"So that's all for today's meeting, the meeting is adjourned."

Following Jing Yu's words, the tense atmosphere of everyone in the conference room dissipated.

During this period of time, Jing Yu frequently called company employees for meetings, because there was indeed too much work to be done during this period.

The big moves in the game department, the production of several movies, and the launch of the Tiga game that is currently on the air.

Jing Yuren was also dizzy from the busyness. Now that the company's development has been getting better and better in the past few years, his work is much easier than when he was filming on a TV station. He hasn't been so busy for a long time.

Jing Yu could also understand why ancient emperors always lived short lives. In addition to taking poisonous pills, fatigue might also be an important reason.

This is true for running a company, let alone running a country.

"If you're so tired, just take a break. There's no need to make yourself so tired that you don't have time to catch your breath."

The other people in the meeting dispersed, but Yu Youqing stayed in the meeting room and looked at Jing Yu.

In the past, it was normal for Jing Yu to fight hard, but Jing Yu and Blue Star Film and Television Culture Company have grown up to the present, and Yu Youqing can't understand that he still fights like this.

"Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat." Jing Yu shook his head.

The development of the company also needs to pay attention to timing. Now is the era of the rise of the Internet. Jing Yu is slow here, and it may take more time to catch up in the future.

Don't look at him as a time traveler, and there is an exchange panel that can be exchanged for various popular IP works, but after all, Jing Yu's advantage in this world is only the level of hard power.

Some people in Dazhou are richer than Jingyu, and some are related to Jingyu. Everyone has their own background or is a tool to win by surprise. It is true that Jingyu has certain advantages, but some people in the Dazhou plane There is also the advantage of local elites.

Just like a certain degree in the previous life, when the Internet was just emerging, he was the boss of BTA. After one wrong step, he completely opened up the gap with the other two companies, and could never catch up again.

"Then you have to pay attention to your body, don't be too busy and tired." Yu Youqing reminded.

"I don't do much filming now. You, a boss, are still on the front line of the set. You are working too hard."

Yu Youqing stroked the hair around his ears.

The three of them, who founded the Blue Star company with Jing Yu, basically now deliberately stay away from filming to a certain extent.

Because it has reached the top!

Yu Youqing and Xia Yining, relying on the popularity accumulated from filming so many dramas and movies of Jing Yu in the past, have been ranked in the top four in the popularity list of actresses in the big week for five consecutive years.

The reason why it is in the top four for a long time is because sometimes the heroines of Jingyu's hit dramas are not selected by the two of them, so they will be squeezed out for a short period of time.

In terms of money, Jing Yu is worth billions, but it's just cash, not counting the copyright value of so many of his works.

The billions of cash in the account of Blue Star Film and Television Company is only on the surface. If Jing Yu takes this company public, the hidden value of these copyrights will at least increase Jing Yu's "paper" worth several times.

But those things are meaningless. In fact, the four members of the company's board of directors are basically free of wealth. Even Yu Youqing and Xia Yining are worth over 100 million.

It's really not very meaningful to be on the front line of the studio, after all, it's already a double gain of fame and fortune.

"Look at Xia Yining, because I'm annoyed by our relationship as a couple, whenever I have time, I travel around Dazhou, and you can learn from her." Yu Youqing said after a pause.

During the half year when she and Jing Yu established a relationship as a couple, Xia Yining was quite depressed. She knew that she had become the loser in the relationship between the three of them. When the two of Ning got along, they still felt a little unwilling.

But Jing Yu and the two of them have nothing to do about this kind of thing, they can only adjust it by themselves.

"It's coming, it's coming, I'll just keep working hard for the past few years, and when the company's framework is successfully built, it can operate normally without me, and I can occasionally produce one or two top new works in the industry, then I will slowly retire. I’m behind the scenes, maybe I’ve only been interested for a few years to release a new work to maintain the popularity of my fans.”

Jing Yu looked at Yu Youqing's fair and beautiful face, and said with a smile.

"At that time, let's... get married."

"Oh" Yu Youqing's expression was helpless at first, thinking that Jing Yu was prevaricating her like before, and then suddenly noticed the abnormal elements in Jing Yu's words.

"Jet knot, married?"

Yu Youqing and Jing Yu have been dating for two or three years. It can be said that the couple knows each other well. He and Jing Yu usually make some couple jokes, and they are not as shy as before.

But Jing Yu suddenly changed the topic to this, which really made her stupid for an instant.

"What? Don't you want to?" Jing Yu blinked, feeling a little nervous.

"It's not that you don't want to, it's... Are you proposing marriage?" Yu Youqing blushed slightly and looked at Jing Yu.

"Marriage proposal? What is that? Does our relationship need to engage in that?" Jing Yu rubbed the back of his head.

"Then it must be more formal! For example, a marriage proposal ceremony or something." Yu Youqing still stammered a bit.

"The fireworks, candles, and diamond rings and necklaces in those TV dramas are used to lure fans! Considering your worth, it's not expensive for me to give any valuable gifts, so... I'm not planning to do those." Jing Yu touched his chin.

"But if you're interested, I can call reporters tomorrow to hold a press conference, um, dress up, and propose to you."

"Don't be so sure that I'll be so embarrassed that I'll get out of a villa with my toes out." Yu You gave Jing Yu an innocent look.

"Then, what you said is true, right? After the company is fully on the right track, get married." Yu Youqing asked in a low voice, her ears were slightly red, and her expression was a little afraid to look at Jing Yu.

"Well, really." Jing Yu paused, then nodded seriously.

He himself is a person with an indifferent personality. Over the years since he came to Dazhou, there are only a few people who have really come into his sight.

Yu Youqing, Xia Yining, Cheng Lie

Of course, Cheng Lie is a partner and good friend, and his relationship with him is divided equally between feelings and interests.

Both Yu Youqing and Xia Yining have been moved, but unfortunately, since she and Yu Youqing dated first, Xia Yining can only say sorry

He took Yu Youqing's hand and embraced her in his arms.

"Don't worry, I'm not writing empty promises. I'm talking big, not to mention that the company is on the right track. In fact, everything in the company's business will happen. What if the company is bankrupt by me? Anyway, regardless of whether the goal can be achieved, Let's get married within three years, otherwise, the last time I went to your house, my aunt almost told me directly." Jing Yu said cheerfully.

Needless to say what Jing Yu said later, Yu Youqing also understood what he meant.

Within three years, no matter how his career develops, Jing Yu will get married and start a family.

After all, Jing Yu is already thirty-two years old this year. Jing Yu can afford it, but Yu Youqing can't. After all, Yu Youqing is only a few months younger than Jing Yu.

Yu Youqing's family was seriously urging marriage, so he was afraid that his daughter's youth would be put on Jing Yu's body, and then this bigwig in the film and television industry would turn around and hook up with an eighteen-year-old new female star.

Considering Jing Yu's current status, this kind of thing is too simple for him, and it is enough to promise the second and third female roles in a drama.

Jing Yu had been alone before without this sense of crisis, but when he talked with Yu Youqing's mother, he quickly realized what was wrong with him.

"Don't listen to my mother's nonsense, she doesn't understand anything, she likes to think about it, and she is also driven crazy by that kind of entertainment news..." Yu Youqing said quickly.

Jing Yu stopped this topic and did not discuss it further.

But after this conversation, the feelings of the two of them towards each other have subtly changed, and the relationship between them seems to be closer.

In early December, the eleventh episode of Giants was broadcast.

Compared with all previous Giants episodes, this episode has received unquestionable attention.

The ratings at the start of the broadcast directly exceeded 13.5%, and nearly half of the commercials ten minutes before the start of the broadcast were the preview introduction of this episode.

Jing Yu was frantically swiping the screen with discussions about giants on major websites, forums, community comment area pages and fan groups.

The kind that you go in a little bit, and you can't see the discussion of the group of friends clearly if your eyes are not fast enough.

Basically, a large group of giant lovers have emerged on the Internet, spontaneously organized to dig out the foreshadowing and follow-up direction of the giant in the plot of the giant.

"After waiting for a week, it's finally Saturday."

"I'm a person who goes to bed at ten o'clock every day. I haven't gone to bed at eleven o'clock, just to watch giants!"

"I've been waiting for a week for Allen's transformation."

"Who is stronger between him and the giantess?"

"I still can't let go of Peimei's death."

"I just want to see Captain Levi's outburst. Three of his lovely subordinates died like this. What will he do?"

"The same goes for Mikasa. She hasn't been online for a long time. Her husband Alan is being hunted down by the giantess. Hurry up and save the weak Alan."

"Actually, the old thief should make Mikasa and Levi a pair in this drama. Allen feels that relying purely on the power of transforming into a giant, his body strength is still not good enough!"

"The super-giant giant doesn't know its true identity yet, and so does the armored giant. Now there's a female giant. I'm dying of a headache watching it, but how many people in this show can transform into giants!"

"The more beautiful the giant is, the more I worry about whether it will be unfinished. I heard that the old thief is currently filming the ending part of the plot, and the script is being written. The old thief is distracted from filming. Evangelion theatrical version movie... I don't know if he is busy."

"More than that? According to the gossip from Blue Star Film and Television Company, the game department of Old Thieves Company has already started the stand-alone action game adaptation of the follow-up plot of Rurouni Kenshin. There is also Steins;Gate, and the adaptation of the puzzle game for the sequel has also been approved. The adaptation of the racing game of Initial D. The production of the new role-playing game of the Destiny series. And the post-production of Ultraman and Gundam. The latter two games will be launched next season. It’s just evil, in fact, about his work projects, the number of almost double digits is ready to start.”

"Is the old thief still going to be in charge of creating game scripts?"

"Isn't that nonsense? Otherwise, how did the Destiny series of games come about? He is responsible for the script and music of his own works. When shooting, it depends on the mood. If you are interested, you can go to the battle yourself. This is the old thief."

While the audience was passionately discussing the gossip of Blue Star Film and Television Culture Company, the plot of the eleventh episode of Giants started on time.

First of all, the opening plot follows the scene where Allen and the giantess are about to fight in the previous week.

The attacking giant incarnated by Allen roared angrily, and fought with the giantess regardless of life and death.

Of course, the battle between the two giants is very intense, and the painting style is also bloody and violent.

But how?

Allen's first loss to the giantess here can be regarded as a creative plot kill.

Because the giantess used the fighting skills used by someone Alan was familiar with, Alan was distracted, so he was blown out of the head by the giantess, and Alan's body hidden in the giant's body was also killed by the female giant. The giant swallowed.

"Tun Tun?"

"It should be fine, Alan was swallowed by a giant for the second time."

"It's not clear, will the giantess let Alan transform into a broken body in her belly like Alan broke the swallowing situation before?"

"Damn it, this battle was fought so fiercely, why did Alan lose, the old thief plot to kill! Alan is obviously very powerful."

"The strength is there, but the mentality is too bad and easy to be impulsive. You see, the female giant is very calm from the beginning to the end, and she is not like Allen who turned into a giant and yelled."

"That's right, Alan always screams like a pig after transforming into a giant. I don't like it a bit. But the fact that the female giant can also fight really surprises me, but does Alan need to be surprised? He is life and death Participants in the battle! Just because the opponent used fighting skills and lost in a daze, I don't really want to admit such a protagonist, the psychological quality is very poor."

Fans complain about the plot of the eleventh episode, but the ratings keep rising.

Allen was swallowed by the giantess and fled. Furthermore, Mikasa, one of the most powerful combatants in the world, was eager to show his strength in the battle to chase down the giantess.

In the giant drama, there are only two levels for pure humans to use three-dimensional mobile devices.

One is the god-level strength level of Mikasa and Levi, and the other is the mortal level of others.

It can be said that the two can be called giants. In this drama, except for super giant mechanical monsters that feel unsolvable in setting, the real king of heads-up, whoever comes is to deliver food, and it is just to be solved by the two A matter of time.

The last plot of the eleventh episode focuses on Levi's pursuit of Allen's footsteps, and saw the three members of Levi's class who were slaughtered by the giantess on the way.

He still had the eyes of a dead fish, and he only took one look at the death of the team members.

But the subtle loneliness and sadness on the expression were captured by the audience.

The calm and painful atmosphere came from the TV series, and finally turned into the end of the eleventh episode.

The handsome scene where he and Mikasa teamed up to defeat the giantess.

The production of special effects about Mikasa and Levi in ​​this play is the most expensive, especially the production of Levi's monkey-killing in the latter part of the story, which can be called the strongest special effects in the whole play.

But it is only the special effects production in the early stage, which can already shock all audiences.

The average audience rating of the eleventh episode is 14.21%, and the final special effects plot has the highest audience rating of 15.06%.

Even with this level of ratings, the Giants are still tenacious, increasing their ratings little by little every week.

There was something temporary before and I thought it was too late to code words, so I sent a leave request form, but now I deleted it, and then the matter was resolved all at once unexpectedly. After a ten-minute delay, I hurried back to code and issued this chapter.

Alas, I should be more precise next time.

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