Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2072: 1 drink and 1 peck are all determined by heaven!

Chapter 272 A drink and a peck are all determined by heaven!

The heavy rain lasted for more than three hours, and it didn't stop until it was almost dawn.

Seeing this situation, Jia Dewang couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Jiang Hai... Can the winery cut the ribbon normally today?"

Chen Jianghai glanced at the foggy world outside, shook his head slightly and said, "Cancel it today, it's definitely not good to cut the ribbon in this situation."

Chen Shuyao nodded in agreement with Chen Jianghai's decision: "I don't know what's going on in the village, old man, I think we'll talk about it when we figure out the situation!"

Seeing that both of them mean this, Jia Dewang naturally has no opinion.

The three of them waited for another hour or so, and after it was completely bright, they decided to go back to the village to have a look.

Although there was still water everywhere on the road at this time, there were some relatively low positions, even less than the calf.

But compared to last night, it was not so dangerous.

As long as you follow the road, there is no problem in thinking.

Besides, it's already dawn now, and even dangerous places can be avoided and seen. It's okay to be careful after all.

Jia Dewang has lived in the village for a long time and has experience and is familiar with the road. The group finally returned to Chenjia Village.

At this time, Chenjia Village was full of people, and many people had red eyes and bloodshot eyes, and it seemed that they had been busy all night.

But at this moment, everyone has no intention of going back to rest, and is still in a tense but orderly work.

When Chen Jianghai found Chen Congjun, he was counting the number of people and counting losses.

Chen Jianghai stepped forward and asked, "Second uncle, how is it?

No one in the village was injured, right? "

Talent comes first. As for other losses, Chen Jianghai doesn't care.

Seeing that it was Chen Jianghai, Chen Congjun quickly put down what he was doing, nodded and said, "So far, there has been no family, because the old house was washed away and was seriously injured."

"Of course, minor injuries cannot be avoided.

After all, the rain last night was really heavy, and the road conditions around our village were not very good. Several elderly people and children accidentally fell down, but the situation was not serious, and the village doctor had already taken care of it. "

"Jiang Hai, it's really thanks to your prompt reminder this time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Five or six of those old houses in our village collapsed. Fortunately, everyone moved out in time. "

Hearing what the second uncle said, Chen Jianghai was also greatly relieved.

His method was finally effective, avoiding casualties.

As for those dilapidated houses, they will collapse when they collapse, and they will just need to be rebuilt at that time.

It just so happens that the village can also be properly planned, find a more suitable place, and gather the villagers for resettlement, which is convenient for management and can greatly improve the quality of life of the villagers.

Of course, Chen Jianghai won't do anything about these things, it's all voluntary.

He believed that the people in the village would make the most correct choice.

At this time, Jia Dewang couldn't help but come up and ask Chen Congjun, "Village chief, where is my house?"

Seeing that it was Jia Dewang, Chen Congjun sighed, shook his head and said, "It collapsed, and it collapsed the most.

Fortunately, you didn't live in it, otherwise it would be a disaster. "

Hearing this, Jia Dewang looked a little sad when he was afraid in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said, "I'll go back and see what it looks like."

After finishing speaking, Jadwang hurriedly walked towards his house without waiting for the others to speak.

Chen Jianghai knew how much an old man like Jia Dewang cared about the old house, and knew that he couldn't stop it at all, so he quickly caught up and said:

"Master Jia, wait for me, I'll go with you."

After coming to Jia Ye's house, the first thing Chen Jianghai saw was the collapsed adobe wall.

The rain last night was so heavy that it had never happened in this small mountain village for years.

The walls made of adobe in the past could not withstand erosion at all, and because of the sake of winemaking, the house happened to be built beside the stream.

The heavy rain last night caused flash floods. Although I don't know why it didn't cause a mudslide like the last time, it broke down when it rushed over.

Jadwang watched his old house look like this, and his eyes couldn't help but get wet.

After all, it is a house that I have lived in my whole life, I still have feelings, and I have left countless memories.

It used to be a good place to live, but now it has become a ruin, and it is not good for anyone.

Chen Jianghai knew that he didn't need to comfort Master Jia at this time, because it was useless to comfort him, so he had to stand behind him silently and wait for him to adjust his emotions.

After being silent for five minutes, Jia Dewang raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, then turned to Chen Jianghai and said in a choked voice:

"Jiang Hai, thank you.

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd be buried alive under the house now, and my body would be cold. "

Although Chen Jianghai was still thinking about why the mudslide did not appear, he was still happy in his heart.

Now he can be very sure that Jia Ye has changed the fate of the previous life and did not die early because of this heavy rain.

As for the reason why the mudslide didn't appear, Chen Jianghai also had some eyebrows.

He remembered that someone built a new house in the last life and cut down a lot of trees on the hill in front.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of excessive logging that causes landslides, and mudslides form in heavy rains.

Looking at Jia Dewang's grateful eyes, Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "We won't talk about this, and I didn't expect this, I just wanted you to help me make wine, and I didn't expect it to save you. Life."

In this regard, Jia Dewang looked straight at Chen Jianghai, and said with a very serious expression: "Jiang Hai, you may be young and don't believe in some things, but I believe the old man."

"As the old saying goes, every drink and every peck is determined by heaven! I, Jadwang, can escape this catastrophe entirely because of you."

"You build a winery and let me help you make wine, so I won't talk about that.

Why do you have to let me live in the winery? "

"And Your attitude was very firm at the beginning! This was originally a little strange.

I didn't pay attention to these things before, but now that I think about it, it's like you knew in advance that my old house was going to collapse one day. "

Chen Jianghai was really taken aback when he heard this, and subconsciously thought that Master Jia had discovered his biggest secret.

But then he couldn't help himself laughing.

Because it is absolutely impossible.

Even Lin Wanqiu didn't mention this matter, it was the biggest secret in his heart, how could it be discovered by Master Jia.

It can only be said that Master Jia is old and refined. According to his own life experience, he thought about this aspect, or attributed it to mysterious metaphysics.

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