Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2035: become excited

Remember for a second【】

In particular, the research materials of the Panasonic Group are of high value to the entire Qiuhai Group.

If you can get it, a lot of research work will inevitably become more powerful, and even promote the development of Qiuhai Group to a certain extent.

Although they dismissed Shi Gong Xinyi's position, but he still has shares and connections, plus he has a lot of money in his hands, as long as he works hard, he will definitely be able to play a big role.

Maybe it will bring more surprises to Chen Jianghai in the future.

After sending Shi Gong Xinyi away, Chen Jianghai immediately sent all the information he obtained to Duan Yongping, and asked him to take it to the technical staff of Eastern Communications for research.

Ma Lidong is a research technician of Eastern Communications and one of the leaders of this high-definition LCD color screen.

Although he was not the one who proposed it first, he was an absolute backbone in the specific research work.

Therefore, the bonus that Chen Jianghai rewarded, he took it with absolute peace of mind.

After he took the money home the next day, his wife and parents were overjoyed, and they kept praising him for being in the middle of the pack, and also praising the boss for his grandeur.

At the same time, because of the unexpected income of 100,000 yuan, the living standard of the family has been directly improved.

It gave him energy and motivation.

Recently, he has been working overtime in the company to study the high-definition color screen technology of mobile phones.

Chen Jianghai left some materials before, which benefited them a lot, and overcame a lot of problems in one breath, which made the progress a lot faster.

Moreover, when Chen Jianghai talked with them about this technology before, many ideas made them stunned, and it can be said that they have found the direction of research.

So in their opinion, following such a boss is just two words: comfortable.

As a result, before they could finish digesting the information left last time, Duan Yongping brought new information, saying that it was sent by President Chen just now.

They checked it right away, and they were shocked by the results.

Because they found that the information this time is more detailed and complete than the last time, the key is that there are a lot of core technical information and related data later.

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed and said, "My God, where did you find all this information?!"

"This has a very unique insight into high-definition color screen technology. There are many problems that we have not overcome, and solutions can be found here."

Ma Lidong couldn't help but nodded and said: "These materials are definitely top-secret materials of some big companies, and they are foreign, and many words are obviously translated."

"Our President Chen's energy is so great that his hands and eyes can reach the sky. These things are invaluable! Anyone who masters these technologies will definitely be listed as top secret, and it is impossible to take them out easily."

"Dear colleagues, Mr. Chen has already done this, so whether it is for our honor or for the generous bonus, we must conquer this technology in the shortest possible time, come up with qualified products, and complete the investigation of Chen. Total commitment."

Ma Lidong's words suddenly resonated with all technical researchers.

All of a sudden, the technology research department of the entire Eastern Communications was working overtime like chicken blood. …

Therefore, with their joint efforts, the research on this technology can be described as the same day by day, and the progress is three to four times higher than the original expectation.

According to Ma Lidong's estimation, in the middle of 1999 at the most, this technology can be fully mature, and it can actually be mass-produced on the assembly line.

Chen Jianghai naturally didn't know these details, but all his efforts were for this purpose.

However, the current time point is a bit special, it is already the end of the year in the true sense.

The Lunar New Year is just a few days away.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai actually does not advocate working overtime at this time.

In the last life, he had also experienced the feeling of a working family who couldn't go home during the New Year.

That feeling was really hard, and he himself didn't want to experience it again.

Pushing himself and others, at this time, he took the initiative to ask the companies and units under his control to take as many holidays as possible, and let employees go back to celebrate the New Year when they can go home.

In some special cases, he also asked to pay three times the salary without any deductions.

And during the Spring Festival, the logistical support for these overtime workers should also be done well.

In particular, we should improve as much as possible in terms of various treatment and benefits, so that they can't sweat and cry, and let them feel the warmth and care from the company.

In short, at the firm request of Chen Jianghai, the Qiuhai Group has become silent like a truck that has been turned off these days.

All the work has to wait a year.

As the boss, Chen Jianghai naturally gave himself a few days off.

He can take advantage of the New Year to accompany his family and enjoy this rare happy time.

In the evening, Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu were lying on the bed, snuggling together, and the whole room was filled with a touch of aftertaste after the deep affection.

Chen Jianghai whispered with his flushed wife, "Wan Qiu, I plan to invite my parents and your parents to spend the Spring Festival this year."

"Let's not spend it at home. Let's go out to play in a foreign country for two days, such as Maldives or Hawaii, and treat it as a trip for the New Year. What do you think?"

This is an idea that Chen Jianghai has long had.

He will use his whole life to make up for the debt of the previous life, so he has been

^0^ One second to remember【】

I have the idea of ​​wanting to travel the world with my family.

This year, he plans to give up all his work, which is the first step towards this desire.

Maldives or the island of Hawaii is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Otherwise, he is afraid that it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the next short period of time.

With more and more companies under his watch, the business will become more and more busy. Although Chen Jianghai can act as a hands-off shopkeeper and explain things to the people below, in fact, he still cannot completely give up his job.

Don't look at him as the boss, some people feel that they can make their own decisions and rest if they want.

In fact, that's not the case at If there is an emergency now, it is related to the development prospects of the entire company. After all, he still needs to make a decision.

No one else can replace this.

For Chen Jianghai's suggestion, Lin Wanqiu nodded in agreement:

"Okay! Speaking of which, neither my parents nor your parents have ever been abroad, so this time I just let them meet."

"It's just that this novel way of celebrating the New Year is estimated to be the only one in the whole of China! Hehe!"

When Lin Wanqiu spoke at the end, she had a little girl-like smile on her face, and her eyes were full of pride.

In fact, what Lin Wanqiu didn't know was that the way of traveling for New Year's vacation was more popular in later generations.

It's just that in this year, everyone's wallets are not full enough, and the consumption concept needs to be improved, so it has not really become popular.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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