Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2054: Have you figured out how to deal with it?

Chapter 254 Have you figured out how to deal with it?

Therefore, Chen Jianghai thought for a moment, and then asked cautiously:

"Mr. Zhou, of course there is no problem with cooperation, what do you think specifically?

Zhou Houjian was naturally happy when he heard that Chen Jianghai agreed to cooperate with him so happily.

When he first came, he was still a little nervous, so he deliberately complained to Chen Jianghai.

After all, it would be too embarrassing if this request was rejected by Chen Jianghai unceremoniously.

Now that Chen Jianghai expressed his willingness to cooperate, he has nothing to hide, and said directly:

"If possible, your products can be sold to us wholesale.

Our Hisense also has a direct store! "

"So far, our direct-operated stores are half-dead.

If you don't pay attention, you have to subsidize money from the headquarters to support. "

"After the price war, the market for large electrical appliances has basically been saturated, and all households that can buy large electrical appliances have bought them. Now, people come to buy them occasionally, and they hope to get them at a very low price, otherwise people will feel that they are at a disadvantage. ."

"After all, the prices during the previous price wars were simply too low."

Zhou Houjian raised a finger and said helplessly: "Mr. Chen, let me tell you the truth. Since the end of the price war, our Hisense has not sold more than 10,000 units in total."

"If it continues like this, it will be difficult for us to support various research projects, and even the chip projects we cooperate with may be affected."

"So, I have to come to you for help. I hope you Qiuhai can give us some soup while eating meat."

Speaking of this, Zhou Houjian directly gave a thumbs up to Chen Jianghai, and said with sincere admiration:

"Mr. Chen, you are really amazing. The people under you have studied two small electrical appliances and easily solved the current depression in the entire electrical appliance industry."

"To be honest, according to our statistics, the demand for small electrical appliances is very strong, which means that it is impossible for Qiuhai Group to digest the entire market."

"Especially the hand-held small fan, the weather in the north is still relatively cold, and it is far from reaching the peak of its sales.

Everyone just buys a fresh one. "

"If it comes to summer, his sales are at least four or five times more than they are now."

"Of course, all electrical appliance companies are now conducting research and reverse R&D on your two small appliances, including our Hisense Group.

But if you want to go public, it will take at least one or two months. "

"Furthermore, when all the companies are listed at the same time, it will be a new round of fighting in the secondary market, and the profits will not be as much as imagined."

"I'm not relying on a good relationship with President Chen, I have the cheek to ask you for help, and I want to drink soup behind the Qiuhai Group in the primary market!"

Zhou Houjian has already said this for his sake. Basically, he is open and honest, expressing his thoughts without concealment, and it is also a sign of weakness and flattery.

There are not many big bosses who can achieve this level, and this is at the risk of being ridiculed by Chen Jianghai.

After all, everyone is a partner. In terms of identity, although Chen Jianghai dominates, they are still on an equal footing.

Zhou Houjian did this, which can be regarded as showing a subordinate relationship, which requires great courage.

After Chen Jianghai listened to his statement, his expression became a lot more serious, and he waited for a few seconds before opening his mouth and said, "Mr. Zhou, in principle, I can agree to your request."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's affirmative answer, Zhou Houjian immediately showed a smile.

But who knew that Chen Jianghai had a turning point next, only to hear him continue: "However, I advise you to think carefully about this matter."

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Zhou Houjian was a little puzzled.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "First of all, I can wholesale these two small appliances to you at a low price, but its profit margin is not very large, so the wholesale price is not much lower."

"So your profits will be lower.

After all, we Qiuhai Group can't give you the cost price, and we have to earn a little bit. "

"Secondly, our Qiuhai Group will definitely set up some rules to prevent Hisense from competing with us with our products, so your activities and benefits must not be more favorable than our Qiuhai."

"So, you need to think carefully about how much you can sell in this situation?"

"Third, the products we wholesale to you must still be affixed with our Qiuhai brand. It is impossible for you to affix the Shanghai Xin brand for sale, otherwise it will be unclear when there is a problem."

"If these other companies are malicious, they will spread rumors outside that your Hisense has been acquired by our Qiuhai, and your Hisense's brand power will plummet and have a huge impact."

"So President Zhou, considering the above points, have you thought about the consequences of these?

Or, have you figured out how to deal with it? "

Chen Jianghai's series of methodical analyses instantly changed Zhou Houjian's complexion.

He was also blinded by the immediate interests, and coupled with the strong demands of his subordinates, he lost his normal judgment for a while, and hurriedly came to Chen Jianghai for cooperation.

After Chen Jianghai pointed out all this, he only felt that his back was cold, and he couldn't help but scold himself for being rash.

After Zhou Houjian wanted to understand, he hurriedly said to Chen Jianghai: "Thank you, President Chen, for reminding me, I was really eager for work and lost my normal rational judgment."

"Listening to you, this is indeed the case, I was too naive to think.

It seems that this cooperation is not possible. "

At the end of the day, Zhou Houjian's expression was full of slump, and his whole person was not as high-spirited as when he first came.

But Chen Jianghai still smiled and shook his head.

Such an action left Zhou Houjian at a loss.

He frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean by shaking your head?

Do you think this is still feasible?

! "

Chen Jianghai replied with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, I mean, it will definitely not work for you to sell wholesale from my side.

Once you do that, you run into the three problems I just mentioned. "

"However there are indeed other ways to go.

For example, Hisense gave us Qiuhai Group as an OEM. "

As soon as Chen Jianghai said this, Zhou Houjian's mind flashed a flash of light, as if he had figured out something, but he didn't quite understand what Chen Jianghai meant, so he sat up straight and asked impatiently:

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean by OEM?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and said the answer directly: "It is your Hisense Group who helped us Qiuhai Group to produce these two small appliances, and we will give you a certain OEM fee."

"As you know, these small electrical appliances are very popular now, but our Qiuhai Group's production capacity is limited after all, and the supply is in short supply."

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