Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2090: Silent is better than sound

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [Luoqiu Chinese] https://The fastest update! No ads!

Qi Jingyi was still at a loss.

For this hard advertisement and soft advertisement, he still can't figure out the definition.

In his cognition, advertising is advertising. Even if Chen Jianghai just said about the actual operation case of soft advertising, he seems to have caught something, but he has not fully understood it.

Chen Jianghai knew from Qi Jingyi's expression that the director had not yet figured out the meaning of the soft advertisement.

So he continued: "Hard advertising is forcing input to the audience. To put it bluntly, it directly opens the audience's head and puts the advertisement in it."

"Such a rude method will definitely disgust the audience, even once or twice. If there are too many times, it will be unbearable. Of course, the effect will not be much better."

"Just as you said, let the audience vote with the mobile phone of the first mover to be eligible for the lottery. Setting the threshold in this way is very blunt and will make the audience very disgusted."

“And the same sentiment will be felt about our pioneer brands, that we are domineering and that it is possible to unite against us.”

Qi Jingyi seemed a little bit incomprehensible, and said a little unfairly: "But these prizes are provided by your pioneers!"

"They will have a chance to get a mobile phone by sending a few cents of text messages. Are you still not allowed to demand a little from the manufacturers who pay the price! Isn't this the logic of robbers?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and shook his head and said, "Master Qi, your idea is still too simple."

"I don't have a thorough understanding of the temperament of our people, or I still think too well about the nature of people."

"Mr. Chen, what do you say?" Qi Jingyi asked humbly.

"Master Qi, why is the lottery so popular? Everyone is willing to come to the lottery? Because everyone wants to take advantage of it, it's human nature!"

"As the saying goes, you won't take advantage of the bastard. Driven by this kind of thinking, do you think it's useful to reason with them?"

"If you don't take advantage of it, and a bunch of requests come first, do you think they will be happy?"

Qi Jingyi shook his head subconsciously.

Chen Jianghai smiled and continued to summarize: "So, at this time, soft advertising is needed to play a role."

"Soft advertising means using a secret method to place advertisements, so that the audience can accept them invisibly. Its characteristics are that it can be seen everywhere, and it can be seen everywhere but you are not easy to find."

"To put it bluntly, the needle is hidden in the cotton, and softness overcomes rigidity. Compared with hard advertising, soft advertising is not easy to arouse the audience's resentment."

"Just like the event plan we did this time, we didn't directly tell the public that the Forerunner mobile phone is good, everyone came to use the Forerunner mobile phone, but set the prize as the Forerunner mobile phone."

"Invisibly, everyone will be more impressed with the Pioneer mobile phone. After all, it is the prize they want to get!"

"For example, if someone wants to get a prize, but doesn't know if the Forerunner mobile phone is good or not, he will go to the channel to find out. This invisibly increases the popularity of the Forerunner mobile phone, and also achieves the effect of advertising."

Qi Jingyi opened his mouth to say something, but obviously he still couldn't fully summarize the advantages of soft advertising.

There are a thousand words to say, but he just doesn't know how to say it.

Seeing Qi Jingyi's expression at the moment, Chen Jianghai was secretly amused, and he simply went further: "Director Qi, for the convenience of understanding, I will tell you another soft ad that can be operated. After listening to it, you should be able to fully understand that what happened."

Qi Jingyi hurriedly said, "I would like to hear the details!"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "For example, when we shoot a TV series now, the way of hard advertising is to put advertisements in front of the TV series."

"Forerunner's mobile phone is good. Forerunner's mobile phone is good. It's very empty, and it's easy to cause people's rebellious psychology. They feel very annoying and delay them from watching TV shows."

"At this time, we put advertisements in TV dramas. For example, the hero and heroine use Pioneer mobile phones when they make phone calls."

"Then the male protagonist threw the phone away angrily, but the phone was still usable when he picked it up. Did he instill invisibly instill the impression that the forerunner's phone is of good quality with his actual actions?"

"Or the heroine takes the Pioneer mobile phone to play various games, various cutting-edge things, and by the way, praise the mobile phone for its ease of use and advanced technology."

"It's all what the TV plot needs, but the ads are actually there."

"As long as you do it as natural as possible, the audience won't be disgusted, but think it's part of the TV series."

"The advertised effect is actually there, and it's going to be really good."

This time, Qi Jingyi completely understood the mystery, and stared at Chen Jianghai with a pair of eyes filled with astonishment.

After a moment of silence, Qi Jingyi gave a thumbs up: "High, it's really high!"

"Why is there such a big gap between this person and other people? President Chen, this is a genius idea of ​​yours."

"I'm afraid that only you can think of hard and soft advertising. Your way of advertising will change the pattern of the entire industry to a considerable extent."

"Don't worry, I won't tell the second person about this method, they can see that it's their ability."

Chen Jianghai had a different opinion on this. He shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "No need, Director Qi, you can use it with confidence."

"Everyone is very smart, especially good at imitating. Maybe they can figure out the reason after watching it once, and they are inseparable from learning."

"So, in order to get the first bonus, you can even ask them to do so. In this way, your TV station can also receive more advertisements."

"It's my contribution to you. Then you can charge me less for advertising."

Qi Jingyi once again looked at Chen Jianghai with admiration.

This is the pattern of Chen Jianghai, the first genius in the domestic business world, the boss of Qiuhai!

You could say he was broad-minded, informal, and generous.

You can also say that he is dismissive and despised all beings.

He didn't take these things seriously at all.

He was very confident and felt that it was just a soft advertisement, so he didn't need to take it too seriously.

It seems like an idea thrown at random is completely unworthy of mention here.

That is to say, he has more and better ideas in his mind, so he seems so indifferent to such a genius idea that is obviously unparalleled in the eyes of others.

Qi Jingyi couldn't help feeling a moment of silence for Chen Jianghai's opponents.

Encountering a monster like Chen Jianghai is destined to be the greatest misfortune in their lives.

And being able to become friends and collaborators with Chen Jianghai is also the happiest thing in the world.

It just so happened that Qi Jingyi became one of the lucky ones.

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