Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2063: How ridiculous!

Chapter 263 is really ridiculous!

Seeing Chen Jianghai's confident appearance, Zhao Dongling was a little surprised.

However, thinking that Chen Jianghai has reached such a height at a young age, he must be full of will and high-spiritedness.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai said before that there is no need to worry about funds. With him alone, Zhao Dongling adjusted his mentality immediately.

It's just that he knows that the reason why Chen Jianghai has such confidence is entirely from successful practice.

And this time is actually the road that Zhao Dongling has traveled by himself.

After all, in the last life, the country dramas that Lao Zhao filmed were very popular.

I even shot ten seasons in one go!

One can imagine the popularity of this TV series.

Yue Hongsheng found that Zhao Dongling was still a little hesitant, so he said next to him: "Mr. Zhao, you have to trust our President Chen's vision."

"Let me tell you, our President Chen will never do anything unsure, and none of the decisions he has made so far have been wrong."

"None of the projects and industries we invested in Qiuhai lost money. At the beginning, some people may question and do not understand, but the final result is often a lot of money and a thriving."

After Yue Hongsheng's reminder, Zhao Dongling just remembered that the person he is working with now is a business genius.

When he was less than 30 years old, he started from scratch, and let a newly established electrical appliance company grow rapidly on the land of China. It only took a few years to become the world's top 500.

This is definitely a real boss in the Chinese business world, a ceiling-level figure.

Is he still skeptical here?

How ridiculous!

After thinking about this, Zhao Dongling quickly adjusted his mentality, nodded heavily and said:

"Of course I trust Mr. Chen's vision.

I was also stunned. After all, what I received in this period of time caught up with what I thought in half my life. "

"Especially, the projects we cooperated with each other are bigger and bigger. I was really shocked."

Yue Hongsheng couldn't help but laugh, this feeling is quite good.

Finally someone could feel what he felt.

Obviously they are all the top talents in China, but in front of Chen Jianghai, there is really not enough to see.

No matter which aspect, as long as you throw a topic, he can pick it up.

Moreover, at the end of the conversation, you will find that his ideas and visions are not what ordinary people can think of at all, and they are greatly benefited and shocked at the same time.

If not, the whole world view will be subverted.

Chen Jianghai hasn't finished talking yet. He still has a lot of arrangements to tell Zhao Dongling completely.

After all, he intends to hand over the management of the cultural media company to Zhao Dongling, and he can at most mention some things in the direction.

Of course it's nice to be the boss.

Chen Jianghai continued: "Country dramas are just the beginning. In the future, I hope that our domestic dramas can also make big productions like Omi."

"In short, the TV series is made according to the level of the film, and the quality must be excellent.

As for scripts, go to the market to find really well written ones with online thinking and logic, and don't want those messy things that come from backdoors and relationships. "

"I also have a lot of ideas here. When the time comes, let the screenwriter come to chat with me, and I should be able to come up with a few TV dramas with good themes."

"In a word, don't do it or do it best.

This aspect of cost can be ignored for the time being. "

"There is also the movie part, after the TV drama side stabilizes, you can join.

On Ren Haiqi's side, I also discussed it at the exchange meeting last time, and I can find him when acting. "

Having said that, Chen Jianghai turned his head to look at Yue Hongsheng, and instructed: "Hongsheng, please work **** these aspects, and help Lao Zhao to do it together."

For such a task, Yue Hongsheng could not ask for it, so there was almost no hesitation, and he immediately agreed: "Mr. Chen, no problem."

He then looked at Zhao Dongling again, and said sincerely: "Mr. Zhao, I'm always on call, you can say anything if you need me."

In front of Yue Hongsheng, the vice president of Qiu Hai, Zhao Dongling dared not to be big, let alone put on the air of a star, and quickly replied: "Mr. Yue, you are really polite, let's work together, and we must do a good job in the company. ."

"What did I do inappropriately? You mustn't take my face into consideration. You must bring up what should be mentioned."

"After all, I have no experience in starting a company. It is inevitable that there will be problems of one kind or another at the beginning. I need a lot of guidance from experienced people like you."

"All in all, please leave everything about the company in the future!"

Speaking of the end, Zhao Dongling solemnly clenched his fists towards Yue Hongsheng, with a very sincere attitude.

Seeing that there was no problem with the two of them, Chen Jianghai explained the follow-up things.

Just listen to him say: "Besides, you should always pay attention to the cultural market, especially some online literati on the Internet."

"Those who are well-written, well-written or imaginative, you can sign them to our media company."

"There will be more people in the future, and a special department can be assigned to integrate resources for them."

"You remember, the Internet will definitely be the place with the most potential for development in the future. It is no exaggeration to describe it with the words "Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger".

"Don't despise them if you think they are grassroots.

We have to plan ahead and capture as many talents as possible. "

"As for the details of some cooperation, the two of you will discuss it.

All in all, don't be afraid to spend money, as long as the money is useful to the blade, it must not be saved where it should be spent. "

In the general direction, Chen Jianghai and Zhao Dongling have said the same thing. As for the details, it is Yue Hongsheng's business.

Chen Jianghai is very confident about Yue Hongsheng, the great housekeeper of Qiuhai.

Especially seeing Yue Hongsheng's attitude at the moment, he felt even more relieved.

Seeing that the matter had been finalized, Zhao Dongling hesitated and said to Chen Jianghai, "Mr. Chen, and the issue of share allocation must be decided."

"As the saying goes, brothers and sisters settle accounts, let's talk about this first, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings in the future."

"My hands are full of more than 30 million to less than 40 million. If I borrow it again, I can get 50 million."

"I'm going to invest all of this plus my human resources and my personal reputation, the shares will account for 50%, right?"

Zhao Dongling has also seen the world, and in terms of human relationships, it can be said that he is very skilled.

He knows that this issue is the fundamental issue of the cooperation between the two sides this time.

If you don't say it well in advance, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

There are too many similar stories, and we must learn from them.

How many people have turned their heads because of the distribution of benefits.

Fathers and sons turned against each other, and brothers did not communicate with each other.

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