Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2053: There are 2 purposes

Chapter 253 has two purposes

Hearing this, the marketing manager immediately became anxious.

I just heard him say a little emotionally: "What, it will take another month or two?

! When we take it out at that time, we will not be able to catch up with this wave of dividends, and the day lily will be cold! "

"Even if we can make money, we will have to spend more time and advertising investment."

"Our Hisense R&D team is now so much worse than Qiuhai?

Everyone is a home appliance company that grew up from the soil of China. How can the scientific research and technology department of others create such a good electrical appliance! "

"What the **** is our research and technology research department doing?

It will take several months to copy according to others. "

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the technical research department immediately quit.

He stared at him and said: "You are standing and talking without back pain. You can do it if you have the ability. Is research and development so easy?"

"We are more anxious than you, and we want to quickly find out what's going on with the scientific research department of Qiuhai Group."

"The research on such novel electrical appliances has been researched, and there is no sign at all.

Don't say it's us, you go to see those foreign electrical appliance manufacturers, they haven't made it either?

! "

"I dare say that the new electrical appliances released by Qiuhai Group this time shocked them enough."

Hearing the two people's voices getting more and more aggressive, and seeing that they were about to quarrel, Zhou Houjian couldn't help frowning and scolding: "What is the quarrel! It's only now that something big has happened, and you're starting to mess yourself up?

! "

"We have all survived the most difficult price war period. You can't help it in the face of such a bonus?"

"Let's all go out, I will consider this issue, and the work in each of you will also be stepped up."

"At present, we, the electrical appliance companies in China, are recognized as the first in Qiuhai Group, but this second throne may not be our Hisense Group."

"So everyone has to cheer up and take advantage of our cooperation with Qiuhai Group to completely establish the second position in the industry! At the same time, try to narrow the gap with Qiuhai as much as possible."

"Although we don't want to surpass Qiuhai to become No. 1 in the short term, we still have to set lofty goals."

"After all, our future direction is not only in the domestic one-third of the land, but also like Qiuhai, using our products to fight internationally and occupy a place."

Although Zhou Houjian's words were tough and bold, he was actually moved by the bonus this time.

Since the strong rise of Qiuhai and the suppression of foreign companies in various ways, their Hisense Group's life has become more and more difficult.

Because of the lack of brand advantages, in order to occupy some share in the market, we can only choose to lower the price, and the profit is naturally compressed lower and lower.

Let's just say, he hasn't made easy money for a long time.

Every profit is snatched from the **** storm, which is very difficult.

This time, he intends to discuss with Chen Jianghai to see if there is another way to go.

After all, now they too are a partnership.

In terms of technology, Qiuhai Group has a contract that he shares with him.

So, he didn't say hello in advance, and went directly to Qiuhai headquarters to find Chen Jianghai.

The sudden arrival of Zhou Houjian was something the entire Qiuhai Group did not expect.

Even Chen Jianghai himself did not expect that Zhou Houjian would find him without any advance notice.

This naturally aroused speculation among the senior management of Qiuhai Group.

Everyone was wondering what the purpose of Zhou Houjian's trip was.

You know, these are the two heavyweight giants in the Huaxia electrical industry. I don't know what kind of sparks they will meet this time.

Zhou Houjian was invited to the office by Chen Jianghai with a very enthusiastic attitude.

The two can also be regarded as friends. After all, they fought side by side and fought against the blow of foreign companies together.

When Chen Jianghai went to Hisense Group last time, Zhou Houjian also warmly received him.

As the saying goes, come and go without being rude.

Now that Zhou Houjian came to his site, Chen Jianghai naturally welcomed the arrival of the other party very warmly.

"Mr. Zhou, welcome to my Qiuhai Group as a guest, welcome!"

Chen Jianghai took a few steps ahead and shook hands with Zhou Houjian enthusiastically, and said with a smile.

Zhou Houjian smiled and replied, "Mr. Chen, you're welcome.

This time I came uninvited, and I didn't notify you in advance, which is a bit abrupt! "

Chen Jianghai waved his hand, then invited Zhou Houjian to sit down on the sofa, and said directly: "Okay, let's not be polite, Mr. Zhou personally came to the door, there must be something important, why don't we? Go straight to the topic and talk about it?"

Hearing this, Zhou Houjian certainly didn't want to waste time. He nodded quickly and said, "Mr. Chen is really straightforward, so I'll just say it straight. There are two main purposes for this visit."

"The first one is to discuss cooperation, or to ask for your help."

"The second is to take a good look at Mr. Chen's Qiuhai Group. I have been fascinated by this place for a long time, and want to see where our Hisense Group is missing."

At this time, Chen Jianghai actually had a guess in his heart.

Zhou Houjian wanted to visit Qiuhai Group, so of course there was no problem.

But about cooperation, you have to listen to what Zhou Houjian has to say.

So Chen Jianghai asked, "Oh?

I don't know what kind of cooperation Mr. Zhou is talking about.

After all, we are actually working together. "

Zhou Houjian took a sip from the water glass, organized the language a little and said, "That's it, Mr. Chen, the electric toothbrush and hand-held fan you recently launched are too popular."

"The people below me are a little out of balance about this, and each one is like having pink eye."

"Don't be afraid of Mr. Chen's jokes. We are really hungry. We saw opportunities to make money, but we couldn't handle them ourselves, so they all ran to my office and asked me to think of a way."

"I was also forced to do nothing by them. After thinking about it, I finally decided to come over and talk to President Chen in person to see if I could cooperate and let me earn more or less."

"Our Hisense development has been too slow in the past two Especially the profit has been compressed again and again, and the capital is very short.

It's really waiting to be fed! "

Although Chen Jianghai also guessed some things, Zhou Houjian's exaggerated statement was beyond his expectations.

Zhou Houjian's proposal just now seems to be no problem, but in fact Chen Jianghai can see it at a glance, and there are many loopholes inside.

If not handled properly, carelessness may lead to irreversible damage to the relationship that is currently in the honeymoon period.

Of course, for Qiuhai Group, the damage will not be too great.

However, it is probably not very friendly to Hisense.

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