Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2073: Dazai and the world

Chapter two thousand and seventy-three

Of course, what Chen Jianghai should deny should still be denied.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't talk about this kind of thing, others are just guessing at best.

Besides, in his position, it is also excellent to maintain some sense of mystery.

So Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "I didn't expect that your old imagination is so rich, how could I know in advance! At that time, I really just thought that it would be more convenient for you to live in the winery."

"If I really had the ability to see the future, I would be the richest man in the world by now."

Jia Dewang glanced at him strangely, and said very seriously: "Although your kid is not the richest man in the world, but according to the people in the village, he should be the richest man in China now!"

"All in all, I see that your career is booming, and the pattern of being a person and doing things is so big. If you continue to develop like this, I am afraid that you are not far from the richest man in the world."

"Alas! The world is changing so fast.

Who would have thought that you, who was naughty and mischievous as a child, could one day have such a high achievement. "

"Speaking of it, it's obviously just a child in an ordinary village. It's really not easy to have a backer or not, and it doesn't matter if you have a relationship."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand to interrupt and explained, "Master Jia..."

Just before he could speak, Jia Dewang raised his hand and interrupted: "Okay, you don't need to explain, that's what I said, if you really have this kind of ability, I'm actually quite happy."

"People live a lifetime, and there is no need to live clearly and clearly.

It's hard to be confused about this truth, old man, I'm a half-hearted person, so I can understand it naturally. "

"As long as the result is good, you are happy and happy, no matter how much!"

Chen Jianghai was speechless for a while.

What Jia Ye said can no longer be regarded as the category of reason, and it has completely risen to the philosophy of life.

If you really want to explore it, he is completely a big bug.

But why he was reborn, it is impossible to understand in this life.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe there's some power manipulating everything.

But these are no longer important.

Just live in the moment.

He saved a lot of things he regretted and did a lot of things he never dared to think about before.

The next thing he has to do is to take good care of the relatives and friends around him, and if possible, do something for those in need, and practice the ideal in the ancient poems: achieving success and benefiting the world at the same time.

Of course, you must also enjoy life to the fullest.

When Chen Jianghai and Jia Dewang returned to Chen Congjun, things in the village were basically settled.

Originally, there were no major casualties this time, which is already considered a fortune in misfortune.

As for those families whose old houses have collapsed, according to the ideas of Chen Congjun and several cadres in the village, appropriate subsidies will be given.

Make sure they have a place to live and make up for the loss as soon as possible.

The current Chenjia Village is very rich, and these small disasters are nothing to them, and they will not hurt the root of Chenjia Village.

Especially now that Chen Congjun's prestige is there, coupled with the unprecedented unity in the entire village, it is impossible to have any resistance to these things.

Under the intentional propaganda of Chen Congjun and others, the people in Chenjia Village also knew that this time it was entirely Chen Jianghai's idea to save everyone.

Therefore, a group of people expressed their gratitude to Chen Jianghai.

And when communicating with each other in private, everyone can't help but mention that the grand occasion of Chenjia Village is because of Chen Jianghai.

Vaguely, the people in the village regarded Chen Jianghai as a lucky star.

There are even some old people who say that Chen Jianghai is a person with great fortune.

This kind of person is not only very lucky, but even the people around him can be infected with this kind of luck, eliminate disasters and solve difficulties, and turn bad luck into good luck.

Of course, Chen Jianghai couldn't hear these things.

In fact, even if he heard it, he would just laugh it off.

Chen Jianghai ate lunch at his second uncle Chen Congjun's house.

Jia Dewang and Chen Shuyao chose to avoid it very tacitly.

Especially Chen Shuyao, she has always been reluctant to appear in front of these elders with Chen Jianghai.

It was mainly because she was worried that she would bring unnecessary trouble and trouble to Chen Jianghai because of her own reasons.

While eating, Chen Congjun couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Jiang Hai, your idea of ​​moving the ancestral graves out was really good."

"Not only did our old Chen family get rave reviews in the village, but it also allowed the road to be repaired unimpeded."

"Did you know that yesterday's heavy rain directly flooded the original ancestral tomb, and there was mud everywhere."

"If the ancestral grave is still there, it will become a blister grave, which will have a great impact on the feng shui of our old Chen family.

It is estimated that the ancestors will also be angry with us, and scold us for being unfilial descendants. "

"The terrain on the side of the new tomb is relatively high, and it was built with stones, so nothing happened.

It seems as you said, that is the real feng shui treasure. "

For such a result, Chen Jianghai is of course very satisfied.

He smiled slightly and said indifferently: "This may be due to the blessing of the ancestors. As fate should be, our old Chen family will definitely become more and more prosperous."

Hearing this, Chen Congjun also laughed and took another gulp of wine.

Their older generation loved to hear those words.

Chen Jianghai stayed at the winery for another night, and the ribbon-cutting went smoothly on the third day.

During this time, Chen Shuyao was also busy.

As one of the directors of the winery, of course she wants to play the leading role.

In addition to becoming the employees of the winery, the people of Chenjia Village also wore costumes that are usually worn on festivals and came to congratulate them one after another.

After all, the winery has great benefits for the village.

Furthermore, this is also Chen Jianghai's winery, and everyone naturally gives a lot of face.

The person who cut the ribbon, Chen Shuyao, did not invite any big names, not even the media.

However, after all, this winery is under the name of Qiuhai Group. It is not too big, but its name is not small.

After hearing the news, the top leaders in the county also rushed over.

At the same time, the relevant leaders of the city also sent representatives.

Everyone knows the energy of Chen Jianghai, and this winery naturally dare not underestimate You must know that Chen Jianghai is very generous in his life and work, and even a remote place like Chenjia Village is so popular now red hot.

Not only did the fame go out of the entire county, it even got a number in the city and the province.

It can be said that these leaders, to a large extent, have touched the light of this village.

Now Chen Jianghai has another action on his side. He has set up a winery in the village, and as far as he knows, the beautiful bosses of Jiamei Group are all in charge, which shows the degree of attention.

Almost without thinking, this is definitely the star enterprise in the county.

Maybe even the influence will expand to the province or even the whole country, and then go abroad.

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