Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2042: Prosperity 3000, I only drink up the joys and sorrows for you!

Remember for a second【】

With that said, Chen Jianghai pulled Lin Wanqiu, who was standing beside him, slightly excited because of Song Yuying's appearance.

He introduced Song Yuying generously: "Sister Song, this is my lover, Lin Wanqiu."

Song Yuying looked at Lin Wanqiu in front of her, a strange expression flashed in her eyes inadvertently.

She did not expect that Mrs. Chen's appearance was not inferior to hers.

Even better than her in temperament.

Inexplicably, there was a sour taste in her heart.

She couldn't help but sigh secretly: The fate of this woman in front of her is so good that she has found such an excellent husband.

Song Yuying has heard of how good Chen Jianghai treats her wife, and she is definitely a model husband.

It can be said that Lin Wanqiu has already become the envy of all Chinese women.

Originally, Song Yuying more or less thought that this was Chen Jianghai deliberately setting up a character for herself, but from the eyes between the two, she could see that it was all true.

Song Yuying is still very confident in her appearance and temperament.

But from the beginning to the end, she did not see the slightest desire in Chen Jianghai's eyes.

And in Chen Jianghai's eyes looking at Lin Wanqiu, she could read that kind of deep love.

It was clear that this man's heart was all on this woman's body.

However, she still greeted Lin Wanqiu with a polite smile on her face: "Hello, Mrs. Chen, it's better to see it once you hear it. You are so beautiful, and President Chen is really lucky to marry you!"

Lin Wanqiu was a little nervous when facing her idol.

Although Chen Jianghai grabbed her hand tightly, he still couldn't relax for a while, opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Lin Wanqiu has also seen the big world, especially after the experience in the past few years, she quickly adjusted her mentality, and then chatted with Song Yuying in the calmest tone possible.

As she and Song Yuying talked more and more deeply, she became more and more comfortable, and her aura also showed.

In the end, it even slightly pressed Song Yuying's head.

Moreover, during this process, Lin Wanqiu also discovered a detail.

Song Yuying seemed to be more willing to communicate with Chen Jianghai, and she was obviously absent-minded when chatting with her.

To be more precise, Lin Wanqiu has realized that Song Yuying's target is her husband.

This can be seen from the look in her eyes.

On the contrary, Chen Jianghai seemed a little absent-minded in the face of a beautiful star like Song Yuying, and was obviously dealing with it patiently.

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help secretly happy in her heart, and her eyes looking at Chen Jianghai were even more affectionate.

Song Yuying obviously also felt Chen Jianghai's indifferent attitude, and while feeling slightly disappointed, he simply gave up.

Generally speaking, the three of them didn't chat for long, Song Yuying took the initiative to leave, and turned to talk to other big business bosses.

After Chen Jianghai waited for Song Yuying to walk away, he whispered in Lin Wanqiu's ear, "How is it, did you have a good time chatting with your idol?"

Lin Wanqiu shook her head and whispered in Chen Jianghai's ear: "I feel that celebrities are just like ordinary people. They look bright and beautiful on TV, but they are just like that on weekdays."

"And... when you introduced me to her just now, her face was obviously wrong."

"Hmph, be careful with me outside, don't mess around."

Not to mention, Lin Wanqiu's temper tantrum is really cute.

She had a smug look on her face just now, but then she made a stern face on purpose.

It was the first time that Chen Jianghai saw such a change in Lin Wanqiu.

Chen Jianghai resisted the urge to reach out and squeeze her face, but just grabbed her hand tightly and said very seriously:

"Wan Qiu, don't worry, in my eyes, who can compare to you, the prosperity of three thousand, I only drink up the joys and sorrows for you!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's disgusting love words, Lin Wanqiu blushed pretty, gave him a blank look, and wanted to say something.

It's just that Lin Wanqiu was not given a chance to speak at all, and there were a few more stars over there.

Song Yuying had already taken the lead just now, and everyone has no scruples now, and they all came up to get close to Chen Jianghai.

Celebrities also want to communicate more with business leaders like Chen Jianghai, in case they chat about opportunities for cooperation!

Everyone is very clear in their hearts that Qiuhai Group has always been generous in advertising.

For other companies to ask for celebrity endorsements, it may be purely for the appeal of celebrities.

But if you advertise for Qiuhai, it goes without saying that the remuneration is of great help to the celebrity's own popularity.

On the one hand, Qiuhai Group is often very picky about the stars who shoot commercials.

It can be said that being able to become a spokesperson for a brand of Qiuhai Group is a full recognition of the star himself.

In cooperation with Qiuhai Group, simply earning an advertising fee is the next thing. It is definitely beneficial to be able to get to know a businessman like Chen Jianghai.

Maybe just a few words from Chen Jianghai can change one's body and complete the transformation from star to entrepreneur.

They are not stars for fun, and devotion to art or something is often only the pursuit of a few people.

To put it bluntly, more bright and bright stars are also working hard like ordinary people to discuss

^0^ One second to remember【】


And privately, they tend to put in more effort than the average person.

Can make more money, can make money more easily, who doesn't want it?

Chen Jianghai did not refuse to come to these stars, and the face he deserved was given to them.

These stars want to get acquainted with Chen Jianghai, and in turn, he doesn't want to get to know them.

Maybe one day these people will be able to use them.

To participate in this exchange meeting today is also a way to reserve contacts.

Otherwise, why would Chen Jianghai spend so much time here?

Moreover, many of the stars who participated in this Spring Festival Gala were his favorites, such as Xiao Qi from Baodao.

So when Ren Haiqi came to say hello, Chen Jianghai chatted with him enthusiastically.

Even the two of them chatted and really talked about the possibility of cooperation.

That is, Chen Jianghai invested and asked Ren Haiqi to act.

Chen Jianghai has always had an idea for investing in filmmaking.

Chen Jianghai knew very well that China's film market itself was huge.

And with the take-off of China's economy, this market will become larger and larger, beyond the imagination of many people.

But it is a pity that despite having such a huge market, there are not a few blockbuster movies in the country.

So much so that for quite a long time, films from Hong Kong and overseas have monopolized this cake.

Even after the development of Huaxia's film and television industry, the atmosphere of this industry is still not good, and it has even become a tool for capital laundering.

There are countless movies made in one year, but many of them are bad movies, and they can't even be released. There are very few good works.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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