Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2064: What is this concept?

Chapter 264 What is this concept?

Therefore, Zhao Dongling must figure out this problem, and then he will be more confident.

Otherwise, no matter how good the previous negotiation is, no matter how hard the two sides of the cooperation work in the early stage, it is just a passing experience, and problems will arise sooner or later.

To this, Chen Jianghai replied with a smile: "Old Zhao, I have already thought about this question, even if you don't say it, I will tell you."

"I originally thought to wait until you and Mr. Yue have discussed the details. Since you have asked now, let's talk about it face to face."

"I can tell you clearly that 50% of the shares are absolutely not acceptable."

"In terms of shareholding ratio, my side must dominate any cooperation.

Including Qiuhai Group, my shares are in an absolute advantage. "

"The media company we are cooperating with, I don't need a penny from you, I just need you to contribute. As for the money issue, I will take care of it all."

"And, to be honest, 20 million yuan in the early stage of my side is not enough to start up.

I have always had a principle in doing things. Since I have to do it, I must do my best! "

"So for this media company, my idea is that the initial investment is at least one billion yuan.

And the funding has to come in one step.

A special account will be set up at that time. "

"If it involves a big project like building a film and television city, or if it involves such a large-scale movie and TV series, this number can be doubled!"

At least one billion?

And can double the additional investment.

Hearing this, Zhao Dongling's eyes widened and he didn't know what to say.

I recently worked hard to raise funds, and I had less than 30 million in my hands. Finally, I borrowed some from a friend to get a whole number.

But it is such a sum of money that in today's China, it is definitely considered a quasi-first-line rich man.

This is what he has worked hard to accumulate over the years after he became famous.

Now there are workers in the country, and the first salaries are only eight or nine hundred yuan per month.

It took a year of hard work to earn a salary of 10,000 yuan.

The money is the sum of their wages for nearly three thousand years.

As a result, in Chen Jianghai's eyes, it was nothing.

It seemed as insignificant as two dollars, not worth mentioning at all.

He couldn't help but asked curiously, "Mr. Chen, how much money have you prepared for this project?"

Chen Jianghai replied with a smile: "Originally, I wanted to say that there is no upper limit on funds, but since you asked, let me give a more definite number!"

"In the early stage, I have prepared 2 billion here, which will be invested in one time.

However, after the media company is officially operational, additional investment will definitely be required in the follow-up. "

"My total planned investment should at least exceed 10 billion."

"Either I don't do it, I do it, and I will be the best in China.

Only in this way can we have the confidence to go abroad and compete with those powerful film and television companies internationally. "

"We want to do cultural export. If the investment is too small, this goal will not be achieved at all, and it will make people laugh when we say it."

Zhao Dongling couldn't help taking a deep breath, gritted his teeth secretly, and pulled his fists together tightly.

How cruel!

In this year, two billion is the dream wealth of many people.

It can be said that it is the market value of domestic first-tier companies.

And Chen Jianghai said it so lightly.

The key is that the follow-up funds, Chen Jianghai, have to be added to 10 billion!

What is this concept?

Zhao Dongling felt that he couldn't keep up with Chen Jianghai's rhythm at all.

Moreover, he had prepared less than 30 million funds before, which seemed ridiculous all of a sudden.

Of course, he was more shocked by the generosity of Chen Jianghai.

Without waiting for Zhao Dongling to say something, Chen Jianghai continued: "Old Zhao, I can give you a maximum of 20% of the shares, you can see if you can accept it."

Zhao Dongling felt that his heart was pounding, but there was some entanglement.

He frowned and thought.

In fact, he knew he had no choice at all.

Although Chen Jianghai had an inquiring tone, he actually had an unquestionable attitude.

If you understand it, tell him that if you agree, we will continue to cooperate, and if you disagree, we will give up.

This share really did not meet his psychological expectations. In his eyes, five or five points is the best, and the worst is four or six.

The result is now twenty-eight.

Thinking this way is far from what he expected.

However, everything is based on total value.

After all, now he doesn't have to pay a penny, and Chen Jianghai directly took out the starting capital of 2 billion.

In other words, he has a fortune of 400 million sitting on the ground!

Not to mention that the total investment of Chen Jianghai in the follow-up will reach 10 billion, so he will directly own 2 billion shares.

In the end, he relented, nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I'll accept it."

Chen Jianghai showed a satisfied smile.

From what Chen Jianghai knew about Zhao Dongling, he knew that he was not a simple person, but he was actually very tough in character.

He can agree to such a share distribution, in fact, has made a big concession.

For the next week, Zhao Dongling has been docking with Yue Hongsheng.

In the end, the two finally reached a consensus and reported the situation to Chen Jianghai.

After receiving the approval of Chen Jianghai, Yue Hongsheng acted as the representative. The two drafted the contract according to the previously discussed cooperation content, and conducted a simple but solemn signing ceremony.

During this period, Zhao Dongling also learned a lot from Yue Hongsheng and felt a lot at the same time.

Worthy of being able to become the world's top 500 companies!

Chen Jianghai, who is at the helm, is so good, and Yue Hongsheng, who is the vice president, is by no means comparable.

Such a capable and meticulous person, it is no wonder that Chen Jianghai can give everything to him with confidence.

In the past, when Yue Hongsheng was the spokesperson of the group, it might be considered that Chen Jianghai was lazy or low-key.

But now, Chen Jianghai is still in full charge of Yue Hongsheng's responsibility for a large project with an initial investment of 2 billion yuan. This shows Chen Jianghai's trust in him, and on the other hand, it is due to Yue Hongsheng's ability.

Don't use people with suspicion, don't use people with suspicion.

This is reflected most vividly in these two All in all, during this period, Zhao Dongling felt that he had really learned too much, and the whole person became more modest.

At the same time, Zhao Dongling also followed Chen Jianghai's reminder to make up for many foreign TV series through the Internet.

These wonderful plots and fascinating foreign TV series really shocked him and gave him a lot of inspiration.

A week later, Zhao Dongling returned with a full load. With Chen Jianghai and Yue Hongsheng saying goodbye in person, he embarked on a journey back to his hometown in Northeast China with a red face but some reluctance.

However, this time, he was accompanied by personnel sent by Yue Hongsheng.

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