Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2091: All you need is a guarantee

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Qi Jingyi quickly adjusted her mentality, and said to Chen Jianghai with a smile, "Okay, Mr. Chen, since you don't care, then I'm welcome."

"As for the advertising costs of the pioneer mobile phone, I can make the decision to exempt it for you here. I still have the right to this."

"Of course, we are doing business and we will only exempt this time. Next time, if there are advertisements for other products, discounts are available, but not free."

Chen Jianghai said indifferently: "That's settled, but Director Qi, the main thing we should care about at the moment is super girls. The finals will definitely push the popularity to a new height."

"It's just that you have to pay attention to prevent the mentality of the members of Super Girl from changing. They can be considered prospective stars now. Different environments will cause them to have different ideas."

"Some people may become as arrogant and arrogant as the upstarts because of this. Once they have this mentality, they will inevitably become self-righteous, may not obey your arrangements, and become unmanageable."

"Well, Mr. Chen, you are right." Qi Jingyi responded.

Chen Jianghai said solemnly: "Especially, there will be dissatisfaction with the audience's SMS voting results. You should pay special attention to this aspect, and you should sign a contract to limit the contract."

"Otherwise, some people can't control their emotions and directly go crazy on the show, which will be troublesome. Such a contestant, if she herself is criticized, it is no matter if she narrows the future path, and it will inevitably become a stain on super girls. It has a negative impact on our program."

"Our show is not just held once. There will be one every year in the future. It will not be replaced until the audience is completely tired."

In fact, when he sang in the flood period last time, Chen Jianghai discovered this sign. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

A few members even started a small group to exclude other members.

Grab the camera and stand, and all kinds of small actions have come out.

This is inevitable when there are too many people.

After all, there are only so many resources. Each of these grassroots-born draft stars is eager to stand out, and there is no support behind them, so they can only roll up their sleeves and go on their own.

Private infighting is bound to be extremely fierce.

Everyone wants to get the biggest head, and thus become the final big winner of this competition.

However, no matter what they will become in the future and how many battles they will experience, Chen Jianghai will never allow such a thing to happen to them during the finals.

After the finals, what they want to do is their freedom. Chen Jianghai doesn't want to care, and he can't control it.

Qi Jingyi nodded in agreement.

He didn't expect Chen Jianghai to think so deeply, but the suggestions he put forward were very important and very positive.

So, Qi Jingyi quickly said, "I understand, Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will take this matter seriously and handle it well, and I will never let these little girls make trouble."

In fact, he had also vaguely discovered some signs before, but he had no better solution, and could only pray that there would be no major trouble.

Chen Jianghai is right, because these people are all draft stars, and there is no contractual constraint between them, so it is not easy to manage.

Now that he proposes to use a contract to bind the other party, he should strictly follow what Chen Jianghai said.

He used to be too soft-hearted. He watched the members of Super Girls grow up step by step. He was still thinking about old feelings a little bit, but obviously this was unreliable.

These members all want to be champions, so they can get to where they are today step by step.

Their efforts and progress are obvious to all, especially Qi Jingyi as the person in charge of the organizer.

But after all, there is only one super girl champion, and the closer it gets to the end, the more intense the competition will naturally be.

In order to become the final big winner and wear the most dazzling crown, these young people will inevitably use some other means.

Even if these means cannot see the light, I am afraid they will not hesitate.

That being the case, he had to act first, to prevent such a thing from happening in advance so as not to ruin the entire show.

The contract is a very good constraint. It can be regarded as a vaccination for these super girl players to avoid many accidents.

After Qi Jingyi and Chen Jianghai finished eating, they returned to the TV station overnight to find relevant people to draft the contract.

The next day, a standard contract was signed with each member of Super Girl.

Although a few people are quite critical of suddenly asking them to sign such a contract, they are not full of wings now, so they can only sign it honestly.

Of course, the contract signed by Qi Jingyi is not harsh. If you compare it with those cultural companies in later generations, it is simply a conscience.

So more people are quite willing to accept this contract.

Although the signing of the contract is a constraint for them, at the same time, the TV station has also given great protection.

The most important thing is that with such a contract, after the game is over, they can get the corresponding resources provided by the TV station according to their different achievements.

Now that they have come this far, most of them naturally hope to go further on this road.

In this era, stardom is still a very noble profession in the eyes of many people.

Now, ordinary people like them can become one of them, and they couldn't even dream of it in the past.

In fact, for these grassroots draft stars, what they need most now is a guarantee.

Otherwise, once the finals are over, they don't know what to do.

All things, Qi Jingyi has done everything according to Chen Jianghai's requirements, so through the TV station and related media announced the official opening of the Super Girls Finals.

When Xijiang TV announced the news, it instantly aroused cheers from loyal fans of super girls.

"Finally waited until the finals. After being suspended for so long, I thought this show was going to get cold!"

"Isn't the suspension of the broadcast because of the previous flood disaster! At that time, the whole country was dedicated to fighting the Where did you have the mind to engage in entertainment activities? I think the leaders of Xijiang TV are really politically wise, and at the right time The time made the right decision."

"That's right! Besides, didn't the super girls also come out to sing at that time, and the effect was quite good. It's a bit unkind to say that people are cold here!"

"Everyone, don't make negative comments! This show is my favorite variety show. I don't want to miss every episode, but unfortunately it was stopped."

"Fortunately, now that it's back, I can finally see the player I support and hear her beautiful singing."


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