Remember for a second【】

Everyone already knew under the propaganda of the organizer that Chen Jianghai, the CEO of Qiuhai Group, who is very famous in this exchange meeting tonight, will also come.

Therefore, when Chen Jianghai did not come, many people have been paying attention to this matter.

When Zhao Gaoxiang led the way for Chen Jianghai, the moment he came in, the whole aura was full of strength.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai also became the de facto finale.

Almost everyone in the venue took it for granted.

After all, Chen Jianghai's current deeds and status have all qualified to appear at the finale of this exchange meeting.

There are only a few business owners who have had a holiday with Chen Jianghai or are unhappy, and they are envious, jealous, and disdainful.

But they only scolded a few words in their hearts, but did not dare to face Chen Jianghai, who was full of aura and had an overwhelming advantage.

Zhao Gaoxiang is also a clever person. Seeing this situation, he sighs in his heart.

Chen Jianghai is worthy of being Chen Jianghai, no matter where he goes, he always attracts attention.

Even if he is a gold medal host of CCTV, he can't take his edge.

Zhao Gaoxiang immediately cleaned up his mood, brewed his emotions a little, and announced to the crowd loudly: "Dear guests, the last VIP of the exchange meeting has arrived, and I announce the start of the exchange meeting."

"First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to participate in the exchange meeting. Your presence makes our CCTV shine."

"We don't have a fixed theme for today's exchange meeting, so everyone can communicate freely. I hope everyone can gain something from this exchange meeting, and win-win cooperation and financial resources are rolling in in the new year."

The last few words were almost shouted out by Zhao Gaoxiang.

It may sound a bit vulgar, but it is very accessible and everyone loves to hear it.

On the surface, the people who come here are for CCTV's face, but in fact, they are more for other big business owners.

Exchange and exchange, maybe you can negotiate a big deal.

After all, all who can come here are powerful masters.

Many celebrities want to monetize their popularity. In addition to filming movies and concerts, the most important thing is advertising.

Often only these big bosses can afford big prices and are their coveted gold owners.

As for other bosses and the like, they also have the idea of ​​reaching out to celebrities and strengthening their connections.

For example, get to know a big boss like Chen Jianghai who is stronger than them, and get some help from here.

Compared with these people, Chen Jianghai did not have such a clear purpose.

For the time being, his industry has expanded enough, and there is no urgent need to collaborate with others on ideas and projects.

However, Chen Jianghai is destined not to be idle.

He immediately became the big coffee that other big bosses wanted to know the most, and everyone wanted to get close to him or discuss cooperation.

With Chen Jianghai's size, once they can cooperate, the investment will be a huge number.

That means that the income is also a huge number.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai has been in the business world for so many years, but in everyone's impression, he has never missed a beat.

The key is that any project that Chen Jianghai likes has made a lot of money.

Under such a brilliant record, these people naturally flock to them.

But these people had no chance to come up and talk to Chen Jianghai in a short period of time.

Because Lin Wanqiu and the four old people kept chatting beside Chen Jianghai.

If it is too presumptuous to go forward directly, and it may even attract Chen Jianghai's dislike, it is really worth the loss.

"Jiang Hai, look, that's Song Yuying! She is prettier than she is on TV. She has a real temperament. She is a model of Chinese beauty!"

After Lin Wanqiu saw Song Yuying from a distance, she couldn't help but whispered in Chen Jianghai's ear.

The excitement on his face is like that of a little fan girl who is chasing stars in later generations.

Chen Jianghai was speechless.

Lin Wanqiu has actually become more and more stable over the years, and has transformed into an image of a strong woman.

But now it seems to have returned to the girlhood and became a star chaser.

It's no wonder she, after all, Song Yuying has always been her favorite star idol.

Song Yuying was still young at this time, very beautiful, and very temperamental, like an immortal descended from the earth.

But in fact, it can be seen from her eyes.

This is not a woman who is willing to be mediocre and willing to be Qinglian.

Her eyes have been wandering around those big business bosses, as if looking for prey.

In the end, her eyes locked on Chen Jianghai's side, and a dazzling light flashed in her eyes.

Next, she actually walked straight towards this side.

In an instant, her action attracted the attention of many people.

After all, everyone pays attention to this side of Chen Jianghai, and everyone wants to come up and talk to them, but because of Chen Jianghai's family, no one takes this step.

In the end, Song Yuying didn't care about these things at all, and she came to take the lead.

She walked gracefully to Chen Jianghai's side and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, hello, I used to see reports about you on TV and newspapers, but the photo they took was so bad, they took the least amount of pictures of you. Ten years older. You look young in person!"

What she didn't know was that Chen Jianghai did it on purpose.

^0^ One second to remember【】

Save yourself being recognized as soon as you go out.

Moreover, in the land of Huaxia, if you are too young, it is easy to make people feel unstable and unable to control things.

Of course, Chen Jianghai wouldn't explain this to Song Yuying, there was no need at all.

He just smiled and said, "Thank you Sister Song for your compliment. In fact, I should say this. I used to see you on TV and you were beautiful enough, but now that I see you in person, I think you are more beautiful than on TV."

When Song Yuying heard this, she couldn't help but laugh.

Everyone likes to be complimented by others.

Not to mention a female star like Song Yuying.

Moreover, these words of Chen Jianghai are really hard to say by ordinary people in this era.

It's just that Chen Jianghai called her Sister Song, which is a bit heartbreaking.

Age is the most unwilling fact for women to Moreover, she always felt that Chen Jianghai should not be younger than her, so she couldn't help but ask:

"The media keeps reporting that you are young, but never reports your real age. Can you tell me a little bit about how old you are this year?"

Chen Jianghai could hear it now.

Obviously Song Yuying didn't think she was older than him and was struggling with this matter, so she didn't give up on asking such a question.

But in fact, Chen Jianghai knew that he was four or five years younger than Song Yuying.

Chen Jianghai didn't want to get entangled with her.

After all, entanglement with a woman in this kind of thing is not clear at all.

So he simply changed the subject and said with a slightly serious expression: "This is a commercial secret, so I can't say it! By the way, my lover likes you very much and has always regarded you as an idol."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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