dollars. Yes, I will give you 500,000 US dollars. !"

"This price is definitely the lowest. It's really not easy for me to come all the way here."

"Besides, I can use my own personality to guarantee that these information are definitely first-hand information, and your people in the island country may not be able to obtain such detailed information."

"Especially after the Panasonic group got involved. They raised the level of secrecy about the technology."

Saying that, Shi Gong Xinyi was almost anxious.

This time, in order to be able to negotiate this deal, he was desperate and paid a lot.

For example, it is not easy to obtain these materials.

For this he also paid a considerable price.

If the information cannot be sold.

Then he really lost his wife and lost his troops, and the losses were heavy.

Just when Shi Gongxin was doubly disappointed and planned to re-open the price, he never expected that Chen Jianghai would open his mouth slowly.

"Mr. Shigong, I can give you a million dollars."

As soon as these words came out, not only Shi Gongxin was stunned, but even Lu Sa Ri was stunned.

Both of them looked at Chen Jianghai with puzzled expressions, and they didn't understand what medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Chen Jianghai ignored the expressions of the two and continued: "However, this million dollars is not a one-time gift to you, nor is it a fee to buy this document in your hand."

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, your information is worth at most $100,000 with me now, and I'm not willing to pay for an extra penny."

"I still need you to inquire about the follow-up progress. Every time you send useful follow-up information, I will give you at least one hundred thousand dollars, until all the million dollars are given to you!"

"Of course, if you have more useful information, I can continue to give you money without a cap. Even if you pay another million or more, there is no problem."

"Of course, if you can get me the core technical information of Panasonic Group, no matter what it is about, I'm willing to pay a high price."

Meet Ishinomiya Shin from here

^0^ One second to remember【】

For a moment, Chen Jianghai had this plan.

Foreign companies like to instigate hostile staff, collect information for them, and act as commercial espionage. Why can't they be used on foreign companies in turn?

There is a saying that coming and going is not rude.

Chen Jianghai can also be regarded as the way to return him with his own body.

After Shi Gong Xinyi heard Chen Jianghai's conditions, he immediately fell into a tangle.

His brows were already twisted into Sichuan characters, and he quickly weighed various pros and cons deep in his heart.

After a full three minutes of he finally fell under Chen Jianghai's sugar-coated cannonball.

Shi Gongxin nodded fiercely, gritted his teeth, pushed the black briefcase on the table forward, and said, "Okay, I agree. This is the information, you can keep it. Half a million dollars, save it. into my account."

Chen Jianghai nodded with a smile on his face, and instructed Lu Sari next to him:

"Little Lu, you take Mr. Shigong Shinichi to have a good rest, and serve him with delicious food and drink, and then help him buy a plane ticket to an island country to ensure that he returns home smoothly."

Lu Sari agreed, and then went out with Shi Gong Xinyi.

Although it may seem to others that Shi Gong Xinyi has some lions, but in fact Chen Jianghai thinks this transaction is worthwhile.

As a commercial spy as Ishinomiya Shinichi, you can definitely dig up a lot of core information.

Therefore, based on the information at hand, Chen Jianghai felt that it was worthwhile to give him the sweetness of half a million dollars.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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