Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2065: Cut constantly, the rationale is still messy

Chapter two thousand and sixty-five

These people are nominally helping Zhao Dongling to go back to establish a media company, but in fact they are the people from Qiuhai Group who want to be inserted into the media company.

Although these people do not understand the set of things in media companies, they are very good at how a company should operate.

This is enough to ensure that the next emerging media company will not have any major problems.

Especially financially.

This is not Yue Hongsheng's over-heartedness, but a process that must be followed.

After all, the initial investment is 200 million yuan, and it must be ensured that this money will be used on the cutting edge and on the right path.

Otherwise, even if Chen Jianghai had more money, he would definitely not be able to make it.

Zhao Dongling may not have any crooked thoughts about the money, but he does not guarantee that the people he is looking for or the group of apprentices under him will not have any crooked thoughts.

This amount of money is simply too much.

Even when Zhao Dongling heard it at first, his heart beat faster and his breathing was a little uncomfortable.

After Chen Jianghai sent Zhao Dongling away, he stopped paying attention to the media company.

After all, he has more important work to do.

Moreover, this matter has already reached this point, and with Yue Hongsheng helping to supervise, he is also very relieved, and naturally there is no need to waste energy.


At the end of March 1999, the winery in Chenjia Village was basically completed, including the installation and commissioning of the equipment.

That is to say, the winery is now fully prepared, and the winemaking can be started only after Mr. Jia's order.

After the winery was completely constructed to ensure that it could enter the production state at any time, Chen Shuyao called Chen Jianghai as soon as possible.

"Jianghai, the winery has been successfully built and is ready to be put into operation. Would you like to come to the ribbon-cutting ceremony?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Shuyao asked directly.

Her voice was full of unconcealed anticipation.

Chen Jianghai obviously did not expect the winery to be built so quickly.

Originally, according to his prediction, the winery would have to wait another two months before it could be put into use at the earliest.

I have to say that Chen Shuyao is quite capable.

And she is definitely very concerned about this matter.

It is precisely because of her participation that the efficiency has indeed improved a lot.

As soon as the ribbon-cutting ceremony is over, the winery will be put into market operation.

Chen Jianghai thought for a while and asked, "Shu Yao, when will this ribbon-cutting ceremony be scheduled?"

Chen Shuyao frowned immediately, but replied immediately, "Tomorrow is an auspicious day, and it was chosen by Master Jia himself."

"He didn't intend to invite you to come here, because he thinks that you manage a company as big as Qiuhai, and you must be in charge of every day. Naturally, there is no need to waste your time on this trivial matter."

"But I can feel that he definitely wants you to come. After all, this winery has put so much effort into him."

"The ribbon cutting tomorrow morning. If you can spare time to attend, you'd better come over tonight."

Hearing Chen Shuyao's words, Chen Jianghai couldn't help showing a wry smile.

He knew that Chen Shuyao's words were probably half-truths.

Although Master Jia hopes that he can appear at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Chen Jianghai believes that Chen Shuyao is more looking forward to his appearance than him.

Chen Jianghai pondered for a moment, and then said with a ruthless heart: "I still won't go, I'm very relieved to have you at the winery."

According to Chen Jianghai's previous suggestion, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new winery will not be too big.

After all, this is the second wine brand under the name of Chen Jianghai, and it has just been built, so the production capacity needs to be adjusted.

Besides, the refining cycle of this lamb wine is relatively long, which also restricts the output to a certain extent.

Of course, with the channel of Jiamei, coupled with the quality of the wine itself, it is definitely not worrying about selling it.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai set the tone before, and the ground-breaking ceremony was kept simple, as low-key as possible, and there was no need to deliberately attract the attention of the media.

He had discussed this issue with Chen Shuyao before, and had reached a consensus.

Both Chen Jianghai and Chen Shuyao agreed that the new lamb wine should be taken step by step, without rushing to take strong medicine.

They intend to characterize this wine as a low-key aristocratic style, limited production, starvation supply.

In fact, as far as the inheritance of this wine is concerned, it does fit this style.

It used to be the imperial wine, and it is said that Emperor Xuanzong of Tang used it to celebrate the birthday of Concubine Yang.

But later, its reputation gradually faded, especially now, the inheritance is almost cut off, so that it has become a heart disease of Jia Ye, the inheritor.

It can be said that this lamb wine is like a lonely prince, and few people know it.

Therefore, from the beginning, there is no need to waste resources and time on high-profile publicity.

When the real wine is on the market and people can buy it, then vigorously promote it and play this cultural card. Naturally, it will be a blockbuster, and then people will rush to try it.

Be sure to leave a deep impression on people. This wine is like being born out of nowhere. Although it is a low-key prince in decline, it still has the heritage and demeanor of aristocrats.

Of course, the most important reason why Chen Jianghai chose not to go is actually because of Chen Shuyao.

Cut constantly, the rationale is still chaotic.

He simply avoided and kept his distance as much as possible.

When Chen Shuyao, who was on the south end of the phone, heard Chen Jianghai say this, her expectant gaze was instantly replaced by boundless loss.

She was thinking about seeing Chen Jianghai, even if it was just a glance.

However, in the end, apart from a compliment, there was not even a chance to meet.

Her wish came to nothing, and for a while, her whole body seemed to have lost her soul.

She wanted to let Chen Jianghai participate regardless, but in the end, reason prevailed and she successfully controlled her impulsive emotions.

At this moment, Chen Shuyao kept telling herself that a strong woman should not have such uncontrollable emotions.

Chen Shuyao gritted her teeth and hung up the phone directly.

Unfortunately, a line of tears streamed down her beautiful cheeks uncontrollably.

dong dong dong...

At this moment, the door of her temporary office was knocked Yao, it's me, Master Jia! "

"I'm coming!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Shuyao came back to her senses, quickly raised her hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks, and walked straight over to open the locked door.

When I called Chen Jianghai just now, in order to avoid being disturbed, Chen Shuyao locked the door on purpose.

Speaking of which, the old and the young were originally from the same village. In the past, they only knew each other's existence, but they did not communicate much.

However, after so many days of getting along, the tempers and personalities of the two got along quite well, and they became more and more close to each other, almost like a pair of grandfathers and grandchildren.

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