In fact, the Giant has been on the air, and people with a discerning eye have already seen that its follow-up ratings trend cannot be organized.

Judging from the current situation, Xingtong TV's little action before is simply ridiculous. Although it is not tens of millions, for a big TV station like Xingtong, the name of the TV series with the highest ratings in the week is in their station. That's more meaningful than this little money.

But it has to be worth the money. The ratings of the sub-main drama of this season were squeezed to less than 1% last night. All the TV stations in the whole week basically accounted for 10% of Yunteng's overall ratings. A few, the ratings of all other TV stations are 1%, or even less than 0.1%.

Xingtong's side can't do anything against it, the senior management sighed, and very low-key withdrew some of the popular programs that were previously scheduled for Saturday night to the time slot that was supposed to be broadcast.

But Jing Yu is so easy to get along with. He usually seems to be silent about everything and has a small mind. He must always take this kind of thing to heart.

During this period of time, Gundam's first wave of promotional works started, but Jing Yu deliberately did not release the specific broadcast time, which made it difficult for many TV stations in Dazhou, but thinking that Di Jia will end in two or three weeks, and Di Jia Jia is the program broadcast on the prime time on Sunday night, and Jing Yu will be broadcast next season on Gundam, so he must be taking over from Di Jia, so many TV stations avoid Sunday night at 8 o'clock when arranging the broadcast time of their programs.

Of course, the six major TV stations guessed according to common sense, and they also thought so.

Although Jing Yu is now an unsolvable existence in the film and television industry, no matter how powerful he is, he only has one or two works a season, one hour per week, and two or three works are only two or three hours long.

You Jing Yu is amazing, if you are amazing, just treat those two or three hours as your Jing Yu special performance, and we will not compete with you.

The major TV stations have also successively announced the broadcast time of their next season's main drama.

Of course, this also includes Xingtong TV station.

At 8 o'clock on Saturday night, this is the result of discussions between Xingtong and the other five TV stations in Liudali.

Although Dijia is about to end, the giant will obviously broadcast it next season, and generally the time will not be changed, it should still be broadcast at 11 o'clock in the evening. In addition, the Gundam, which is said to have an investment of 400 million, will be broadcast at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, and the major TV stations will try their best to avoid broadcasting episodes at times similar to these two time slots.

But when Xingtong TV released the broadcast time of its next season's main drama.

Blue Star Film and Television Culture Company also reacted quickly, and directly confirmed the broadcast time of Gundam on the official website, which is also at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday.

"What the hell is this? Is Blue Star trying to break the unspoken rules?"

Xingtong's executive felt a little bit in his heart.

To put it bluntly, the big six TV drama industry used to be dominant, and now Yunteng is added, but behind Yunteng is Jingyu.

Small TV stations are ignored by everyone, and big TV stations are avoiding direct competition with each other anyway.

Yunteng, Xingtong, Imperial City, and Vision each occupy a relatively good broadcast time slot for the whole week, and the other three in Liudali pick up junk and pick up some lesser time slots.

In the past few years, everyone has been like this, so it has formed a situation where although the ratings of Jing Yu's works often break 10%, the other few are basically not affected too much.

But now Jing Yu obviously has a better time slot, such as eight o'clock on the Sunday night when he takes over from Dijia, why should he confront Xingtong head-on.

After thinking about it for a while, everyone immediately understood that Jing Yu was dissatisfied with Xingtong's tricks this season.

Jing Yu has such a high popularity and strength in the industry, he is competing fairly, and for the sake of his peers, he arranges the giant to broadcast in the late night schedule, fearing that the giant's popularity will be too high, and let several other TV stations broadcast their works during this popular time period. The ratings plummeted directly. Although there are considerations of not wanting to become a public enemy of the industry, it is indeed a kind of benevolence to colleagues to a certain extent.

But what Xingtong did was really unethical, so it's no wonder that Jing Yu would do this.

And Xingtong's high-level executives reacted immediately, and secretly said that it was not good.

Resolutely admitting it, the day after Blue Star Film and Television Culture announced the broadcast schedule of Gundam, they immediately changed the broadcast time of their main drama to ten o'clock on Sunday night.

Jing Yu's response was even faster. It took less than two hours to release a new announcement and adjust the Gundam schedule.

The broadcast time of TV dramas between Jingyu's Blue Star Film and Television and Xingtong TV has jumped, and many practitioners in the TV drama industry have been dumbfounded.

It's true that Jing Yu is powerful, but it's also true that the top three TV stations like Xingtong have been domineering in the industry for twenty years. When has anyone ever been bullied like this?

Xingtong also felt the determination of Blue Star. Unlike this season's second main drama of the disgusting giant, Xingtong invested 130 million in the next quarter's main drama. The investment is still a small matter, mainly the purpose of this drama. It is a new actor who has made many cooperative companies popular. If things go wrong, it will be difficult to explain to all parties.

Xingtong immediately sent someone to contact Lan Xing, especially Jing Yu, but they didn't get any meaningful answers.

Jing Yu didn't reveal that I was narrow-minded enough to take revenge on you, it was just a normal work arrangement adjustment anyway.

But in the end, it was Jing Yu's former friends in the circle who found Cheng Lie, and Cheng Lie also found Jing Yu with an embarrassing expression.

Anyway, the final result is that Gundam finally changed the file to take over Tijia at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, and Xingtong's main drama was released on the embarrassing schedule of 8:00 p.m. on Thursday.

With Jing Yu's current strength and status in the industry, he is not afraid of offending Xingtong. On the contrary, he has no reaction at all. It is estimated that there will be more and more incidents like this in the future.

Although Jing Yu is a rising star, he still abides by the unspoken rules of the industry very seriously. They all said that the family occupies a certain period of time and does not interfere with each other. It has been several years since your Xingtong made this season.

But in this way, each family also understood Jing Yu's temper.

In fair competition, he is not afraid that you will beat him, but if you want to play the game of grabbing ratings at the same time and losing both, Jing Yu is not afraid, let's see who loses.

However, the Giant's actual ratings were not affected. The other party voluntarily withdrew from the next season's prime-time broadcast, and ran to a normal time slot. It is certain that the ratings will be affected by 1%. When friends I know say it, Jing Yu forgets about it.

And after these things were done, a few more days passed, and the latest season of the Giants was broadcast again.

But in the plot of this episode, the first half of the episode has a lot of drama, and the plot has jumped too much from the previous episode, and the audience hasn't seen any tricks yet.

Anyway, the trio of protagonists went to Ani, a good friend they met in the training regiment before, for help, but somehow the three of them did not get along with Ani, and then Ani suddenly turned black and became sickly.

And then.

Ani is right in front of the three protagonists

Transformed into the bloody giantess who almost captured the protagonist Allen, killed everyone in Levi's team except Levi, and made the Survey Corps blood flow into rivers.

this plot.

If you look from the back to the front, you will feel a lot of foreshadowing.

For example, when Allen turned into a giant for the first time, the expressions of Ani, Reiner, and Bertolt were shocked and frightened.

Reiner, Bertolt and Allen talked in the middle of the night that year, and they said with longing, "I want to go back to my hometown that I can't go back to again."

When the three of them were attacked by the giants before, basically all the names and surnames in the survey corps had a role in the giants breaking the city, and even the sweet potato girl had battle scenes, but the three of them had no pictures.

And after Alan blocked the wall, all three of them had heavy and disturbed expressions.

Looking at these hidden scenes from the back, the more you look at them, the more you think that these three are teenage boys.

After all, their performance is in line with their characters. What they say and the emotions they express are true, but it is the protagonist and the audience who misunderstood what they meant.

Because of this, when Arnie transformed into a giantess in this episode, the exciting background music sounded, and many viewers went straight to Tianlinggai.

Can this plot work like this?

This giantess actually trained with Allen and the others in the Survey Corps for several years.

Or Allen and their friends?

Who can guess this kind of plot?

The episode ends with Allen's wrath, where his incarnation of the giant and the giantess fight together at the moment of life and death

This episode ended with an average audience rating of 14.56%

But in fact, for the audience, the process of watching dramas is not the most active, but the most active is the analysis after watching the latest episodes.

"I can't guess the plot behind this drama anymore."

"The enemy is actually by my side, it's dark under the lights"

"In that case, it is possible that the super giant and the armored giant are also by the protagonist's side?"

"Are they with the giantess?"

"I guess the sweet potato girl is actually super giant. After all, she loves to eat so much, she looks like a super giant."

"Don't talk about it, the sweet potato girl is a woman! Chaoju obviously has such big muscles, it is estimated that the main body is a muscular man. Besides, when Chaoju invaded, she was with Allen on the city wall, okay?"

"Could it be the head of the Survey Corps?"

"It's unlikely. The regiment leader obviously directs the entire battle and there are many inner scenes in the plot. If he is also a giant, wouldn't he be schizophrenic?"

"Is it possible that one of the super giants or the armored giants is Alan's father? The most suspenseful person in this show, since the first episode, there is no news or news when he goes out to see a doctor."

"Actually, we have to get out of the way. The old thief just gave the giantess Ani, and didn't say that the armored giant and the super giant are the same as the giantess! Maybe it's a hostile force. Don't be caught by the old thief. , he likes playing with the audience the most."

"That's right, if you really want to be suspicious, there are so many people in the investigation corps, everyone is suspicious. Except for some characters who obviously have plot omens and psychological descriptions, such as Captain Tun, his inner monologue is thinking about how to find the giant. Then For example, Reiner and Bertolt, in a previous episode, they said with tears that they wanted to return to their hometown that they could not go back to. Could that kind of homesickness, the feeling that their hometown was destroyed by giants be fake? And Al Min and Mikasa are gone, these two are definitely not giants, besides that, anyone who engages in this chain of suspicion will be suspicious."

"Indeed. Don't be led away by the old thief. Maybe the real bodies of Super Giant and Armored Giant never appeared in the show."

After the episode of Giant was broadcast, there was a big wave of discussions among Giant fans about who is the armored giant and the super giant.

This kind of enthusiasm is a bit like the situation in the fan group of One Piece in the previous life, where everyone guessed who Ajin was.

Anyway, when Oda came up with a mysterious character, everyone would always guess that it was A Jin at the first time.

Lord Im is Akin, Green Bull is Akin, Sanji’s fake is Akin, in a word, Rocks is Akin, as long as there is an unappeared character, it is correct to arrange a guess of Akin first.

The current situation of the Giants is similar to that, but in fact, the Giants has been broadcast up to now, and there are only a hundred characters with names and surnames. Compared with its tens of millions of viewers, Reiner and Bertolt are speculated to be the posts of the Giants Not without.

But the poster himself was just joking, it was the kind of guessing by chance, asking them to tell some detailed evidence, in fact, he had no idea.

Relatively speaking, the original giant is absolutely superb in terms of ambushes and accidents.

The moment when the identities of the three giants were solved in the early stage was absolutely shocking, but all the foreshadowing was buried, but the audience couldn't see it, this is the most powerful.

After the broadcast of the twelfth episode of Giants ended, the time came to mid-December.

This winter season is coming to an end, and the major TV stations are also starting to focus on their own TV stations' works for the next season.

Jing Yu's side is no exception, and released a preview video of Gundam Seed.


After the appearance of this teaser video, the voice of giant discussions in the entire industry that lasted for three months finally took up half of the country on this day by Gundam's discussion posts.


It was so shocking!

Spending money to hire big-name stars to make movies may not be of good quality. The tragedy of paying hundreds of millions of stars to make a fairy-tale drama with special effects is not an exception in Jing Yu's previous life.

But Gundam is different, his 400 million investment is real, and

The main protagonists of the whole show all use the company to sign newcomers, not to mention the squeezed price, anyway, it is the normal price for newcomers and actors

Jing Yu didn't give the actors high salaries just because of the high investment. The high investment is his business. How much is your actor worth? There is a market price.

So basically 400 million investment, at least 90% of the funds are all used for shooting and special effects production.

The Gundam Seed trailer that finally appeared in the audience's mind is the kind of Star Wars scene that everyone imagines.

The bursting light in the dark and silent universe, the high-speed mecha fight, the rupture of the spaceship, and of course, the audience's favorite love element

Hmm. It's just in the trailer. In fact, they can't see the tragic love in the plot.

But these pictures are enough to satisfy the audience.

Isn't this a level higher than the production level of Evangelion?

And the Gundam body is much more handsome than the one in Evangelion.

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