Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2089: This is called eating soft and not eating hard

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Chen Jianghai nodded and responded, "Super Girls should indeed hold the finals. I've been thinking about talking to you about this recently, but I didn't expect you to come to me first, and it can indeed be held now."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Qi Jingyi was obviously relieved.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Chen Jianghai would say something wrong.

If it drags on for too long, that super girl is completely useless.

Fortunately, he got a positive answer, and one of his hearts fell to the ground.

Qi Jingyi hurriedly asked Chen Jianghai: "So, Mr. Chen, is it still going according to the original plan? Haven't you made any other changes here?"

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly and searched, then nodded and said, "Yes, after all, there are now higher-tech and smarter mobile phones."

smart phone……

A look of doubt flashed in Qi Jingyi's eyes, but he did not ask, but quietly waited for Chen Jianghai's next sentence.

"The first is the text-messaging voting method we've used."

"The popularity of super girls has dropped a little now, so let's bring the popularity back." Remember the website m.luoqiuxzw. com

"How to pull back the heat? Of course, it's to make the audience feel involved."


Hearing this, Qi Jingyi's eyes lit up.

"In the past, the finals of other programs were always judged by the judges. Some were rigid, and some were old-fashioned. And it was easy to provoke right and wrong, saying that the champion was determined by default."

"And if we adopt the method of SMS selection, not only can the public have a sense of participation, but at the same time, fairness can be guaranteed to the greatest extent."

"The champion is chosen by the audience. Whoever is most liked by the audience is the champion. This is understandable, and no one can fault it."

Qi Jingyi nodded seriously, and even said a little excitedly:

"This is indeed a very good way, and it is also a relatively novel way of picking champions. The audience will definitely like to watch it more, and the popularity can quickly recover."

"Mr. Chen, besides that, are there any other changes?"

Qi Jingyi looked at Chen Jianghai with bright eyes, full of expectations for him.

At this moment, Qi Jingyi is like a juicer, trying to squeeze out all the things and talents of Chen Jianghai.

Moreover, it took a while to cooperate with each other, and he was also used to the various novel and effective methods proposed by Chen Jianghai.

He always wanted to see more.

It felt like Columbus discovered the New World.

Shocked and curious.

When Chen Jianghai saw that his eyes were shining, he couldn't help but pouted and said, "You think I'm an immortal, and suddenly there are countless novel ideas."

"But there's one thing I need to change about Supergirl. More precisely, it's about your TV station."

"I think you are very jealous of CCTV's advertising revenue!"

Qi Jingyi's heart was pounding when she heard Chen Jianghai talking about this.

He tried his best to appear normal, but nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course, an advertisement before the news network is comparable to our advertising revenue for a few months. How can we not be jealous?"

"It's just that they are China's largest TV station after all. We can't compare... Wait! President Chen, what do you mean by this? Is there a way for you to make our advertising revenue higher?"

Qi Jingyi looked at Chen Jianghai expectantly.

Out of his trust in Chen Jianghai, he knew very well that since Chen Jianghai mentioned this, he must have some fantastic ideas.

Chen Jianghai didn't sell anything, he said directly:

"That's right, I've come up with a new way here, which can not only increase your advertising revenue. At the same time, it can be said to be an innovative model that subverts the entire TV industry. The audience will not have any disgust, it is a kind of moisturizing and silent. way."

"If the kind of advertising in the past was called hard advertising, my method is soft advertising."

hard ad? Soft ad?

These fresh words came out of Chen Jianghai's mouth, and Qi Jingyi's interest was completely aroused.

He couldn't wait to ask: "You should say it quickly, in what way? It's killing me."

If others said that, Qi Jingyi would not be so excited.

Because he would think it was bragging or not so safe.

It may just be the wishful thinking of some people. If it is really used on the show, I am afraid it will not stand the test.

But Chen Jianghai is different.

The several times they have cooperated, facts have repeatedly proved that as long as it is something Chen Jianghai mentions, it is often a very novel idea, a way they have never thought of.

Even something that subverts their traditional ideas.

But even so, Chen Jianghai didn't miss it once.

Every time what he said came true.

The key is that the effect is still very good, often exceeding expectations.

Therefore, Qi Jingyi seems so urgent now.

In his opinion, what Chen Jianghai said often represented a 100% success rate.

Chen Jianghai organized his thoughts, and then replied unhurriedly: "Actually, it is to add something on the basis of mobile phone SMS voting."

"Take Super Girl as an example. When the time comes, you can launch an event. All viewers who vote through mobile phone text messages will have a chance to draw a lottery after the champion is selected."

"Ten spectators were selected to win prizes. The prize is a Pioneer V2 mobile phone."

"At the same time, you have to make a point. Audiences who vote with their mobile phones are more likely to be drawn."

"This is a way to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it increases the viewership rate. After all, if you send text messages, you will have the opportunity to win a mobile phone that costs several thousand yuan. Anyone will try it."

"They will even mobilize relatives and friends around them to vote. In this way, the number of people concerned about this show will naturally increase."

"On the other hand, our pioneer mobile phone will be known by more and more people."

"It's not that kind of advertising in the traditional sense, but it has the effect of advertising. So we should give you TV advertising money."

Hearing this, Qi Jingyi's eyes widened.

He didn't expect that advertising could be done like this.

The first aspect is to increase the ratings, he can figure it out.

However, regarding the second aspect that Chen Jianghai said, he still had some things he didn't understand, so he couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Since it's an advertisement, why don't you ask all the viewers who participate in the voting to use the pioneer mobile phone to get the chance to win the lottery, otherwise it will be invalid."

"In this way, I am afraid that the sales of your pioneer mobile phones will directly rise to a higher level."

However, Chen Jianghai smiled and shook his head and explained, "Director Qi, I told you before that the kind of advertising in the past was called hard advertising. If you follow the method you said, it is actually a type of hard advertising. "

"To be fair, many ordinary consumers are very disgusted with advertising. So if we want to advertise and achieve good results, we have to find a way to advertise subtly."

"Otherwise, if it is too late, it will cause disgust and even boycott our products. This is called eating soft and not hard."

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